World of Tanks

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iamablocker/SaintX Productions, 2012


The default CM file is camo-friendly.

If you want to have a full skin showing, use the "camo-remover" file instead.

Installation Instructions:

For non- JSGME users/standard:

1. Locate the "res_mods" folder in your World of Tanks Installation.

2. Extract the contents of the Archive into the "\res_mods\\" folder, make sure you overwrite files.

3. Open up World of Tanks or refesh your garage view.

4. Enjoy.


To Restore to default skins:

1. Locate the folder within the "res_mods" folder.

2. Delete or move the files someplace.

3. Open up World of Tanks or refesh your garage view.

4. Enjoy.

For ease of skin swapping, JGSME is recommended.
Get it at


For JSGME Users:

1. create the folder path to hold the skin in your MODS folder.
example: MODS\\res_mods\\

2. Extract the files into the folder you just created.

3. Open up JSGME and activate the mod.

4. Open up World of Tanks or refesh your garage view.

5. Enjoy.

6. There is nothing here.


For Nexus Mod Manager Users: Please follow the instructions contained with the manager.

Any comments, suggestions, violent reactions, donation of any kind except hostile shells will be accepted.

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