The Witcher 3

Skyrim demonstration video coming Monday (US time)

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Bethesda Softworks spokesman Mr Pete Hines announced via twitter that a demonstration video of Skyrim would be ready for release by Monday (US time).

The video will contain footage similar to that aired in previous game conventions such as E3 and Quake. Mr Todd Howard will feature as the narrator.

Bethesda Softworks has said that this will be the best chance to see how the game will appear and play before it is released. The game is currently just over two months from release.


  1. Blacckkfire
    • member
    • 4 kudos

    It is not like they will give us every single little detail about the game before it comes out.
  2. thiafy
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Psh, I always ace tests anyways. No point in homework. Except, you know, the points earned by homework. Also detention and/or yelling.

    I'd seen the whole demo before (it's the one where I saw giants, and heard they were passive until provoked), but they were doing an interview somewhere noisy during it - this new release is definitely worth it. For the sounds, for the more lore-specific information, and for the good view of the interface (and how important it will be -- loved that puzzle!)

    Who else thinks that the Clairvoyance spell is the PERFECT balance between coddling questers, giving people a challenge, and keeping believability? <3
  3. dartmaul15
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    i was supposed to do homework but.... guess who got an angry teacher tomorrow
  4. Ithildin
    • premium
    • 69 kudos
    Being able to hear the music and ambient sounds made it all the more fantastic for me; Mark Lampert and Jeremy Soule are very talented gents. <img class=">
  5. Dualies
    • BANNED
    • 1 kudos
    Eh, I watched all three parts, the last part hard already been shown before.
    Not too exciting in my opinion, I don't care about the dragons in this, I want to do everything else but the dragon stuff. I was hoping it would show some trading and such, which it did a tiny bit of but still.

    I guess the new way to do magic is neat and dual weilding and that... ehhhh
  6. biosman
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    wow the demo was amazing, lots of awesomeness, i bet once of the first mods will be to tame a dragon and ride it cant wait.

    view the vids here...!/TheElderScrolls
  7. Hickory
    • premium
    • 307 kudos
    Well that was underwhelming!

    Ok, I take it back. I didn't notice there was parts 2 and 3.
  8. PetrosKolven
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it monday in the US yet..... Damn timezones!
  9. cpocurtis
    • supporter
    • 17 kudos
    But I want it NOWWW!!!! Something to look forward to after work, at least.
  10. thiafy
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    @JonesTownKid -- MorroRim. MorroBliviRim?

    Personally, I think a very brief look at the character appearance customization screen would be nice (Guild Wars 2's has me horribly excited), but I'm willing to wait. Otherwise... some giant dialogue would be nice. Because I have seen footage where there was a "talk" button when the player character walked up to a giant, and I DO NOT UNDERSTAND how anyone could resist pressing that. Ever. I want to RP some variety of giant-stalking character so badly it hurts, right now. They must be fantastic to scavenge kills off. And they talk. And herd mammoths. I hope they have several quests involving those guys -- as allies! -- or I'm going to have to make some.

    I'm probably going to be squealing in utter glee no matter what the footage is of, though. Skyrim looks like it's going to be fantastic (or at least better, for a city-lover like myself, than Oblivion, and that's all I can ask). Thanks for telling us about this! I'm glad I saw this post only the day before the vid's due, too. xD