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  1. valdacil
    • premium
    • 808 kudos
    Made the Hot Files list. Thank you all for your support and your kind words.

    Have fun and happy gaming

    Gopher featured Everyone's Best Friend in is video series Mod Vault along with some other really great mods. Check it out. Thanks Gopher!
  2. valdacil
    • premium
    • 808 kudos

    Q: FO4Edit shows a conflict with DLCRobot.esm. Is this a problem?
    I've seen this in FO4Edit also, but here's the thing... The edits to the dialog scene for Codsworth were performed via the CK with DLCRobot.esm enabled, but the CK made the edits that are shown in FO4Edit. Please also note that in the CK, COMCodsworth doesn't exist in the DLC tree so there is no record to edit it separately. Additionally, what makes Codsworth moddable via the DLC seems to be controlled by DLC01CompanionModdableBotKeywordManager [QUST: 01001150]. You'll note in FO4Edit COMCodsworth shows the DLCRobot.esm record has a record flag of PartialForm and there is no data below the VMAD. I think Bethesda has made that record additive instead of substitution via the PartialForm flag and crosslinks to DLCRobot.esm via DLC01CodsworthCompanionDataUpdate [QUST: 0100EAD4]. Lastly, during beta testing, the testers noted no adverse effects with Codsworth and Automatron. So I believe this to be a false positive in FO4Edit. Since FO4Edit is still in alpha, I don't believe it is interpreting this data properly.

    The short answer is this flag in FO4Edit has been safely ignored with no ill effects.

    Q: Can you make this work for the robots also? So I can have humanoid companion, robot, and Dogmeat?
    As noted in the description, this mod uses variables and functions that Bethesda had in the game since they originally intended for you to have Dogmeat and a companion but changed their mind near the end of development. So this works because Dogmeat is already classified as a Dogmeat companion, and the other companions are classified separately. There are already functions to detect the presence of a regular companion and a separate one to detect Dogmeat. When you picked up a new companion or Dogmeat there was a check for the other. I removed that check so that you could have both.

    In order to make you ALSO be able to have robots, there would need to be a significant amount of rearchitecture. Bethesda classified the robots as another companion, so they use the same functions and variables as regular companions. I'd have to architect a whole new classification, write new functions, make sure those functions interact properly, modify all robots to be a member of that new classification and use those variables and functions.

    I'm not saying it's impossible, but is a significant amount of work and outside the scope of this mod. I also intended this mod to 'fix' what I see as a Bethesda bug (poor decision) and not a cheat. Having a companion + robot + Dogmeat starts pushing into the realm of cheat in my opinion, so I am unlikely to undertake the significant work needed to make that happen.

    Q: When I fast travel/zone my companion falls from the sky and breaks their legs.
    This problem is not a direct result of the mod, just that the mod exposes some poor coding by Bethesda. Best I can determine, what is likely happening is that there is code to position your companion at a certain point behind the character upon loading. Since you have a companion and Dogmeat, Dogmeat takes that position, but since the companion can't as well, the game is supposed to reposition the companion at another point laterally from the originally intended position. Instead, it positions the companion vertically, which causes them to immediately fall. I personally have never experienced this bug.

    Possible workarounds:
    Put your companion in Power Armor (makes them immune to fall damage)
    Use the following mod: Companion Fall Damage Immunity

    Q: Can you make this mod let you have more companions at the same time?
    A: That is outside the scope of this mod. As described on the main page, Bethesda originally intended for your to have Dogmeat and a companion at the same time, but changed their mind late in development. This mod reverses that poor (in my opinion) decision in a manner that is both immersive and using all ingame functionality. If you would like to have move companions at the same time, there are other mods on the Nexus that will do that for you.

    Q: I have a companion related problem is it caused by this mod? (List of vanilla companions related bugs)
    1) Companion Disappeared - this is a vanilla bug that happens without any mods installed. You can use a mod like Where Are You Now to make map markers for all the companions so you can locate them.

    2) Companion can't carry anything - This mod doesn't alter companion stats in any way. Not caused by this mod.

    3) In Survival Mode companions sometimes don't stay down and wait to be healed - vanilla bug that occurs without any mods installed. It seems to be related to the bleedout trigger/mechanic maybe.

    4) Companion won't follow - Vanilla bug that occurs without any mods installed (this mod doesn't alter AI behavior or AI packages). I believe some people have suggested dismissing the companion then re-recruiting them.

    5) Companion won't engage in combat - Vanilla bug that occurs without any mods installed (this mod doesn't alter AI behavior or packages). I believe some people have suggested dismissing the companion then re-recruiting them.

    Q: Can you load this mod on PS4?
    I'm afraid that is impossible due to Sony's limitation of no external assets for PS4 mods. The script edits necessary to make EBF work prevent the mod from being loaded to PS4.

  3. SaintsFlot
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    if you install this mod, then the human partner will not insert replicas in dialogues. I understand that because the game and the npc think that you are walking with a dog.
    1. qwertiks
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      You mean quips?
      I use this mod and have cait as follower and she quips all the time.
    2. valdacil
      • premium
      • 808 kudos
      Agreed... If you mean comments when you say 'replicas', then that totally works.  In fact, the Companions have special comments when Dogmeat is present that you would never hear without EBF.
  4. redbluegreenyellow13579
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    Would this be any different to using something like Unlimited Companion Framework?
    1. valdacil
      • premium
      • 808 kudos
      You could just read both mods and it should be apparent...  Unlimited Companion Framework is a 'cheat' (in my opinion) that lets you have an army of companions all at the same time.  Everyone's Best Friend re-enables cut content that allows just Dogmeat alongside a humanoid companion as was originally intended.
    2. ninthofthenine
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      • 0 kudos
      The answer you got is exactly what you should expect with that question. You are asking for a gameplay difference? It is answered the moment you start reading the mod names.
    3. valdacil
      • premium
      • 808 kudos
      Very hostile... I will address one element...  I admit that I haven't investigated UCF fully so cannot speak authoritatively regarding its features.  However, for EBF, I took a great deal of time and care in fixing up quests and dialog to account for Dogmeat being present.  There were exposed dialog that already existed for companions to comment on Dogmeat if Dogmeat was present and I tracked those down and re-enabled them.  So this isn't just a hack to remove the limit for companion and Dogmeat.

      Your vehement defense of saying we misinterpreted the nature of your question falls short when your question is literally 1 sentence and doesn't express the nuance of what you later said you were asking.  With just the question you asked, in the manner you asked it, I don't think a snarky response should have been entirely unexpected.  However, if you had asked it in the way you explained in your follow-on response, then perhaps you would have received a differently worded answer.
  5. valdacil
    • premium
    • 808 kudos
    FYI - Came back to the game after 7 years after being inspired by the show.  Loaded this mod alongside over 100 other mods and encountered 0 problems.  I did not have to manually extract any .pex files and perform any of the other steps listed below.  Running Next Gen 2 update.

    Anyone having the problems with it working likely have a mod conflict or an issue with too many .ba2 files.
  6. Drako117
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How can i get this mod to work, I am using Vortex mm. 
    1. insperatus
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      did you do any research in the comments?
  7. mariophantom
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Next gen Update. All OK ! mod work perfect
    1. mrsnivvel
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      I had to copy the followersscript.pex script from the 1.0.0 version (not included in v3 or v2 rar files) and put it manually in the Data/Scripts (not scripts as listed in the v1 rar file) directory.

      I'm on Linux and "scripts" and "Scripts" are different directories because of case sensitivity, unlike on Windows.
    2. Airaniiel
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      thanks dude 
    3. DoveBirdNL
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I can also confirm it works!
  8. Smmiitty
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Adding this for anyone who needs help mid-playthrough like me. The mod randomly stopped working so I went through a lot of different attempts to fix it. Here's what all I did:
    1. Make sure you have the followersscript.pex from an older version of the mod and throw it in the script folder in Fallout's Data folder.
    2. Verify you do not have Bugfix For Dismissed Companions Endless Babble and disable the mod if you do.
    3. Add EBF UFO4P compatibility fix and overwrite
    4. Remove an s from followersscript.pex 
    My mod is now working again (idk which of the following fixed but that's all I did). Let me know if this helps anyone else <3
    1. EchoSoldier2099
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      First time using this mod and since I was going to install this mid playthrough I followed your guide.  Works perfectly!
    2. QaxeIsKaze
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      The mod did not work as-is, so I read other people's comments. This is how I got the mod working for me:
      1.) Using 7zip I opened the mod and copied the contents to my desktop.
      2.) Using B.A.E., I unpacked the BSA2 archive and grabbed the "followersscript.pex" script. (There was some question whether the 2 S's in the script name were a mistake, so I just left it alone.
      3.) I made a new folder named "Data" and put the mod's "EveryonesBestFriend.esp" file in the folder.
      4.) I made a new folder named "Scripts" and put the "followersscript.pex" script file inside. Then I put the Scripts folder into my new Data folder.
      5.) Using 7zip again, I packed up the Data folder into a new .zip file and installed the mod.
      The mod works now.

      Again, I didn't rename the script at all.
    3. TheWilloughbian
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      3.0.0 seems to be working fine out of the box for me. Looking at the script names in the Fallout 4 BSA2s it looks like 2 "S" is correct. "FollowersScript". Anyhow glad to be able to keep Dogmeat around while I have another follower. Thanks for the great mod.
    4. Maggi1510
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The method QaxeIsKaze described worked flawlessly for me, thank's a lot :3

      The folder structure was a bit unclear from the description alone, just to make it clear for other poeple who might struggle:
      You've got a .zip file, inside this .zip file there's a single folder named "data", within the "data" folder there's another single folder named "scripts" and inside the "scripts" folder there's the "followersscript.pex" script file.
      Everything else should be pretty straightforward.
    5. Joshoewhat
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I also had to move the pex script manually. v3.0.0 installed with Vortex.
    6. MnemosyneIah
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      thanks to all in this thread! got it working by unpacking the scripts from the bsa and putting them in the right folder structure. do you know if we need all the pex files that are in the bsa? or just followersscript?
  9. unikpseudo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    thank you for this mod, but there is no "followersscript.pex" file in the 2.0 beta and 2.0 version, so i downloaded the 1.0 version and copy/paste the script in SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts and it work. Why this script isn't in the 2.0 and 2.0 beta ??
    1. lordtijger
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      midgame suddenly i couldn't have my dogmeat and cait anymore. tho tnx to this explenation i fixed it. thank you.
    2. SuperGamerKai
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Dunno why it suddenly stopped working, but this fixed it for me. Thanks!
    3. Snezko
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      considering last update is from 2017 and you're writing this in 2023, yet there's 3.0.0 version available why are you downloading 2.0 beta & 2.0? o.O
  10. CuteVampireElf
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I wish either the original author or someone else could update this mod:<
  11. 2295modsnew
    • member
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    So I downloaded the mode and.
    Start a new play through pick up cait Before looping back round to pick up dog meat, but Every time I pick one of them up as a companion, it just sends the other one away
  12. Subjectdealta13
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    Mod makes it so Robot followers from Automatron will not go away. Just a warning since I like robots more.