About this mod
A drop-in mod-based implementation of a chainfire solution
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- Changelogs

ACAM can be installed and used like any ordinary plugin on PC, Mobile, and VR, as long as you can install plugins on that platform (sorry, AndroidTV users).
Neoloader installation:
ACAM can be *optionally* managed through Neoloader. ACAM comes with EN, ES, FR, and PT support with the Babel library, and offers an API so other plugins can manage and extend ACAM's features.
ACAM can be removed at any time; just remove the ACAM folder from your plugins directory.
ACAM can be accessed through a variety of methods.
1) the command /ACAM will open the module's interface
2) ACAM can be configured directly through an SCM provider (Neoloader required for this functionality)
3) Use the /ACAM command with arguments to set and configure directly in chat

What each option does:
Active while flying: turns on and off the chainfire group cycling
Enable auto calculation: When enabled, the timing will be automatically adjusted when you undock based on your currently equipped addons
- Manual:Auto-calculation is disabled
- Basic:Your first weapon decides your chainfire timing
- Average:All of your weapon's timings are averaged together
- Slowest:Your slowest weapon decides your chainfire timing
- x2: Generally slower, given only two ports are meant to be used
- x3: Middling speed for three ports
- x4: Fastest timings possible for pilots flying the hornet
ACAM chainfire timing: The number of milliseconds between each weapon firing.
Setup weapons for chainfire: This will automatically set every weapon to its own unique group for you.
Save / Load: Allows you to save and load unique timings to your game's config file