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  1. whyandwhy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I cant seem to get this to work I do everything as you said but i never hear any of the music I only downloaded the rock1 one and put it in the resistance radio content folder i dont hear anything 
    1. moondear
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos

      Do you have Music Mod Manager installed? Doesn't work without it.

  2. wetom67
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, could you please explain how to override the function, for example in UITacticalHUD_SoldierInfoTooltip.uc file I have this function:
    simulated function ShowTooltip(){
    local int ScrollHeight;

    //Trigger only on the correct hover item
    if( class'UITacticalHUD_BuffsTooltip'.static.IsPathBonusOrPenaltyMC(currentPath) ) return;


    ScrollHeight = (StatList.height > StatList.height ) ? StatList.height : StatList.height;
    BodyArea.AnimateScroll( ScrollHeight, BodyMask.height);

    I want to remove AnimateScroll animation, I just removed one line and I got this:
    class UnrealScript1 extends UITacticalHUD_SoldierInfoTooltip;simulated function ShowTooltip()
    local int ScrollHeight;

    //Trigger only on the correct hover item
    if( class'UITacticalHUD_BuffsTooltip'.static.IsPathBonusOrPenaltyMC(currentPath) ) return;

    But it doesn't work, nothing changes. In XComEngine.ini I have:
    [Engine.ScriptPackages] +NonNativePackages=123123123

    +ModClassOverrides=(BaseGameClass="UITacticalHUD_SoldierInfoTooltip", ModClass="UnrealScript1")
    Could you please teach me how to edit any function like that properly? Remove some lines, change some parameters. I want to remove some annoying animations from the game to make it faster.
  3. antiquiter21
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    does the mod conflict with music modding system mod and doom slayer music mod? installed this mod in the mods folder but it's not playing in the when i play the game. Thanks
    1. moondear
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      This requires MMS, so it doesn't clash with that.

      There's a possibility it would conflict with the doom slayer music mod, if it also changes the HQ.

      Try placing my mod ABOVE the doom slayer mod and see if that works.

      Otherwise try the below

      Go to the Doom Slayer Music mod folder > config > right click and open ?"XComStrategySound.ini" with whatever text editor  suits you best (textedit [Mac], Notepad [Win] etc.)

      You're looking for something that has "HQ" in it. From my mod, it looks like:

      +MusicDefs=(MusicID="ResistanceMusicStation_HQStageOne_Blues1", \\
      CuePath="ResistanceMusicBlues2.ResistanceMusicBlues.ResistanceMusicBlues_Cue", \\

      You're looking for something similar to that.

      Once you've found it, comment out all instances of the HQ music using ";" with my mod it would look like. You'll need to do it for each Group= you find that has HQ in the ?"+MusicDefs=":

      ; +MusicDefs=(MusicID="ResistanceMusicStation_HQStageOne_Blues1", \\
      ; CuePath="ResistanceMusicBlues2.ResistanceMusicBlues.ResistanceMusicBlues_Cue",  \\
      ; Group=eSSG_Chapter01)

      ; +MusicDefs=(MusicID="ResistanceMusicStation_HQStageOne_Blues1", \\
      ; CuePath="ResistanceMusicBlues2.ResistanceMusicBlues.ResistanceMusicBlues_Cue",  \\
      ; Group=eSSG_Chapter02)

      ; +MusicDefs=(MusicID="ResistanceMusicStation_HQStageOne_Blues1", \\
      ; CuePath="ResistanceMusicBlues2.ResistanceMusicBlues.ResistanceMusicBlues_Cue",  \\
      ; Group=eSSG_Chapter03)

      Or use Alternative Mod Launcher, if you're not already, which, in my experience, has been more stable for mods and allows you to see the conflicts:


      If you have the game on Steam, however, I recommend installing it via Steam:


      If you're still struggling, try pasting the contents of the doom slayer ?"XComStrategySound.ini" here and I'll modify it for you so it's a quick copy and paste job which will hopefully work.