The Witcher 3
  • Scheduled partial down-time and mod publishing

    Something we rolled out on the sites a couple of weeks ago without any kind of announcement was a new file publishing system when adding file pages to the Nexus. The inherent problem is thus; if you want to (properly) release a mod on the Nexus you need to first start a file page, add a good long description, add and setup all your images, upload your files and setup any videos and mirror links. If you do this without hiding the file (so that others can see it) you run the risk of some hasty (an...

  • Blog piece: Ads, Supporters, Endorsements and Bandwidth Throttling

    I want to use this article to talk about the ads on the Nexus network, the introduction of a new ad format and the choices we’re going to offer you in regards to these ads. We’re making Supporter membership an ad-free experience for the one-off cost of £1 and I’ll also be delving into how we’re planning to incentivise the endorsement system a little to try and increase the download-to-endorsement ratio for mod authors. First let me explain our bandwidth throttling system, which is going...

  • Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements. Oh, and money.

    Yes, I’m sorry, here’s another one of those 5 page, 2,500 word rambling nonsense blog posts I like to make from time to time to show you that I’m not dead and we’re still moving forward. If you have no interest in servers, money or talking about my narrow views on corporate greed, then I would suggest skipping this one!

    We’re about one month into the new year now and I wanted to share with you one of our main priorities for this year, as it’s as important to us as it...

  • NMM 0.40.0 released with category support

    It’s been a month and a half since our last update to the Nexus Mod Manager, but, being the merciful slave master that I am, the Nexus programmers were given a two week break over the Christmas period so they could remind their friends and loved ones what they look like. That’s all over now however and it’s back to business as usual. I’m here to announce the fruits of our labours as we release NMM version 0.40.0.

    This version of NMM includes our preliminary work on a feature...

  • Skyrim Nexus : Community Site of the Year according to The Escapist

    A well know gaming site called 'The Escapist' posted a review of 2012 and listed Skyrim Nexus as the community site of the year. Here is some of the quotes from the review:

    "Modding is intimidating stuff. As a complete newbie to it this year, the Skyrim Nexus was an invaluable tool for me"

    "the Skyrim Nexus shows gamers at their most creative, helpful, ingenious and generous. It's essential for anyone with even a remote interest in PC Skyrim."


  • Mod authors: Ordering your images

    Just a quick update today.

    We've had a lot of requests from mod authors to add the ability to order your uploaded file images so you can choose how your images display on your file page. Up until now all we've had is a "primary" image option that selects the thumbnail to display in category and search results.

    Today we've released an update that now allows you to easily drag and drop your uploaded images so they'll show on your file page in the same orde...

  • Far Cry Nexus Launched

    Following on from a great 2012 I’m keeping the momentum up with the launch of Far Cry Nexus. For those of you who are unaware, Far Cry 3 came out towards the start of December and in my personal opinion (and a few of the online publications I browse) it’s one of, if not the best game released during 2012. I managed to sneak this gem in to my collection during the recent Steam Christmas sale and I haven’t been able to put it down since. It’s actually managed to curb my current DotA 2 addi...

  • The year in review, 5 million members

    And so it comes to this, the end of the year and the start of a new one. It’s nice to be able to look back over the past year and see how things have progressed and I think, personally and for the Nexus, 2012 will go down as a good year.

    Lets begin with some exciting news; by the start of 2013 the Nexus will have had its 5 millionth registered member. As I write we’re at the 4,998,536 member mark, so by the time the clock strikes midnight in the UK we’ll have passed well beyon...

  • War for the Overworld Nexus Launched and Kickstarter

    Just over a week ago I wrote a blog post regarding the current prevalence of Kickstarter funding for video games and how they’re helping to promote the fostering of modding communities. I wanted to get my thoughts out on the matter in preparation for the announcement of three separate sites we have lined up to release that are currently in development, rather than finished, which marks a shift in how we’ve done things. Up until now, we’ve only released a Nexus site for games that are finis...

  • BLOG PIECE: Kickstarter and the mini-revolution

    If you keep up with gaming news at all you’re more than likely to have seen quite a lot of buzz over the past year in regards to Kickstarter and other crowd-funded projects.

    These sites are platforms for people from all walks of life that allow creative people to come to us, ordinary people, and treat us like mini-investors. They pitch their ideas, (hopefully) showcase some of their work and talk about their current and past experience, explain what they aim to do and ask for you ...

  • Skyrim Nexus - One year on

    We’ve already got two articles up in the news looking back on Skyrim and celebrating its one year anniversary, but I just wanted to make a quick article celebrating one year of Skyrim mods on Skyrim Nexus, and to dissect the publically available site stats information to publicise some sensationalist figures. Because I kind of like doing it myself from time to time, and I thought I’d share my findings.

    By applying some simple maths to the stats we can work out some pretty intere...

  • New NMM version and site fixes

    We’ve officially designated this week “fix the sites and make them work properly week” among the Nexus developers. We’ve not been happy with the status of either NMM or the Nexus recently, and we know you haven't been either, but thankfully you guys are pretty understanding, which means we've been able to get on with fixing it without worrying about a full-blown riot.

    The first step in fixing the problem (past knowing there’s a problem) is finding out what the prob...

  • Current issues with site performance and downloads

    We are aware of the issues currently occurring with some Nexus sites being slow and downloads being hard to start and are working hard to fix them. You do not need to file bug reports for these issues as we are well aware of them and just as frustrated as you are with it.

    If you are a Premium Member we will look to add on some extra free days to all current memberships once we've got a fix rolled out....

  • Obsidian commit to mod support and the Nexus for Project Eternity

    If you haven’t got your head close to the ground when it comes to gaming news you might not know that RPG developers Obsidian, famous for Fallout New Vegas, Neverwinter Nights 2 and Knights of the Old Republic 2, have been raising funds via Kickstarter for a completely new IP they’ve dubbed Project Eternity.

    Project Eternity is an isometric, party-based RPG much akin to some of the best RPGs ever made such as Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dale and Planescape Torment. If you liked th...

  • Obsidian commit to mod support and the Nexus for Project Eternity

    If you haven’t got your head close to the ground when it comes to gaming news you might not know that RPG developers Obsidian, famous for Fallout New Vegas, Neverwinter Nights 2 and Knights of the Old Republic 2, have been raising funds via Kickstarter for a completely new IP they’ve dubbed Project Eternity.

    Project Eternity is an isometric, party-based RPG much akin to some of the best RPGs ever made such as Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dale and Planescape Torment. If you liked th...

  • Grimrock Editor released, mods available for all

    I know quite a few people were disappointed to find out that the Editor beta and early modding was limited to those who had bought the game via Steam. Today that's all water under the bridge as Almost Human have now released the Editor to the masses, along with an update to Legends of Grimrock that opens up modders to all owners of the game no matter where you bought it.

    After several months of break-neck speed development, Almost Human is proud to release the most anticipated m...

  • Dark Souls supported in Nexus Mod Manager

    It is with great pleasure that I announce that the latest version of the Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) now has support for Dark Souls modding, straight off of Dark Souls Nexus. What does this mean? In a nut-shell, you can now click the “Download with manager” button and have NMM automatically download the file in question and install it in to the proper texture over-ride directory, with no hassle.

    As Dark Souls modding requires Durante’s DSFix utility in order to work, we’ve progr...

  • Trainers, cheats, porting, uploading other people\'s work and the Nexus

    Hi folks,

    I first of all wanted to say how great it's been to see such an enthusiastic uptake of modding Dark Souls and the use of Dark Souls Nexus. There are now more than 50 mods available for Dark Souls with plenty more coming, which is great, because over 20,000 people will have visited Dark Souls Nexus today looking for mods. Word gets around fast, huh?

    I wanted to get a notice out to as many authors and uploaders as possible about a few things regarding our et...

  • Expected down-time this evening

    A real quick heads up that our provider is going to be moving our servers in to some new rackspace this evening, within the next 4 hours. I'm told the down-time should be no more than 15 minutes, so that normally means 15 minutes - 60 minutes. If you're on the site a bit later and you can't connect, you know why!...

  • Announcing Dark Souls Nexus Launched

    Hot on the tails of our new Grimrock Nexus site we’ve got another special treat for you. It’s my pleasure to announce the launch of Dark Souls Nexus for Dark Souls: Prepare to Die edition.

    For those living under a rock for the past few months I’ll break it down a little. Dark Souls was (originally) a dark-fantasy console-only RPG that is well known for being quite difficult but particularly rewarding for players. It was so popular that the PC gaming community petitioned for a ...