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About this mod

A collection of retextures and tweaks to enhance the visuals and 'lore friendliness' of all the characters in The Witcher 2.

Permissions and credits

This is where I will upload all my edits to the characters of The Witcher 2. My goal is to enhance every character from the game and to stay (in most cases) true to their original look. I've updated or redone many of my older charcter retextures and this will be where I upload anything related to my character retextures. Once I've completed them I'll release an all-in-one file.

In addition to the  retexturing of characters, there will be files to "correct" things that were changed in the game from the books that I want to fix such as eye and hair color.

Dandelion has 2 additional options with textures used from Bathsebah's awesome mod Bathsebah's Book Jaskier (Dandelion). One with his default brown hair and one with blonde facial hair to match his blonde hair if you chose that option. Thanks to Bathsebah for thier generous permissions with thier assets.

I have added an optional file for the eye textures I made that can be seen in the screenshots if you want them.

For Triss I recommend Hiuuz's awesome retexture, Hiuuz's The Witcher III Triss Merigold for The Witcher 2, I can't do any better what they've done!

To install, add the contents of the downloaded mod archive to the game's root folder. Example: A:\GOG Galaxy\Games\The Witcher 2 or  A:\Steam\steamapps\common\The Witcher 2

To Do List:
Main Characters Part 1
Main Characters Part 2

Secondary Human Characters
Secondary Dwarven Characters
Secondary Elven Characters

Lore Edits for:
Unique Auburn Hair
Blue Eyes

Blonde Hair
Blue Eyes

Black Hair

Character Listings

Main Npcs Part 1
Anais (La Valette)
Arjan (Aryan La Valette)
Brigida Papebrock (Chapter III Blue Stripes Informant)
Bussy (Boussy La Valette)
Detmold (Dethmold)
Filippa (Philippa Eilhart)
Iorweth (Iorveth)
Kimbold (Ravanen Kimbolt)
Loredo (Bernard Loredo)
Luiza (Maria Louisa La Valette)
Maravel (Linus Maravel)
Marrietta (Marietta Loredo, Bernard's Mother)
Mavrik (The Crapper)
Richon (Letho)

Main npcs Part 2

Sabrina (Glevissig)
Saskia (Saesenthessis)
Sheala (de Tancarville)
Shilard (Fitz-Oesterlen)
Sigfried (of Denesle)
Yarpen (Zigrin)
Zoltan (Chivay)

Thanks to hiuuzflixsterhub997Fuse00Antonaros1999, and PapcioVesemir and for all their help and support with modding The Witcher 2.
 Thank you Witcher 2 players, I hope you enjoy.