X4: Foundations
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  1. ViTaN38
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  2. herojstane
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    • 2 kudos
    Saying this mod doesn't work is like saying the sky is blue on a clear day, basically just pointing out the obvious.

    Within 1 minute of enabling this command for my patrol ships in my own (very busy) sector I lost 1-2 rep with ALL possible factions. Within the first minute!!!

    Reports of lost rep and my ships attacking completely innocent ships just exploded after that. I watched OOS as they attacked ships that were DEFINITELY NOT pirates or enemies. The first to die was after all an ARG Courier which destroyed my perfect rep of 30, then a Boron Sturgeon, etc. Didn't see not even one suspicious ship die, just innocent traders.

    Hell, a wing of Katanas even decided to take on an ATN STATION despite the fact that "attack station" was clearly disabled in their settings, then after 30 seconds changed their minds and the station went blue again.

    The idea for this mod is great, but it either has horrible issues or was ruined by updates to the game since the release or it hates Kuda AI mod, but it's sadly being removed from my modlist as soon as it was put on it.
    1. unusualrobot
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      Well ... my Police AI (vanilla) just decided to go on the murder spree with no reason, so it may not be just this script problem.
  3. unusualrobot
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    Check this thread on Steam about attacking traders.

    Added patch there for 1.11 (at the time of writing) that may fix it.


    diff --git a/aiscripts/sectorpatrol.xml b/aiscripts/sectorpatrol.xml
    index 4024502..b2c026a 100644
    --- a/aiscripts/sectorpatrol.xml
    +++ b/aiscripts/sectorpatrol.xml
    @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
    <param name="fs_attack_l" type="bool" default="false" text="{314155, 11}"/>
    <param name="fs_attack_m" type="bool" default="true" text="{314155, 12}"/>
    <param name="fs_attack_s" type="bool" default="true" text="{314155, 13}"/>
    +<param name="fs_ignore_trade" type="bool" default="true" text="{314155, 17}" />
    <param name="fs_pirates" type="bool" default="true" text="{314155, 8}"/>
    <param name="fs_pursue" type="bool" default="false" text="{314155, 9}"/>
    <param name="fs_noboost" type="bool" default="false" text="{314155, 7}"/>
    @@ -111,7 +112,13 @@

    <debug_to_file directory="'fs_pat'" name="'debug'" text="'%s'.[$classes]" output="false" append="true"/>

    +<do_if value="$fs_ignore_trade">
    +<find_ship name="$ships" space="this.ship.sector" class="$classes" recursive="true" multiple="true" primarypurpose="purpose.fight"/>
    <find_ship name="$ships" space="this.ship.sector" class="$classes" recursive="true" multiple="true"/>
    <do_all exact="$ships.count" counter="$si">
    <set_value name="$ship" exact="$ships.{$si}"/>

    BTW, also make sure to change id in content.xml so Steam version won't be overwriting if using it. Something like this (relevant part): 
    <content name="Sector Patrol" id="ws_2458720435" -> <content name="Sector Patrol [Nexus]" id="SectorPatrol"

    diff --git a/content.xml b/content.xml
    index c802287..0dce99c 100644
    --- a/content.xml
    +++ b/content.xml
    @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    -<content name="Sector Patrol" id="ws_2458720435" author="Assailer" version="111" date="2024-04-07" save="0" enabled="1" description="Sector PatrolVersion 1.11

    There is no known compatibility issue with any other mods, also uninstalling shall not affect your save games." sync="false" lastupdate="1712478496">
    +<content name="Sector Patrol [Nexus]" id="SectorPatrol" author="Assailer" version="111" date="2024-04-07" save="0" enabled="1" description="Sector PatrolVersion 1.11

    There is no known compatibility issue with any other mods, also uninstalling shall not affect your save games." sync="false" lastupdate="1712478496">
    <text language="7" name="Sector Patrol" description="Sector Patrol"/>
    <text language="86" name="Sector Patrol" description="Sector Patrol"/>
    <text language="33" name="Sector Patrol" description="Sector Patrol"/>

    edit: link
    1. unusualrobot
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Just saw it, missed line in t\0001.xml:

      <t id="18">Ignore trade ships</t>

      Also needs updating in aiscripts\sectorpatrol.xml as id 17 is already taken in 1.11

      <param name="fs_ignore_trade" type="bool" default="true" text="{314155, 18}" />
  4. shilum
    • premium
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    trying to make a fleet with the commander using this default behavior. what is the the best setting for the subordinates? tried to mimic commander but they said cannot mimic
  5. lv8pv
    • premium
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    I don't have the problem with my small fleet attacking Kha'ak installations. I just watched two of my cerb + wing of 5 elite (set to intercept) b-line straight through fog of war to attack two Kha'ak ships close to one of their installations, but when ships was killed they b-lined right away across the map to a xenon p. Never touching the installation (Attack_Stations=0, Attack_Concealed_Ships=0 And max(Attack_**_ships)=M) - For me it seems to work (as intended ?)

    But I don't feel I can use this mod. It feel so "cheaty" I don't like how they magically know there are ships covered by fog of war and b-line straight for them. Also when the wing b-line across them map it just completely ignore its wings and leave them behind to go "fix it them self" wing if luck arrive a few minutes later (depending on speed of ships).

    Would love to see this mod respect vision and only act on targets it can actually know about. And that is respect fleet movement.
  6. jmate737
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    • 0 kudos
    Even with Attack_Stations=0, Attack_Concealed_Ships=0 And max(Attack_**_ships)=M my small fleet (5xM) keeps attacking (and dying at) local Kha'ak installation. I switch them to another task, send them to opposite corner of the sector, put them back to Sector Patrol and (with no other enemy ships in sector) they immediately beeline for the Kha'ak Installation again.
    Maybe KHK installations are not technically considered to be stations?
  7. nerdpunkfu
    • premium
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    I had the same issue as others here have reported, the patrols end up attacking non-hostile factions and stations tanking your rep with them. It seems this happens when the patrols attack concealed ships. They don't actually remove the concealment before attacking which seems to aggro the faction the targeted ship pretends to be part of. This then spirals out of control when patrols and stations from that faction start targeting your sector patrol ships thinking they're attacking one of their own.

    I'm in the process of genociding the Teladi right now because of this, which I was planning to do anyway so I don't care that much, but if genocide is not on your agenda, be very careful using this mod. It's probably best to disable "attack concealed ships" for now or at least only use that feature in sectors you control and no other factions have a presence in. Although I'm not sure even that will help if the AI decides to send patrols into your sectors.
    1. popner
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      tl;dr, do not enable the "attack concealed ships" option.

      I looked into the source code and it seems you are right. The attack conditions is: (relation < -0.5) OR (ship is concealed AND attack concealed ships option is on). The (relation < -0.5) part seems unrelated to the behavior, so the only reason should be the concealed condition. It only check if the ship is concealed, but does not checking if it is revealed as an enemy.

      The fix would be adding more checks to the concealed part, which I don't know if it is possible. An easy fix would be just remove the "attack concealed ships" option.
  8. B33lzebob
    • premium
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    Can confirm; I set two fighter squads to patrol my sector and both of them immediately attacked a non hostile SCA station. Didn't enable attack stations within their order at all. Steam, up to date game version, Mod installed on an save mid playthrough.
  9. 1170991249
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for your awesome mod but they don't work in newest version, ships attacking friendly ships somehow, plz update
  10. Salvation1hope
    • member
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    This Mod  is great for a short while, but something happens and then all in a sudden you are war with everybody.

    i was OOS and when i came back im at war with the Terran and I have Destroyer patrol attacking Antigone Republic. 
    I had to Destroy a argon base because a carrier fleet was bombing it death already.

    i had to remove the it from my game.

    maybe it work on early saves.