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Introduces a new group of "spell tomes" items that modify your signs when equipped in the trophy slot.

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Spell Tomes DLC

Introducing "spell tomes" - a new group of items that modify your signs when equipped in the trophy slot. The game data for the items, effects, and loot entries are added through the DLC folder for compatibility with other mods.

Check out the images tab to see the item descriptions and a few gifs demonstrating new spells.

You will find tomes in select shops throughout the game. They also appear in specific loot locations throughout the entire game beginning as early as White Orchard. Starting at character level 10, they are integrated into random loot as high-quality rare treasure. If you simply wish to begin using them immediately, you can can use the console command "addalltomes" (as of 1.2), or add them through the additem console command (see the "posts" tab for the item names).

All tome spells have associated visual and/or audio effects when they are cast or in use.

Breath of Winter - Aard
Adds frost damage and a freezing effect to both versions of the Aard sign.
The damage and effect duration scale with your Aard sign intensity.
The damage is reduced when using the alternate cast.

Wrath of Storms - Aard
Adds shock damage to both versions of the Aard sign.
The damage scales with your Aard sign intensity.
The damage is reduced when using the alternate cast.
Compared to 'Breath of Winter', this spell has higher damage and less reduction when using the alternate cast.

Rimefrost - Aard
Surround yourself with a frost aura, damaging any melee attackers with a chance to cause freezing.
Greatly increases your resistance to frost damage and freezing.
The duration, damage, and freeze effect application chance scale with your Aard sign intensity.
Only one "aura" spell can be active at a time.

Clear Skies - Aard
Changes the local weather to clear sky.
Cast through the alternate Aard sign.

Summon Storm - Aard
Changes the local weather to a rain storm.
Cast through the alternate Aard sign.

Hex - Axii
Curse an enemy, reducing their attack power and movement speed.
The effect duration scales with Axii sign intensity.

Consume Vitality - Axii
Siphon the lifeforce from an enemy, damaging them while healing yourself. 
The damage and healing scale with your Axii sign intensity.
The alternate sign cast charges up the spell, increasing the damage and healing.

Witchfire - Axii
Surround yourself with a black magic aura, cursing any melee attackers.
Affected targets suffer reduced attack power and movement speed.
The effect duration scales with your Axii sign intensity.
Only one "aura" spell can be active at a time.

Scorch - Igni
Focus your Igni sign on a single target, inflicting fire damage with a chance to cause burning.
The fire damage and burning effect application chance, duration, and damage per second scale with Igni sign intensity.
The alternate sign cast charges up the spell, increasing the damage and effect application chance.
This is a 'conversion spell' and changes your Axii sign into a second form of Igni.

Infernal Flames - Igni
Your Igni sign applies a debuff effect that makes enemies more vulnerable to weapon attacks.
You gain increased critical hit chance and attack power against enemies affected by the debuff.
The duration and attack power bonus scale with your Igni sign intensity.
The debuff can be applied through either form of Igni.

Inferno - Igni
Surround yourself with a fire aura, damaging any melee attackers with a chance to cause burning.
Greatly increases your resistance to fire damage and burning.
The duration, damage, and burning effect application chance scale with your Igni sign intensity.
Only one "aura" spell can be active at a time.

Cauterize - Igni
Instantly heals a portion of your vitality if you are below 50% of maximum.
The healing effect is stronger the lower your vitality.
The healing amount scales with your Igni sign intensity

Glyph of Mending - Quen
Converts the standard Quen sign into a healing aura that regenerates vitality.
The duration scales with your Quen sign intensity, but the effect will be canceled if you use a standard Quen shield.
The vitality restored per second scales with your Quen sign intensity and will adjust automatically to changes in your character stats.

Power Nexus - Quen
The Quen shield infuses you with power to increase your attack power, sign intensity, and stamina regeneration.
As long as your standard Quen shield is active, you will gain 20% attack power and sign intensity, and 5% stamina regeneration.

Lifebinder Rune - Yrden
Casting the standard version of Yrden will grant you a vitality regeneration effect.
The effect lasts 10 seconds and the healing per second scales with your Yrden sign intensity.

Flash Freeze - Yrden
The standard Yrden sign applies the 'freeze' effect instead of the default 'slowdown', and the alternate version deals frost damage and applies the 'freeze' effect.

Vortex - Yrden
Surround yourself with a magical aura, damaging any melee attackers with a chance to stun.
Greatly increases your resistance to shock damage.
The duration, damage, and stun effect application chance scale with your Yrden sign intensity.
Only one "aura" spell can be active at a time.

- The archive contains a \DLC folder and a \mods folder - place the contents from each folder in the corresponding folder of your Witcher 3 installation.
- Build a merged script patch if necessary.

- Out of an abundance of caution, make a game save after removing all tomes from your inventory and clearing all tomes effects from your character. (Probably not really necessary, but better safe)
- Remove both the dlcTomes and modTomes folders from your game installation.
- Rebuild your merged script patch if necessary.

The game data is completely new and added through the DLC system, making it compatible with all other mods. The scripts may need to be merged depending on your current mod list, and normal compatibility issues may arise if you are using mods that alter signs, skills, or other aspects of gameplay.


Upcoming Tomes:

Imbue Weapon: Frost - Aard
Your weapon attacks deal bonus frost damage with a chance to inflict a freeze effect.
The damage, freeze effect application chance and duration scale with your Aard sign intensity.
Only one "Imbue Weapon" spell can be active at a time.

Status: planned

Telekinesis - Axii
Project force against a single target, damaging them and inflicting a force effect - from stagger to knockdown.
The damage and force effect level scale with your Axii sign intensity.

Status: planned

Imbue Weapon: Flame - Igni
Your weapon attacks deal bonus fire damage with a chance to inflict a burning effect.
The damage, burning effect application chance, damage, and duration scale with your Igni sign intensity.
Only one "Imbue Weapon" spell can be active at a time.

Status: planned

Searing Brand - Igni
Mark an enemy with the Igni sign, reducing their resistance to fire damage and burning effects.
Inflicts bonus fire damage whenever an affected target is hit in combat.
The damage and duration scale with your Igni sign intensity.
This is a 'conversion spell' and changes your Axii sign into a secondary form of Igni.

Status: planned

Imbue Armor - Quen
Surround yourself with a force aura, increasing your armor and physical damage resistance.
Melee attackers have a chance to be staggered.
The armor, damage resistance, and stagger effect application chance scale with your Quen sign intensity.
Only one "aura" spell can be active at a time.

Status: planned

Overcharge - Quen
Converts the default Quen shield into a brief but powerful buff that increases sign intensity, sign damage, and stamina regeneration.
Your vitality will rapidly drain during the duration of the effect.
The damage increase and stamina regeneration bonus scale with your  Quen sign intensity.

Status: planned

Ethereal Shroud - Yrden
Converts the standard Yrden cast into an aura that grants high elemental damage resistances.
Grants a large amount of resistance to elemental damage, fire, frost, shock, and burning.
The duration scales with your Yrden sign intensity.

Status: planned

Imbue Weapon: Shock - Yrden
Your weapon attacks deal bonus shock damage with a chance to inflict a stun effect.
The damage, stun effect application chance and duration scale with your Yrden sign intensity.
Only one "Imbue Weapon" spell can be active at a time.

Status: planned