The Witcher 3
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/h `- .. ss
hNmy+- :ms-.`-//:::/// -/ymNm
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+dMMMMMMh+` shsssssyh `/hMMMMMMms`
.hMMMMMd+` ody/-/yyh `/hMMMMMm-
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Be sure to click the ENDORSE button there if you like the mod!

Manual Installation

1. Copy the entire "modFriendlyFocus" folder into "[Path To The Witcher 3]\mods" folder
2. Navigate to "[Path To The Witcher 3]\mods\modFriendlyFocus" folder and
copy the entire "bin" folder into your "[Path To The Witcher 3]" folder


Friendly Focus modifies these files currently:-


If you have other mods installed that modify these scripts as well,
please use Script Merger:
and its unofficial patch:

Follow installation instructions and then:

3. If you're updating Friendly Focus from a previous version, DELETE ALL MERGES with modFriendlyFocus!
4. Run Script Merger and merge all scripts.


Dimm Effect - Toggles the dimm effect during witcher sense on and off
Sound Effect - Toggles the whoosh sound effect entering witcher sense on and off
Fade Effect - Toggles the fade transition effect entering witcher sense on and off
Ambient Effect - Toggles the ambient sound effect during witcher sense on and off
Zoom Effect - Toggles zoom effect on and off
Jump Block - Toggles jump blocking during witcher sense on and off
Sprint Block - Toggles sprint blocking on and off
Hold Focus - Toggles hold to enter witcher sense on and off
Cat Focus - Toggles witcher cat sense on and off
Highlight Effect - Toggles highlighting stuffs during witcher sense on and off
Corpse Effect - Toggles corpse particles effect during witcher sense on and off
Monster Effect - Toggles monster ripple effect during witcher sense on and off

Reporting Issues

Please report all issues that you find on the Nexus page!

Requesting Features

If you'd like a feature in Friendly Focus or you would like a current feature to act a little
differently, then please drop a comment at the Nexus page! Keep in mind that I want this to be a mod
focused on Geralt's witcher sense, so if you're feature isn't related to that, it probably won't be added.


Friendly Focus is proudly licensed under the MIT license. You should have gotten a copy with
the download. Basically, all of my edits to CD PROJEKT RED's code are freely available for you
to use in any way but are provided without any warranty or guarentee of support. If you'd like
to learn more about software licenses, please visit:

If a piece of software that you love is provided without a license, make sure to ask the author
to provide one. These small pieces of digital paper make sharing easy and hassle free while
protecting everyone involved.


I have provided the files that I use to localize in the localization folder (THEY DON'T AFFECT
ANYTHING AND DON'T NEED TO BE INSTALLED ANYWHERE!), but in order to change the localization
in-game, you have to COMPILE those files down to w3strings files. You can do this by using the
w3strings encoder/decoder located here:

If you want to help localize Friendly Focus, please send me the relevent locale.LANG.csv
with all of the strings translated and I will include your localization for the next release.

More Information

If you have a question or concern, please visit the Nexus page and drop a comment.