This page was last updated on 18 February 2017, 9:27AM
Version 2.0.3
Disabled NPC scaling they seem to be cause of the random crashes
Version 2.0.2
Updated the how to install
Version 2.0.1
Fixed a crash caused by certain objects.
Version 2.0
Now runs through scripts instead of file modifications
Added an ingame mod menu for customization
Version 1.6b
- Fixed water related meshes (like Keira's pool)
- Fixed glass window related issues in Wyzima
- Fixed more black textures
- Tweaked the auto hide distance for a ton of objects; they all have their fade-in back. No more popping objects in the background. Got a good majority taken care of, but obviously not all 12000 objects can be tested. Mostly focused on Novigrad.
Version 1.6a
Recreated the mod from the ground up
Fixes a lot of the black texture issues from 1.5
Version 1.5.2
- Doing another round with armors LOD, reverting some changes I did in 1.5.1
- Fixed some hay decoration objects that had the wrong LOD/Draw distance values
- Fixed a couple thatched hay roofs that I missed previously.
Version 1.5.1
- Fixes metallic armors from having a slightly odd shine effect during cutscenes.
- Fixes a few long distance objects that were disappearing when looking from extreme distances.
Version 1.5
- Added Skellige architecture.
- Fixes missing alpha on a few indoor decoration objects.
- Fixes missing alpha on tattered and fur clothes, (mostly villagers and skelligers)
- Fixes Dancing bomb sound glitch
- (Environment) Fixed Dancing bomb sound glitch
- (Characters) Fixed black edges on Crach's fur pelt.
- (Characters) Fixes the black edges on some of the poor/villager NPC tattered clothes.
- (Architecture) Is now uncompressed again - less crash-prone for some people.
- (Architecture) Fixed two more buildings with glitchy shadows.
- (Characters) Redid characters / armors. Which fixed issues with armors having dark shading, and some NPCs losing detail.
- Fixed invisible interior walls when peeking through windows from a distance.
- Fixed shadows on village buildings (ones with straw roofs).
- Fixed shadows on a few npcs from turning into blobs.
- Fixed Geralt's armors from having a slight change of shading
- Fixed one specific door going invisible at a certain distance
- Fixed a couple more object in Novigrad that had weird shadows.
- Fixed crash near Oxenfurt Gate in Novigrad
- Fixed certain NPCs losing detail. (Let me know if you see any more)
- Removed some misc stuff (this should hopefully fix some quest related visual glitches that were reported)
- Fixed Abandoned Towers
- Fixed game crash when visiting Bloody Baron gate cutscene.
- Fixed the issue with eyes looking overly glossy.