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About this mod

A Reshade Preset for The Witcher 2, focused on toning down the bright, saturated and contrast-heavy look of the base game to something sharper, grittier and slightly more realistic.

Permissions and credits

A Reshade Preset for The Witcher 2, focused on toning down the bright, saturated and contrast-heavy look of the base game to something sharper, grittier and slightly more realistic.


  • Download and run the Reshade Installer, selecting the witcher2.exe executable, located in your Game > bin folder. 
  • When prompted, select the downloaded ReshadePreset.ini to install the preset and all relevant effects
  • Effects can be adjusted in-game with the Reshade Overlay (by default accessed with the 'Home' key.


  • To remove the preset, delete or replace the ReshadePreset.ini file
  • To remove Reshade completely, run the installer again and select the uninstall option.

Recommended Mods (As seen in screenshots)

Strongly reccomend turning off the Bloom setting in the game launcher first.