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  1. avalon2247
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this compatible with WotC ????
    1. Jcolumbo
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      There is one on Steam http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1128300381

      I am looking for the LW2 1.5 compatibility version mentioned by Sergeant Kelly over there, with Combat Conditioning working. Its just a little fix, he says...
  2. soroosh15
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hey guys nice mod but i got a problem here i installed it but the mod doesnt show up any where can u tell me is this a bug or i need requarments for it ty.
  3. Psicoloco
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Great mod, I missed the infantry class of Long war. Also love the skills you made.

    I installed the new DLC and now the abilities of the class have dissappeared ( even the icons). Reinstalled, but to no avail. Anybody has the same problem? maybe mod conflict?

    Ah, my infantry soldiers can equip the armor without further problems. =)

    EDIT-Old version 1.5 works fine for me
    1. Lucubration
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      It's strange, Psicoloco, but I have no issues with missing ability names or icons for my class mods after the DLC patch went through. I've heard this issue mentioned by some other users as well, but since I can't reproduce the problem I don't what's causing it or how to fix it.
  4. addictinsane9
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, Lucubration. It seems the bug you discovered that renders your custom classes unable to use armors is affecting every mod class in the game. Could you maybe tell us how you did it so we can apply this to our other mods? Other authors don't seem to be as diligent about updating their mods as you are, and I currently have two unplayable classes in my game.

    Thank you.
    1. Lucubration
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Hey, sorry, I don't check Nexus comments very often since the site doesn't have a useful interface for tracking them. It's just a matter of a couple of new lines in the ClassData.ini file; they added them with default values that are not very friendly for pre-existing modded classes.

      In each [ClassNameGoesHere X2SoldierClassTemplate] section, adding the line:


      will allow the soldier to equip all of the default soldier armors, and adding the line:


      will allow the soldier to gain random abilities from the AWC.
  5. LoveFlame
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Very nice mod! Fits in the "main battle class" role perfectly. Also... one of your modded perks is very similar to the one that i described at this request:
    Namely, "zone of control". Fantastic. Would you be so kind as to make another separate class mod, with the abilities like in the request? Seeing as how you've ALREADY done part of it, that is supposedly most problematic to make...
    Btw, endorsed.
    1. Lucubration
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Hey, LoveFlame. Neat class idea! I think most people shy away from the notion of a slow class because of the mission timers for guerilla ops, but I bet you could design around it in interesting ways with a class dedicated to this sort of play.

      I'm afraid I really won't have time to take on a class mod request right now, though; I'm working on the next class for Beagle's Escalation mod, and I also have another stand-alone class that I'm about to start on for myself. This sort of class is something I'm definitely going to bear in mind for a future project, though!
    2. LoveFlame
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for answering. I'm looking forward to your next already planned classes then. Hopefully, that "future project" that you mentioned will come out sooner or later.
    3. H4RDC0R3V1B3Z
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      A slow class isn't a problem if you use a mod to alter the timers. =)
  6. H4RDC0R3V1B3Z
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Sweet, I really missed the Infantry class from LW. It was worth it's weight in gold and such a valuable member of my squad make-ups. Will definitely be giving this a try! Judging by what some of the others have said, it seems a little overpowered with crits, so I might see if I can nerf a couple of things in the .ini file beforehand. Try to implement some of the changes mentioned. But still, it looks great. =)

    EDIT: Well, so far I'm loving the capabilities of the Infantry. I've halved the crit rate on Harrier (as you said it might be knocked-down by 5 or 10 points anyhow and sometimes a little extra is all you need). Light 'Em Up is unbelievably handy in tight situations too.

    I'm just wondering if it's possible to open up the secondary weapon slot to allow any weapon? So I can completely customise the loadouts. I'm using a bunch of mods, including "Any Class Any Weapon" to create various characters from Mass Effect and it would be great to give them the exact weapons they use.

    Perhaps not so far as putting Primary in the Secondary slot but definitely allow any Secondary.

    Obviously, it doesn't matter too much. I'm merely curious as to how "easy" it is lol.
  7. franebleu
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Excellent class mod.
    A little too powerful in the current state though, but really well made.
    'Light em up perk' (ie 1 action point cost first shot) makes this mod a perfect combination with the 'Leader class' mod. If you want to have efficient flashbanging beaconing buffing and directive leaders and still let them take some shots, the infantry class mod is really what you need. But it''s a really powerful class with absolutely no drawback. I must admit that if i didn't make all my infantry soldiers leaders, i would take more than one per mission and this double action potential per turn could be somewhat unbalancing.

    Anyway great work, a real game changer, i've been playing with it extensively and enjoying it a lot, thanks for sharing it !


    Perhaps those little perk nerfing could be nice :

    - Light em up : Perhaps the second shot could suffer from a minimal aim/crit penalty (like 5-10 aim and 20 crit).

    - Flare: Perhaps the flare should require a single action point instead of none.

    - Fire for effect : In the first playthrough trying the mod, my first sniper and my firts specialist got the 'fire for effect' perk via AWC, giving the sniper unlimited long range plasma grenades for all missions right from the start. Well that was a little OP. Perhaps this perk should be extremely rare to get via AWC, and shouldn't destroy systematically all cover (leaving a very little destructive probability perhaps) and be in the shape of a thin cone like the plasma lance, hitting everyone in the path and within weapon range. But The spherical destructive full damage AoE is really too much for any ambushed pod (If i remember well it even gave at least 1 crit out of 3 hits, meaning 1 kill per ambushed pod with the sniper..., if they were on a roof, it meant 3 kills)
    The thin cone shape and a somewhat reduced destructivity and crit could be a nice way to nerf this perk and keep it one of the most powerful of the game.
    1. Lucubration
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Thanks for your feedback, franbleu. I'm not actively working on the Infantry class just now, but I will keep your points in mind.

      I'm surprised to hear that Fire for Effect is targetable at Squadsight distances at all; I never intended for that to happen!

      I'll be honest also and tell you that I've never tried it out at plasma tier weapons, so I've only seen the environment damage applied with conventional weapons. I'll have to give it a shot to see how destructive it is.

      Fire for Effect also used to be a thin cone and I intentionally changed it to a radius AoE. The cone seemed to encourage the Infantry to move around a lot to line up multiple targets, but the Regular is stronger being relatively stationary and holding a point. It just didn't seem to flow well with the rest of the Regular tree.

      Flare is in an awkward place where it wouldn't be used hardly at all if it did cost an action; that is why it's a free action now. The charges are intended to make it a nice but limited perk.
    2. franebleu
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Hey !

      No, 'Fire for effect' doesn't use squadsight, but a sniper has 6 dmg and a good personal range from the start with his standard sniper rifle, so, with the systematic environnemental destruction it gave him the equivalent of cooldowned unlimited plasma grenades that even crit right from the start ! But that was a lucky occurrence, my present impossible playthrough didn't give it once via AWC and i just got my infantry first colonel along with plasma gear, so in a regular progression it's ok. You're right, spherical AoE or the widest cone shape available fits better for the more static regular infantry style, but the environnemental destruction is systematic even with a conventional rifle, and that's the OP thing imho rather than the AoE shape. Late game ambushing 'fire for effect' is ok, but there should be a way to at least protect environnement to give the perk a little drawback for balance sake, i don't know.

      Well, free 'flare' combined with the 'light em up' double shot gives a serious edge, that's why i pointed it out.
      Moreover, free 'flare' Combined with 'focus fire' from the Leader class followed by the Infantry's 'staggering shot' all in the same turn is just unstoppable, with a good chainshot shredding grenadier a gatekeeper will hardly dodge anything and survive the turn to get his first action. That little action point cost could induce a choice, and you could balance the action cost by adding a little +5 aim bonus to the perk for example. Well, just my 2 cents

      Can't wait to try your other class mods btw, great stuff !
    3. NicoTheCinderace
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      If you want to know how devastating it is...

      It basically saved my ass during the last mission thanks to the Repeater activating with a 15% chance.
  8. pasyonalle
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Anybody can help me, I have a problem when add more mods in XCOM 2, (true concealment, perfect information, infatry class, don't waste my time) after finish my mission for helping civilian (min 6 civilian) then the game has stopped.
    before I use that mods, the game working well. but I have no Idea why always stop working after that mission.
  9. Anonter
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey man, loving this as I missed the class from longwar! I've been play testing this class quite a lot with the long war studios smg mod and I can safely say that harrier and a smg with a laser sight pretty much guarantees flank crits. This makes it so good it might a be a little too good. The +20 seems a bit high to me but either way enjoying the class great work endorsed!
    1. Lucubration
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback, Anonter. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the class.

      You can stack crit pretty high sometimes with Harrier; I'm not really sure whether or not that's an issue. Although I'm not going to be doing anything with it just now, I wouldn't be opposed to dropping it down by 5 or 10 points down the road if it turns out to be a problem.
    2. Flameddragon
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      This happens sometimes. I once hit for 110 percent critical chance with a Ranger.
    3. Anonter
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah fun isn't it haha now I've just got a ranger with harrier from the AWC, time for the aliens to melt like they did in the old version.
  10. downloadmyheart
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Endorsed! For me - this is the best Class Mod so far, nice selection of perk, especially the Zone of Control. I do have one request -only if possible, during the Counter Melee Attack, can you use the animation for Rifle Buttstroke? just like in the mod Beatdown, ty in advance.
    1. Lucubration
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Hey, download, thanks for asking. At this time there's not a lot that I can do (or at least know how to do) to play any animation at all for the counter-attack. It remains something I'm interested in fixing, but I need to figure out a really creative way of getting around some stuff that's hardcoded in the core game scripts to be able to play any animation at all there.
    2. downloadmyheart
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thanks for the latest update, Counter Melee Attack has now a working animation, good work.
    3. Lucubration
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      I'm glad to hear it. The Zone of Control counterattack animation was one of the remaining sore points about the class for me, and I'm also happy to have it working.