Fallout 3


  1. BTVagrant
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    PSA: I've packed my bags and I'm heading out to Vegas... *hint-hint*

    Edit: Aaaaand it's done. Want this kind of item prefix for New Vegas? Look no further!

    Item Prefix for FNV with DLCs
  2. PowerFulBR
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, I realized that the UP version of the mod still has the records from the vanilla game (or a very old UP), not from the recent Unofficial Patch.
    I edited mine manually to get the most recent changes.
    Found playing that the mesh for the scotch was missing, opened on FO3Edit and saw that the mesh path was pointing to a non-existent place. Then, I realized everything was vanilla/old values.

    This post is just a PSA.
  3. takatoriyama
    • premium
    • 76 kudos
    Sweet mod! My travel PC can't handle FO4 so I've been playing a FO3 runthrough while on the road and taking a break from my FO4 VIS patch mod Radrose Usability Enhancements. This is a huge improvement and I'm so glad I found it before making my own ;-)
  4. NEWTYPE06
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I can't get some of the item tags to work. For instance, the BB gun is missing its tag. I put it at the end of my load order and at the end of my bashed patch. I am using MTUI. I can post my mod list/order if you'd like.
    1. BTVagrant
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I don't know what a bashed patch is and never said anything about using that.

      I assume this is a mod merger and that one of your mod has overridden my mod during the merging process, which has caused certain items to not have their prefix.

      I'd suggest using this mod separately from merged patches and keep it at the bottom of your load order as a standalone mod. If you have mods that modify any base game items, you need to use FO3Edit and add the modded items RefID data into my mod by clicking and dragging (look up for conflicts in red).
    2. NEWTYPE06
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I think you need to look up Wrye Bash, it's an essential tool for modding the game.
  5. name43434
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    What if have Darnified, the UP and FWE?
    1. BTVagrant
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Get FWE's versions. Already supports both Darn's and UP.
  6. Xyroca
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    What files do I need to grab if I use both DarNified UI and the Unofficial Patch? Will loading one below the other be sufficient or will I need to pick through them myself in xEdit and carry over changes?
    1. BTVagrant
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Use the UP version. The UP version already supports Darnfied UI.

      My mod should be loaded at the bottom. No edits or changes required.
    2. Xyroca
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      Thank you!
  7. Vitak0
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Are you going to make one for FWE?
    1. BTVagrant
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I figured you WE folks would come knocking sooner or later.

      Is there a place somewhere I can see the whole item list added by the mod? That would make things 100% easier.

      I sure could make a patch that could overlap my own mod which could add WE's item. I will message the author of the mod to see if he's got that list.
    2. BTVagrant
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      A little followup on FWE:

      I tried opening the main FWE files in the GECK but the "multiple master file" error pops up and the operation aborts. If I can't open FWE in the GECK, I can't make a patch for FWE. I am sorry, but I'm not an experienced modder. This is actually my first mod ever and it was an easy one(just changing names).

      Unless someone talented can shepherd me in the right direction, there's nothing I can do, it seems.
    3. Sarcarsis
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      To open plugin with multiple masters you need to edit GECKCustom.ini that is located in the same directory as your FO3 ini files and saves. Find "bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=0" and chahnge it to 1, save and exit. Make sure GECK is not open when you edit ini file.

      Some thoughts about your mod. It will only work correctly on completely unmoded FO3, as it creates conflicts with basically everything item related. You see, you can't simply change just the name, you create entirely new entry for an item with all other settings being vanilla. For example, first most common mod is "Unofficial Patch", it changes a lot of item settings, but if you load your mod after it all the fixes will be rewritten back to vanilla. And I just do not wana start about FWE, as it has a LOT of compatibility patches. Your idea is good, but sadly cannot be implemented correctly this way.
    4. BTVagrant
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for the info. If it would have been possible, I would have made a WE edition but I guess it's out of reach now, for good.

      The way you say it, I'm surprised no one reported aggravating bugs yet.
    5. Sarcarsis
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      To get a clear idea of what I am talking about just open your load order (with Unofficial Patch enabled for example) in FO3Edit and expand say "Weapon" section of your mod's ESP, and look inside red marked entries.
    6. BTVagrant
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Alright, I understand now, viewed from this angle. (Unofficial patch makes subtle edits -> My mod overrides everything.)

      So, if I'd want to make an UP fix, I'd have to start all over again while the UP is active in the GECK... mmmmm...

      If only I was smarter, I'd make one of those fancy FOSE script that wouldn't touch GECK entries directly like Project Nevada does, that stuff was awesome.

    7. Sarcarsis
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Simple editing can be done more conveniently and a lot faster in FO3Edit, rather than in GECK, and you can see all changes other mods make. I'm in the process of learning scripting myself and this stuff is really amazing. BTW Vagrant Story is awesome ^^
    8. BTVagrant
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Found a super-easy way to make a patch for UP.

      - Opened my finished mod with all DLC in GECK
      - Exported Names (top-left in Files menu)
      - Opened UP with DLCs
      - Imported Names.

      I checked my mod and UP in F3Edit and very few conflict remains. Mostly are different names changed by UP. I should be able to push a patch very soon.

      And yes, VS is great, it's like the entire combat system is like VATS with QTE.
    9. BTVagrant
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      If you're still interested, I made one for FWE. Check the description for more info.
  8. AbbaddoN33
    • supporter
    • 29 kudos
    Good!! Great work!
  9. deleted1755777
    • account closed
    • 9 kudos
    Nice work.