The Witcher 3

Twenty minutes of Skyrim

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  1. BoloDigby
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    I'd like to see a Skyrim video of NPC interactions, such as an Inn visit or Merchantile exchange, or guard interaction. The audience that frequents this site does not need a lot of prodding to swoon over the combat. In Blivy, overland logistics and NPC interaction take up more time than combat by far; I'd like to be convinced that Bethesda is getting some of the non-combat stuff right, out of the box, and not depending on the deep pool of mod creators to fix their shortcomings.

    As Arwen says more than one year ago:

    "- No Spellmaking: Simplified into being able to put a different spell into each hand and cast both at once.
    - No Armor or Weapon Degradation: No repair or repair skills. The end result is that once you get an ebony sword (or the best bow) there will no longer be any reason to use any sword that does less damage. (In previous TES, weapons and armor could degrade to the point that they broke. And when you found or bought an weapon or some armor, it was rarely in top condition.)
    - No Locational Damage (damaged to individual body parts) no crippled limbs
    - You will not be able to see your character in the inventory screen. This is not a biggie for me, but it was a nice feature in Oblivion and Morrowind, that I will miss."

    I no longer care about levitation (face it, it broke Morrowind) and Drain Health (broke Blivy).
  2. dsp2003
    • supporter
    • 65 kudos
    Didn't noticed any major improvements since TESIV/FO3/FO3.5. Really. Skyrim looks and feels... recycled. And those DXT-compressed textures making it even worse... If they are indeed planning to release direct port from x360 to PC, then it means this one will work even on my old 7600GT. The only thing that all previous games lacked of (and which could wastly improve both performance and amount of details) is a proper exclusion of non-visible geometry from rendering - if you'll enable wireframe mode, you'll notice it doesn't hide anything, unless you set the distance to very low levels (compare to GTA: San Andreas in forced wireframe mode, and you'll understand what I mean).
  3. TheHorribleSmell
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    • 0 kudos
    @Zaldiir, yes, which is a rating that clearly says that it's for ages 17 and up. So I should be able to watch it at 17.It's no big deal, I was able to watch the whole thing in embedded videos, but it really shouldn't have been blocked. There was nothing in the video that was even close to being "18+" content.
  4. Carimya
    • member
    • 34 kudos
    THX but I don´t know what M means... In germany it´s just "USK 0"0 "USK 6" "USK 12" "USK 16" and USK18" Skyrim is rated USK 16 in germany. So I should be able to watch it... Well who cares. The first video was enough to make me decide to buy it.
  5. Zaldiir
    • Moderator
    • 484 kudos
    @Carimya, Skyrim is rated M.
  6. Carimya
    • member
    • 34 kudos
    Watched the first video. Unfortunally I can´t watch the 2nd and the 3rd one because youtube says I need to be 18 O.o. A video of a game that will be allowed for 12 or at least 16 years old ppl is rated 18? youtube hates me

    But the first video looks amazing. Even the ability to talk to somebody while moving around and nice combat!
    I will buy it! I just hope my PC will be able to run it without lags.
  7. Katt7777
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The Neanderthal in me really liked the way that droopy viking dude kicked that wolf in the foreleg and then made that beheading move at about 3:04 of the first vid.

    I've always wanted to play a nad kicking thief. Who knows this might be a possibility. I'd have everyone in Skyrim wincing at the very mention of my name.
  8. Jamez820
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Game looks amazing, not to mention the armor, his iron armor alone is so well done that I would wear it despite the fact it is basic iron haha. I do agree with a few people that the foliage is at the same level as some of our current mods for oblivion, but that's where we continue to make mods isn't it?

    It didn't look like much changed with horses still from what iv seen, hopefully we can get some combat outta that, all armors better be available or I am gonna have a fit, even after I modded Oblivion I could never understand why they got lazy and didn't make imperial watch armor available and a lot of armors male only.

    Lastly I hope that faction armors don't get a rise outta other factions, its not fair that the enemy wears badass armor and I cannot continue my Dragonslaying days with my favorite armor without having problems with other factions that are often not my enemies. (Cough Cough Great Khan Armor FalloutNV)

    The third person finishers are insane, from what I noticed there is no change to the ragdoll after a finisher or kill though, not that I expected limb removal. But If a guys arm comes off where I cut it off and he continues to fight stump and sword till I kill him then we are in business.

    There is no reason for them to port over to PC from an xbox version, without the mods great players have made and attached to this site, they would have no idea what they should adjust, Oblivion became the playground for us players and Skyrim will be the jungle-gym, half the time I'm surprised they didn't hire half the people who made mods on this site.

    Also My one major plan for ingame is to shoot a dragon outta the sky with a bow, I want to see that ugly mug ragdoll crash into the ground before burning up.
  9. theuseless
    • member
    • 35 kudos
    150+ hand made dungeons... Sounds awesome. And it sounds like the puzzles will be better too, not just go here, pull a rope and kill some monsters...

    As far as graphically, I could care less. Unmodded Oblivion was garbage for quests. If they provide some good gameplay, that is Far more important! It looks like they made the dialogue system better, with a dynamic approach. You can walk away from somebody talking to you, without the annoying close up of their face.

    Did the horse refuse to go any further up the path? It kind of looked that way to me.

    Cool new spells:
    Clairvoyance: Finally they made guidance magic based. Compasses were lame in Oblivion.
    Matrix Time Slow: Killing in slow mo is awesome. Neo would be impressed
    Sith Pull/Push: "You have failed me for the last time"
    Traps: A static magical trap is a great idea.
    Lightning Storm: It looks like they take our community more and more seriously (casting spells from activators). They then brought it to the next level!!!
  10. d181sp1
    • premium
    • 33 kudos
    I'm with the other guy a few posts down. Love to see a patch for Oblivion that would allow us all to take advantage of all the idle cpu power we have with our dual and quad core processors. That'd be pretty cool. Was this just one mans hopes or has there been talk for such a patch?