X: Rebirth

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Created by

Berserk Knight

Uploaded by

Berserk Knight

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  1. Berserk Knight
    Berserk Knight
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    • 7 kudos
    It turns out that the Mk2 weapon upgrades were not being unlocked in the campaign. At all.
    I've added a file in the Miscellaneous section that has an MD folder to put into your mod folder.
  2. Berserk Knight
    Berserk Knight
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    • 7 kudos
    I used what I deducted to be the game's spawning chance formula for the Mk5 shields.
    (The vanilla game has 100% for Mk1, and each increase in the Mark decreased the chance to spawn by 20%, except for the Mk4->Mk5 where it just drops from 40% to 0%.)

    That's a 20% chance, so yes, it's still quite hard to find.

    Also, the table containing the spawn chance data is changed only upon starting a new game, and then saved in the save file, so if the game started without activating it, it wouldn't have any effect.

    *Edit: Currently making a patch mdscript that'll apply to games that started without the mod.

    *Edit2: Patch scripts are up.
  3. xmtlj1
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    I have the same issue as Antyrael86, that is, I can not find MK5 shields for sale. I have v1.2 and am using 1-1 also.
    Had this been resolved? Right now I am located at Omicron Lyrae/Commerce Core/Aerodrome. And I am in free-play.

  4. Antyrael86
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi there.

    Just a question.

    i am flying around for ages, visiting one mechanic after another since i installed this mod.

    the all only sell the standarts (max. MK-4).

    Are the special NPCs that are supposed to sell the MK-5 parts or is it just not working?

    [yes, it is installed correctly and it is shown in the expansions list and it is enabled.]

    Edit: i use the 1-1 version.
  5. Berserk Knight
    Berserk Knight
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    • 7 kudos
    Ugh, found a major error in the code just now. Reuploading...
    (If you use variant 1-1, you can ignore this.)

    Sorry about the mess.
  6. eowei
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    nice done!

    is it possible to get this to work with the NMM?
    i get an error when i try to activate it. of course, since there are multiple folders within the package.
    i think it was a skyrim mod, where i saw some kind of install routine.. could this be done for the activation routine of this mod per NM as well?
    1. Berserk Knight
      Berserk Knight
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      I never used the NMM before, and am unfamiliar with it.
      You'll have to manually install it for now.

      Edit : Removed the "download with manager" button since it has to be installed manually.
    2. eowei
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yeah, the easier solution ^^

      another question that comes into my mind, since i always check if the content.xml contains the save=false flag, and your content.xml misses it:
      will my save break if i add that flag by myself and load a savegame once i stop using your mod? shouldn't be the case, since you wrote that mk5 stuff is already implemented (and not added with your mod) but just not sold anywhere, right?
    3. Berserk Knight
      Berserk Knight
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      I just tried it, and found no immediately visible problems.
  7. pannonian
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    Great Job! Thanks for digging this out for us!