Dragon Age: Origins

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  1. DahliaLynn
    • premium
    • 333 kudos
    A new mod for my mod! Theskymoves has created a mod which provides an alternative to Alistair's armor during the wedding, as well as modify Oswyn's head morph (one of the guests in the wedding)
    Royal Wedding Tweaks

    New mods available
    Sleep Until Dawn
    Alistair's Nightmare

    New! Optional Red-Gold Royal Armor for Alistair uploaded in
    the files tab. Image shown in the images tab.

    For updates on latest scenes and info, feel free to click "like" on
    my new facebook page Dahlia Lynn on Facebook

    For those interested in my current works, I have uploaded a
    new scene available for viewing on YouTube:
    Fenris: A machinima adaptation of David Gaider's "A Short Story"

    3.28.11 Update:
    You may now download the Wedding scene Music Soundtrack
    from the Bioware Social network site linked in the "Mirrors" tab above
  2. 1962sweet
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Thanks! Happy Christmas days!
  3. 1962sweet
    • member
    • 14 kudos
     Hello.All your works are individual and irresistible.The final scene is so necessary that it is simply impossible to finish game without it-she has become a part of it. It is your wonderful work that gives this feeling. I always watch the wedding video with gratitude to you, even if I don't play it, although this word is inappropriate here, I watch the scene with love and tenderness. Thank you so much for your talent.
    1. DahliaLynn
      • premium
      • 333 kudos
      Thank you so much for such inspiring words <3
  4. SpookyDovah
    • premium
    • 35 kudos
    Hi I used the cutscene tester and I am a little confused, it played fine, my graphics card started to sound like a hoover, the camera started panning through the crowd and there was a click sound in my headphones after it had panned to the right side of the room and it closed down, not sure if it crashed or that was intended but wasn't able to see the video link when I opened it the page said the video was private. This is a 10 year old mod and my pc is only 4 years old with a new i912900k processor, 32gb ram and my old 1070 graphics card. It should be fine but was just confused with the test.
    1. DahliaLynn
      • premium
      • 333 kudos
      Hey there, First off, I have no idea why the video was set to private! (Definitely not my doing, though Youtube has been "auto"changing things for a while now and I haven't really been following). I just reset the video to "unlisted". Also the test video was created using a computer I had 11 years ago with a GTX 960 ..so please read the description :)
      Secondly, from what you say, it seems the scene played out fine. The click is from the game. As for your Video card hoover noises, I really can't say. Does it normally sound like a vacuum cleaner if it's overworked?
      As far as your specs go, seems like you should be fine (the 1070 might cause the scene to lag a bit, but that's about it).
    2. SpookyDovah
      • premium
      • 35 kudos
      It only does that hoover sound when I play heavily modded games like my heaving with over 1000 mods Skyrim se game is, or when I first played Mass Effect Andromeda and all the graphics settings were set to high and ultra un-needlessly. But this one only has about 20 dazips and not done my textures /override folder yet, but yeah, 2 of the 3 fans on the card kicked in and ramped up after the scene started. Oh and yeah I saw about the lag thing in the description which is why I ran the test to begin with. Its all down to the sheer amount of npcs in the room its no wonder my poor card threw a fit. But as this scene only lasts a couple of minutes at most the card won't care the rest of the time. 
    3. DahliaLynn
      • premium
      • 333 kudos
      You're correct in assuming the rest of the game should be fine, as the NPC heavy scene only kicks in at the end of the game for about 3 minutes. 
      I looked into this issue way back when I created the mod  and can recall something about  DA:O being heavy on the CPU actually.
      I performed several tests to determine what the cause of the lag was, and I noticed that even with a few NPCs it caused a lag in performance, so I'm not certain if that's the reason, or if it's because I created different lighting setups for each shot. (Including animated lights)
      So I guess I'll never really know the cause, but thankfully today's systems shouldn't really experience issues.
  5. lheii
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    My first time playing a Lady Cousland, and your mod gave my another playthrough such a wonderful and sweetest ending I could ask for... Thank you so much!

    and, because of your mod, I "accidentally" made a video of their wedding, with the song A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. You! Inspired that because of this mod, thank you again!
    1. DahliaLynn
      • premium
      • 333 kudos
      Thanks so much!  I'm so happy to hear that it inspired you to create <3 <3 (even accidentally ;)
  6. igalau
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Just wanted to add for anyone who might run into the same issue in case it helps:

    I was having the hardest time getting the wedding dress to work; the scene would play but my HoF would just be in the same armor that they had on at the coronation. After a bit of digging I found what the issue was for me:

    If you have the Viva la Orlais mod installed in order to use the Viva la Couslands of Ferelden mod, there is a wedding file there that was the source of my problems. I ended up deleting all the files within the Viva la Orlais>Orlesion Outfits>Wedding>Female and copy and pasting in the files from the wedding dress folder I wanted from this mod and it then ran perfectly! 

    Thanks again for this mod, many of yours are my favorites! 
    1. DahliaLynn
      • premium
      • 333 kudos
      Thanks so much for taking the time to look into the issue and share your experience!
      I've copied part of your post and added it to the " Potential conflicts" section in the description page.
  7. whiskasgirl
    • member
    • 48 kudos
    This was the absolute perfect ending to the game. I cried happy tears. :')
    Thank you so much for your mods!<3
    1. DahliaLynn
      • premium
      • 333 kudos
      You're welcome <3. Your sweet comment means a lot to me and is appreciated!
  8. Vesnis
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Damn. What can I say. For the first time completed a playthrough and this was such a sweet ending scene after all the battling. A fitting end to the tale. Really impressed by the Origins mod community how they managed to improved upon the game even more.
    Thank you for this mod!
    1. DahliaLynn
      • premium
      • 333 kudos
      Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it :)
      -and you're welcome ;)
  9. soraray
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This looks so beautiful and I'm installing it regardless, but I do have one small question just for clarification! You mention it should trigger if the "rule beside him" option is selected during the Landsmeet; and I have Alistair's Revised Romance installed which includes an option to become engaged after the Landsmeet. If I went that route through the ARR mod, would this still trigger?
    1. DahliaLynn
      • premium
      • 333 kudos
      I took a look at the mod in question (your link didn't work so I had to manually search for it for some reason).
      According to that mod's description page, Kajana says it is fully compatible with Alistair's Royal Wedding. (Which is cool ;)  That said, if anything has changed dialogue-wise, or situation-wise that might change if and/or when the wedding triggers, it's something you may want to double check with Kajana.
      Edit: Techincally, this mod is designed to trigger after you leave the Landsmeet chamber, (clicking on the guard) and before the slides come up. If that mod extends the game and delays the epilogue as you have suggested, then you'd need to ask her about whether or not that route will still allow the wedding to trigger.
  10. spectraleye
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After all these years, your mods are still the only ones I ever needed for DA. THe wedding is my absolutely favourite thing. Thank you! 
    1. DahliaLynn
      • premium
      • 333 kudos
      Wow, that's so awesome! Thank you so much, I'm so happy you enjoy them! <3
  11. beautyfuel
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    It wont work for me T_T 
    I have all of the requirements!
    - human noble
    - won the landsmeet
    - +100 Love with Alistair
    - said we would rule together at the landsmeet
    - executed Logain

    It just plays the epilogue slides T_T no wedding 
    1. DahliaLynn
      • premium
      • 333 kudos
      Please download the test save file from the files tab and see if the wedding works using that save. If it does, then it means something might be missing from the requirements list. If it doesn't it means the mod hasn't been installed properly.
    2. beautyfuel
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I actually just unzipped and threw it in my override folder and it worked perfectly <3
      Thank you so much it was so pretty :))))))))