The Witcher 3

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  1. Feregorn
    • premium
    • 132 kudos
    Anybody interested in this representation of Toussaint:

    A reshade can't possibly replicate the exact visual representation. Serious work must be put into env, lighting, cloud editing, etc. by others.

    And it is probable that pushing this encompassing (and not area-specific) reshade further towards this particular direction will result in "deteriorating" the visual quality for the rest of the game areas which are far less neon glowing and oversaturated compared to Toussaint.

    As food for thought, would anyone be interested in such a prospect under the above conditions?
  2. Feregorn
    • premium
    • 132 kudos
    Now there are 2 versions of this reshade preset, the 1st is intended to be used with Reshade v1.0 and the 2nd with Reshade v3.0. Description and Log pages have been edited/updated accordingly. Both should be quite similar in visual appearance and performance. Reason for this "update" is the upcoming release of a newer version of the automatic reshade switching utility for W3 from Muzinio!!!!
  3. smaddeus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    To me it looks like there's simple a film grain added and colors are made desaturated, or less saturated than the original.
    1. Feregorn
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      You need to calibrate your monitor better, but yes, simplistically, it can be said that the mod does add some film grain and colors are some desaturated or less saturated than the original.

      More specifically though, the mod does a lot of desaturation, some color-shifiting, adds customised film grain for extra grittiness without distracting, more universal and better sharpening than vanilla, some extra shadows if enabling mxao, etc......
  4. fredcal218
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So I installed the v2 version for reshade 3 and above, got it to work the first time, then tried another reshade (e3 2017 true wild hunt) and when I tried putting it back, the qUINT mxao fails to compile. How can I fix this?
    1. Feregorn
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Hello there! Sounds like a reshade/shader issue. I gather that the "e3 2017 true wild hunt" uses an older version of the shaders and when you installed it, it may have overwritten/added stuff that caused this issue.

      Unless you kept a full backup of your bin folder with the previous installation of my gritty reshade which should make it easy to restore, then I would suggest to delete all reshade-related files and folders and reinstall them again, before adding in my reshade.
    2. fredcal218
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm sorry for the REALLY late reply. The thing is though, I've done that multiple times, deleting all reshade files (reshade folder and the d3d11.dll along with the .ini). I even tried redownloading the reshade just in case the file I downloaded suddenly got corrupted or something.

      Well I've only been using the old version of your reshade right now, which is still awesome. Are the changes in the latest version large when compared to the old one?

      And thanks for the reply. I endorsed for your hard work :)
    3. Feregorn
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      That sounds really weird! Did you try uninstalling and reinstalling the game? I know, that's a bit extreme, but can't think of anything else right now.

      Both reshades should be pretty close. Only difference is that the newer version has a couple extra fx that cost some fps depending on the system. However, they should still be relatively close visually, so I don't think you are missing out much.

  5. TheBOOLINTicTak
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    whats the difference in v1 and v3 reshade?
    1. Feregorn
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Kindly read 2nd stickied comment. In other words, the comment highlighted within a red rectangular shape right above your comment. Apart from that, bothe versions should look pretty similar, except for the latest and "upgraded" v2.0 of the reshade for reshade v1+sweetfx.
  6. smithb252011
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Gotta say... You effing NAILED this! I've been looking and looking then tried to create a great reshade but couldn't get what I wanted. This thing is damn near perfect... Appreciate the work!
    1. Feregorn
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Thanks for the appreciation!
  7. syedfadzil234
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    whats the real keybinds i also dont get it
    1. Feregorn
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      For reshade v1, keybinds are Win+PrntScr

      For reshade v3, keybinds are whatever you set them on the program itself

      Hope this is helpful.
  8. syedfadzil234
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    sorry I still cant understand how to change the keybinds
  9. 1erCru
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Amazing work. Dont even see a performance hit and the end result is just about as good as another one of my favorite reshades
    that chops 10 fps off.

    a great option for those gaming at 4k and want to keep 50fps
    1. Feregorn
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Thanks mate, have fun!
  10. Costyiii
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    any new images with the new update please?
    1. Feregorn
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Nothing has changed. As I said, the update was all about carrying this reshade into the V3 reshade framework and making it compatible. Look at the images and the videos generously uploaded by others to see how this makes the game better!
  11. SunnyTheCat
    • supporter
    • 16 kudos
    Hey! Which mod for witcher eyes / face did you use in the screenshots?
    1. Feregorn
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Only mods I was using when these screenshots were made, were the following:

      - Cutscene Lighting
      - Atmospheric Nights
      - Improved Triss

      The links are in the description page. If the faces look different/better than usual then that is due mostly to the reshade and the in-game settings I mention.
  12. Eorcan
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hey Feregorn, the representation of Toussaint in your stickied post looks really nice, and suits the atmosphere of what the Reshade in going for. I haven't went into Toussaint with the current version of the reshade so I've no idea how it looks like, but the representation looks promising.

    Personally I'd like to contribute to help but I have absolutely no idea how to mod or edit files for games, I should try learning them if I have some free time, but regarding the problem of deteriorating the other regions of the games my idea would be to make like a preset that I see in other reshades where you can change the preset of the reshade ingame in the reshade menu. That way players can switch between two different presets when they are in different regions
    1. Feregorn
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Hi Eorcan, thanks for the continued interest. I am testing a mod in a Toussaint savegame actually (still haven't played the game yet though), so I will upload soon a couple of screenshots from Toussaint with my reshade on/off to give people a better idea of the visual change.

      You don't have to worry about editing game files, the Reshade framework is wholly apart from Witcher 3 and as it can be used practically with any game, once you learn the basics you can transfer that knowledge to other games and create your own presets.

      I thought about multiple presets but I prefer AIO solutions for simplicity, ease, etc. Additionally, to provide users with multiple presets based on location, as you've seen on other reshades, necessitates the change of the Reshade v1 framework to v2 or v3 which may or may not be easy and which I have never used before.

      Furthermore, there is only so much a reshade can do, so I've been thinking of creating instead a lighting mod exclusively for Toussaint that will be used in conjunction with this reshade, complimenting each other to much better effect. After an initial failure though, this plan has been put on hold for the time being.

      I will return to this when I finish a couple of other mods and see by that time whether the talked about update for Reshade is released with even more functionality and features.

      Take care!
    2. Eorcan
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Ohh, I've never realised that you'll have to change the version of the Reshade in order to have presets, again no knowledge at all xD

      But what you suggested, a lighting mod exclusively for Toussaint that will work in conjunction with the Reshade, in my opinion that's a great idea, I'm thinking it might be difficult, I'm not sure if creating a lighting mod only for Toussaint is similar to like STLM or Wiedzmin. It IS a great counter to having to change the version of the current Reshade you're using to have presets though.

      About lighting mods, do you have any suggestions to guides, or your own guide for someone who has no idea about modding at all. Currently I can only give my ideas and opinions, but I'd like to try and help and get try to get into modding
    3. Feregorn
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Learning is always good, so why not?

      If you want to learn more about the Reshade framework, you should visit the official page that offers ample documentation and contains its own forum:

      For directly editing the lighting of Witcher3, like STLM, WLM and others, unfortunately I can't offer any advice/guidance as I have not done it yet. Only guide I know of is this More important though, if you want to edit the lighting of the game the easy way, is to get the tool ENVUI from here that allows you to directly edit environments and lighting while in-game.
    4. Eorcan
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Oooh, thanks for the links Feregorn, I'll check them out and try to learn what I can

      I'm currently using your reshade with the Wiedzmin Lighting 8.0, and I'm liking it so much, your reshade is the only one I could find that suits my taste, it doesn't make the game really dark looking, and in my game it seems to also reduce the extremely saturated lights and bloom ( not sure if it's from the Wiedzmin mod or vanilla lighting, forgot how vanilla looked since I've used Wiedzmin every time). But it's better to express it using screenshots instead, I'll upload a few once I finish playing through White Orchard

      Thanks again for the suggestions..