The Witcher 3
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  1. Aeltoth
    • premium
    • 140 kudos
    Hi, thank you all for your interest toward my tool. I hope it will serve you well and as much as it does for me. If you think documentation is lacking on some points or if you have question, feel free to tell me here in a post and i will gladly answer anything so you can use the tool to its full potential.
  2. Strahlimeier
    • premium
    • 90 kudos
    Hey there Aeltoth! I've been using your tool for quite some time and so far it's proven quite indispensable. I have a feature request for it that I think is going to improve it overall.

    Since the modlist that I have has been on my PC for years now and after plenty of bugtracking and conflict resolutions that I made, I've started creating backups of my game. I think a feature within your tool that automatically clears all symlinks would make my life (and possibly other users' life) much less complicated when it comes to backing up the entire game.

    So far I haven't had any issues manually backing up everything, but it does get a bit tiring having to manually unload the imports from all of my modlists, then having to find any leftover symlinks to manually delete them in order to later on make a proper backup of my installation. It's not a huge issue, but maybe an automated system that clears all the symlink imports and prepares the game for a backup would be a huge QoL improvement on this tool!
    1. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      Hi Strahlimeier, glad to hear that thank you!

      This sounds like an interesting feature indeed, since as you say the tool permanentely modifies a game install it would make sense if it offered a way to revert the operation. But I would like to make sure you have considered all solutions first (not that i won't implement the feature it there is a solution to your exact problem):

      Is there a reason you are not backup-ing the modlists themselves instead? If there is something that is not symlinked by the modlists, perhaps adding a symlink on that thing so that you can just copy/paste the modlist folder would be a solution too? Because then you would just have to make new modlists for your tests and if something doesn't go as you expected you'd then load the previous modlist and get a clean game again.
    2. Strahlimeier
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      Oh it seems that you misunderstood me. I don't have any issues at all using your tool! It works great with my game and it behaves properly.

      What I meant to say is that whenever I do certain major updates on my mods/modlists and all that, I also make a copy of my entire Witcher 3 folder on a backup HDD just in case anything happens to my current installation (SSD failure, accidental file deletions etc..) so that I'll always have a full backup of the game and the mods to basically revert to, should anything happen on my setup.

      In order to back up the game folder properly (for the aforementioned reasons), I basically have to go through all my modlists, unload all the imports through your tool, then manually check all the directories for any leftover symlinks. If I copy my current game installation without removing the symlinks, then the backup wont be made properly (symlink folders are going to point in wrong directories and you can basically imagine what's going to happen in general).

      I do actually make regular backups on another drive and whenever I restore them, everything works properly and as intended. All I have to do is open up your tool, load my imports and I'm good to go!

      It's not a huge issue as I said before, but it would be a great help adding this kind of automation to it..
    3. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      I understood your request don't worry :) I've made an issue to track it on Github. I won't work on it right away as i'm currently busy with another modding tool at the moment but it's noted !

      So to confirm i understand correctly (so that I update the description of the github issue) the ideal solution would be to:
      - take the current modlist and replace the symlinks in your game with real actual folders, probably by copying them from the modlist(s) into the game
      - then go through all the modlists and remove the import symlinks without replacing them with real folders like the first step. Which would allow you to copy the modlists to another location on disk and be sure there is no dangling symlink left somewhere

      My initial question was because technically the folders that are symlinked by the tool are the only thing mods can/should change. That means that if you were to break your game with a mod, in reality it's simply the current modlist that is broken. So in theory it would only require you to install another stable modlist for the game to boot again. However there is nothing the modlist manager can do against disk failures indeed lol and if your goal is to avoid redownloading the game & re-installing the manager then it makes sense i agree.
    4. Strahlimeier
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      take the current modlist and replace the symlinks in your game with real actual folders, probably by copying them from the modlist(s) into the game

      No need to replace anything with an actual folder, merely an option to basically unload imports from all available modlists so that the symlinks are removed. Imagine going to a modlist and hitting "unload imports", this function basically, but added universally for all the modlists (kind of like a "universal unloading").

      The idea is, unloading imports from each modlist removes the symlinks from both the modlist as well as the game folder. But if you have multiple modlists with their own symlinks you have to repeat this for each modlist as well. Granted, there's really no reason to unload your imports in the first place since non-installed modlists dont interfere with the game at all, but if you wanna make a proper backup on another drive, as I said symlinks are getting messed up, this doesn't ruin the backup, it just creates a bit of a mess with the folders.

      When you do "unload imports" from all the modlists then the symlinks are removed properly but well, if you try to unload your active modlist, even though it doesnt have any symlinks within its modlist folder, there are some stray symlinks within the game/documents folder.

      As I said though, I don't really expect you to implement it in the first place as it is my own "niche", so this was a mere suggestion on my part! 
  3. OGMJ
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    game d0nt w0rk n0 m0re
  4. QwerTheGreat
    • supporter
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    Hello, I'm sorry if this has been asked before or explained, but I can't seem to find any description on it.
    Some mods like Tweaks, has a .ini file inside their base folder. So like "bin\config\base\*.ini" for example. What folder does this ini file go into?
    Or do we just ignore this .ini file
    1. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      Tweaks is an exception, it's one of those mods that once installed should be in all modlists. I can't imagine you using for a modlist, but using different visual settings for another modlist. For this reason anytime I used tweaks i applied it directly in my game, then i installed tweaks in my essential modlist that is imported by all the other ones. Hope this helps!
    2. QwerTheGreat
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Nice, I'll just install it as an essential too then. Thanks for the info
  5. Ithuza
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Hi, this'll be a new favorite for sure! Thanks so much for making it!  

    my MergeInventory.xmls are getting overwritten exactly like the gentleman below,  if install is pressed or script merger(or anything from inside  the actual program that is it successfully makes a symlink that works offline or outside of the program leading me to think somehow a new xml is generated by accident instead of loading the large one or something)

    I see you posted a link to the spot in the code (very grateful thanks) so I'll attempt to decipher that as I familiarize how to read it .  It's odd if this behaviour isn't happening to you though and while i suspect it's hopefully incredibly easy single syntax problem figured I'd post my findings in case you can fix it like incredibly easily within the time it'll take me to learn/test a new language etc..)    I mean at a single glance I'm not sure I even see any errors which I'll have to read whole code slowly in future

    If you aren't sure what I mean or don't want to waste any time I'll keep looking and let you know if I figure it out but seriously thanks again all else working perfectly so far and this is the kind of thing that excites me enough to keep programming :)

    1. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos

      I think i know what you mean because i encountered the bug myself. The merge-inventory is reset and does not keep in memory your previous merges, which is very inconvenient.

      Thanks for reminding me of the bug, i'll see if i find the time to look at it this weekend. Or if you're curious i can let you try to fix it and push a PR :) But since the program is written in rust it may prove a little more complex than with other languages. I created the issue on the matter if you want to contribute or discuss it further, if you don't have a github account then let's just continue discussing here on nexusmods!
    2. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      Beep boop, i found the issue. A basic mistake i must have made a long time ago and forgot about it, the merge-inventory was reset anytime you installed the modlist. Super annoying. It was supposed to create a fresh file only if there isn't one already. I just pushed the v1.18 with the fix if you're interested, and if you're curious here is the commit for the bugfix!
  6. mtee22
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    How do I unintall it? I made the mistake of doing a fresh install of the game and now I can't save any games because the saved folders are locked with no permissions. So is there a way to uninstall it after I already deleted the files?
    1. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      You were supposed to run the program as administrator.

      To revert the install of the modlist manager you must find the vanilla modlist in the "modlists" folder it created in your TW3 directory. Once you found it you will have to remove the symlinks it created in special places and replace them with their original folders:
       - the "bundles" folder goes in "The Witcher 3/content/content0" and is named "bundles" 
       - the "content" folder goes in "The Witcher 3/content/content0" and is named "scripts"
       - the "dlcs" folder in "The Witcher 3" and is named "dlc"
       - the "menus" folder goes in "The Witcher 3/bin/config/user_config_matrix/" and is named "pc"
       - the "mods" folder goes in "The Witcher 3" and is named "
       - the "saves" folder goes in your "Documents" folder and is named "The Witcher 3"

      the mergedbundles folder can be ignored, as well as the two other files.
    2. mtee22
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      How do I remove the symlinks? I don't think its not giving me access but rather since I uninstalled and made a fresh install of the game I also deleted all the files including modlist. Now I can't even access the witcher folders because it was originally restricted when I had Modlist working prior. So basically how do I unrestrict it or delete the files when now its not even allowing me access at all? Thanks for quick reply btw
    3. mtee22
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Nevermind I got it to work. I figured it out when you said revert back to original folders. So I just went back and created the folders I deleted and luckily I backed up the files and just pasted the files back to where they were. Now it works. Thanks for your time. And this is a great mod manager btw!
    4. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      View symlinks as shortcuts to directories. When you double click a symlink (a folder icon with an arrow) in the file explorer it actually directs you to the real folder it points to. This is what makes the modlist manager fast, instead of moving files and folder it creates shortcuts.

      If you deleted the orginial folders, meaning the "modlists" folder then you deleted the original files and you must restore your game install. It shouldn't be long to restore in that case since it's only scripts.

      With the instructions i gave above, you are supposed to look for the symlinks and delete them. This won't delete the original folders but just the shortcuts, then once it is done you must place the original folder in the place of the symlinks with the correct name.
  7. Yzangard
    • premium
    • 0 kudos

    Tried it but it doesn't seem to work. Right after initializing, vanilla folder is created as expected, then I tried to create a modlist and added the "vanilla" modlist then tried to load it but nothing happens and of course, game won't start.

    Is there something special to know ?
    1. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos

      Have you read the documentation, and more importantly the using it section on github? I think you are missing the part where you need to launch the tool in administrator because of the weird "security" choices Microsoft added to Windows. It's the first paragraphe in the section i linked above.
    2. Yzangard
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Of course I read it and it is launched as admin.

      Maybe I should precise that I use Windows 11, maybe something special because of this ?

      EDIT : ok, found the issue, seems that there was a "ghost process" of Witcher 3 running that prevented stuff to run.
    3. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      Ohh i'm glad you fixed your issue! I don't think (i hope) Windows 11 could cause any compatibility problem. Since i know you read the doc now, if you get any more issue feel free to contact me and i will gladly help you!
    4. Yzangard
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Seems to work fine with Windows 11, would have been surprising since there is almost nothing Windows 10 can do that Windows 11 can't.
  8. tehgonk
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    Quick question: Friendly HUD (and some others) has a mod menu and input.xml (example) but unlike some other mods it's in the modFriendlyHUD folder. With W3MM there's no problems. The mod menu and keybinds show up in-game and having multiple mods that each have their own keybinds works just fine.

    With MLM, for some reason I had to manually move mod menu to the MLM menus folder otherwise it wouldn't show up, and I can't move the input.xml there because other mods also have input.xml files and I'd just be overwriting them.

    I hope this makes sense. Thanks.
    1. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      Hello !

      The modlist manager is a modlist manager and not a mod manager, that means it doesn't install the mods for you. It is only there to allow you to swap between modlists in a single click.

      The mod manager you used did these modifications (the menu and the inputs) for you. You could install the modlist you want in the modlist manager, then use the mod manager to install the mod. But i doubt the mod manager will understand once you start swapping modlists, i'm not sure as i never used a mod manager.

      As i said in a previous comment:
      use my modlist manager only if you feel the need. It's not a convenience tool but instead it was created to fix a precise problem. If you don't frequently swap modlist or if you don't feel like organising your mods in small packages you'll just add more complexity to a process that didn't need it ! 
      And also because it is a tool that requires you to know the whole process of installing mods manually. Unfortunately the managers were all made with databases, which means they start acting wonky as soon as you swap modlists because they think you're still with the old modlist. 

      Hope that cleared everythign about the tool !
  9. zontik2012
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos

    Recently the tool started to replace MergeInventory.xml file (the one storing merge information) every time I try to install/ merge anything, even if the file (and symlink, in the script merger directory) already exists.

    The closest I can now do to merge things is to backup xml file and manually launch script merge after installing modlist, which works fine.

    Any thoughts on why does this happen and how it can be fixed? It's not hard to manually launch Script Merger, but it would be even easier to launch it from web interface as I did before.

    I tried to reinstall both the tool and the game, moved game from one drive to another, checked whether admin privileges were enabled, I don't know what else can I do.
    1. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      Hello !

      This is not a bug at all. The mod list manager supports merge inventory swapping. Because a merge inventory only makes sense for its own mod list with its own set of mods.

      There is a section about it :

      Basically, every time you install a mod list it also replaces the merge inventory in your script merger folder (only if placed under The Witcher 3/scriptmerger) with the inventory of the mod list.

      And to merge a mod list, the manager installs it first and then open script merger. So your merge inventory has been replaced with the correct one.

      I'm not sure I understand the issue well so if you're curious and I did not answer correctly, you can also look at the code here :

      Where I explain exactly how it works.

      So if you don't want the mod list manager to move your merge inventories you can rename the script merger folder to something different than "scriptmerger". Or you could remove the merge inventory from your mod lists folders.

      However I don't recommend to use a global inventory, this feature was made to avoid tons of issues that would happen when you use different mod lists with the script merger
  10. Cyrilounay
    • premium
    • 2 kudos

    First, thanks for the tool it would really help those like me that can't run a single playtrough without changing mod every now and then xD.

    However I can't import a vanilla modlist, I did the installation requirement but when I try click on Initialize when I first launch the tool I get this error 'could not transfer the save into the vanilla modlist: Accès refusé. (os error 5)'. The files is in the modlists directory which is in my Witcher 3 Directory, I run the programm as a administrator... I don't understand xD

    A little help would bu helpflul thank in advance :)
    1. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      Hello, do you run the tool with administrator rights? If I remember correctly the documentation has a section about it and why it is needed
    2. Cyrilounay
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I do. That's why I took the liberty of contacting you about it :). I run the program with admnistrator rights but I have the same message, it's create a vanilla folder with only a save folder nothing else :'(
    3. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      Ah right, I missed the part where you confirmed it already. 

      So this part has always been difficult because it may fail during the copy... I had to write custom code to move folders from one drive to another. For example if your game is in disk D but your documents are on disk C, this could cause an issue.

      Could you tell me if your Documents/The Witcher 3 is in a different disk/drive than your game?
    4. Cyrilounay
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      It is indeed should I move it?

      EDIT: I confirmed it was the issue, moved my Documents folder on my Witcher 3 drive and everything work flawlessly ! thank you! :)
  11. jonathancg24
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    How do i revert to default before installing Modlist Manager?

    I deleted the modlists within modlist manager and now my merges are broken. I have a lot of errors and can't launch the game.
    1. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      Do you mean going back to vanilla? It's a matter of a few minutes :
       - move your /mods folder somewhere else because you probably don't want to lose your mods
       - move your dlcs (not the entire folder as there are 16 vanilla DLCs in it) for the same reason
       - move your xml menus in a clean folder outside the game as well, they're in bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc but again be careful as there are vanilla xml menus in there.
       - last step, if you have installed Community Patch Base revert your content0. There is a zip archive on the mod page if you need it.

      I think that's it.

      Once you've done that and you installed the modlist manager, you can make a new modlist and in there put the DLCs in the dlcs folder, the mods in the mods folder, the xml menus directly in the menus folder.
      The rest is the standard workflow of the modlist manager!
    2. jonathancg24
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      ?No, not vanilla. I already had a modlist merged and i installed this to try another one but i changed my mind. I deleted the vanilla modlist that Modlist Manager created (it wasn't really vanilla of course because it was created from my already modded game), but after i did that my merged mods don't work and i get a lot of script errors. Can't launch the game because of that. 

      I want to try something, do you think you could point me to all of the default locations that Modlist Manager use to cut and paste folders and files to the modlist manager folder? I mean, inside Modlist Manager folder i see this folders:

      Where do those go? I want to move them manually. I know where DLCs and Mods go but the other ones.. not so much.?
    3. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      ahh, the modlist manager will complain if you're missing the vanilla modlist. For example you won't be able to install the modlists unless they import vanilla. Also the vanilla modlist probably contained vanilla files, so unless you moved them before deleting it, you lost your content0 and vanilla DLCs in the process.

      But here are where each folder goes:
       - mods -> /mods
       - dlcs -> /dlc
       - menus -> /bin/config/r4game/user_config_matrix/pc
       - saves -> Documents/The Witcher 3
       - content -> /content/content0/scripts
       - bundles -> /content/content0/bundles
       - mergedbundles -> /scriptmerger/Merged Bundle Content (if /scriptmerger exists)
       - MergeInventory.xml -> /scriptmerger/MergeInventory.xml (if /scriptmerger exists)
    4. jonathancg24
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      It worked. My game launches normally (it didn't even did the Red Engine check) and all my mods are working now. Lucky me i had content0 backed up. I will try your modlist manager in my next playthrough because it looks really promising, but i will do in from a vanilla clean game next time. Thanks again!
    5. Aeltoth
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      You're welcome!

      As i often tell people, use my modlist manager only if you feel the need. It's not a convenience tool but instead it was created to fix a precise problem. If you don't frequently swap modlist or if you don't feel like organising your mods in small packages you'll just add more complexity to a process that didn't need it !