While being lore-friendly, the mod grants a different approach on meals, especially if you're tired of gathering all those resources and not using them mid or late-game. Valheim's Cuisine gives a little more flexibility on food preparation, making good of what you have on your inventory at the moment and gives more purpose for collecting different kinds of foods and materials from different biomes.
The recipes are inspired on existing delicacies from the nordic countries, many of which trace back to the viking age, such as skause (boiled meat stew), hákarl (fermented shark meat) and morrpølse (offal meat sausage). They also reference various myths, stories, cultural aspects and social roles of the vikings, to better fit into the game.
- More than 200 new recipes inspired on cultural nordic delicacies, with norse mythology references to fit the game;
- Legendary recipes: special recipes with special effects obtainable only through a new crafting station, the cauldron Eldhrímnir. The foods have higher stats and higher duration than conventional foods and the potions are pretty
overpowerstrong (don't worry, it won't break your game, they're pretty hard to make);
- Banquets: multi-course meals, with high stats and greater duration, but heavier in weight and a decrease in movement speed;
- Recipes using every single fish in the game, so now fishing actually pays off. Instead of just hanging fish on the wall, cook them!;
- More oven recipes;
- More cooking station recipes;
- Fermented foods, obtained through the fermenter;
- Useful potions and meads, craftable through the cauldron or via fermenter or exclusively sold by Haldor;
⛤UPDATING (manual)
Delete previous version of the ValheimCuisine.dll AND XutzBR.ValheimCuisine.cfg, as wll as files with the prefix VC_ inside config/wackyDatabase/Effects folder (if you have them) and the files Piece_fermenter.yml, Piece_piece_cookingstation.yml, Piece_piece_cookingstation_iron.yml and Piece_piece_oven.yml inside config/wackyDatabase/Pieces folder (or edit them and remove the mod's references, if you use them for semething else) and install the newest version normally.
- Balance may be a tricky thing; the more recipes there are, the more difficult it gets. Furthermore, since every player has it's own mod setup, this mod will never be fully balanced for each user. The mod's balancing try to follow the game's logic, so values use biome level, ingredient quantity, ingredient rarity and recipe complexity as criteria. If these values don't fit your game (if you use mods that increase the game's difficulty or if you use Epic Loot and want to remove trophies from recipes, for example), you can change most of them in the config file XutzBR.ValheimCuisine.cfg;
- Item effects are also configurable (if you want to remove the speed penalty of banquets, for example), but through wacky's database files. On Wacky's Database page you'll find how to properly edit things. Everything with the prefix VC_ is related to the mod;
- In the mod’s configuration file, drops are displayed like CreaturePrefab:DropChance:DropQuantity1:DropQuantity2. So, if you want greydwarfs to have a 10% chance to drop the Herbal Remedy for example, go to [Herbal Remedy] and on Drops from, put Greydwarf:0.1:1. Note that the second drop quantity don't need to be filled. If you fill it, like Greydwarf:0.1:1:2, means that greydwarfs have a 10% chance of dropping 1 or 2 remedies;
- If you use CLLC , depending on how you configure it, Valheim Cuisine's droppables can "break" the game. Bloodmoon Stew, for example, has a 1% chance of dropping 1 from cultists (0.01:1 in the config file). It's a rare drop and it's designed to be that way. When using CLLC, that chance may increase and almost every cultist you kill will drop it. So either decrease the chance (set it to 0.001:1 for example) or remove the drop possibility (set it to 0:0 or erase it). Checkout the google docs file to see which items drops from what (at the bottom on the "Droppables" chart).
- For the mod to work properly, you SHOULD use Recipe Description Expansion, because Valheim's Cuisine have some "flavor texts", thus longer descriptions. It's not necessary to use it, but it's highly recommended;
- The item Jörmungandr Stew displays a 0% reduction of stamina used while swimming, while it should display -25%. The item is not broke, only the display is wrong;
- To simulate long shelf life of fermented foods (except for skyr, which is dairy), their stack has been significantly raised;
- The quality of the translations (other than the original english and the brazilian portuguese one) are not my responsability. If you think you can do better, send me your version of it (instructions on "Available Translations" topic);
- English
- Brazilian Portuguese / Português Brasileiro
- Spanish / Español
- Korean / 한국인
- Russian / Русский
Translate it to your language here.
Mods to combo with Valheim Cuisine for a better experience:
Recipe Description Expansion: this one is a must, since some recipes have long descriptions;
Cooking Assistant: this one is of great help, especially if your recipe list is long;
AAA Crafting: make your life easier;
AzuCraftyBoxes: make your life easier;
The Spice of Life: make it more challenging;
Item prefab list
- 2.1.1 - Fixed Eldhrímnir's visual and audio effects; Fixed Skjaldmær’s Mead display text.
- 2.1.0 - Minor bugfixing; Russian translation available.
- 2.0.9 - Fixed Shroom Mead, Shroom Beer and Boar Ham stack sizes.
- 2.0.8 - Fixed Shroom Mead and Shroom Beer (now they will behave as consumables); Fixed stack size of Heiðrún, Suttungr and Hörgr Meads; Korean translation available; Corrected spanish texts.
- 2.0.7 - Updated to Ashlands; Oven, fermenter and cooking stations now in use, thanks to Wacky's Database, so usage of the charcoal kiln to make food is now terminated (yay!). IMPORTANT: you NEED Wacky's DB to use this version; Added, removed and renamed a lot of stuff; Rebalanced a lot of values and added effects to some recipes; Greatly increased banquets' duration; Remade a lot of icons to try to match the game's art; Added recipes with bukeperries as requested; Added and remade some recipes to include raw fish, acorn, neck meat, bilebag, blood clot, barley and hare meat, which seemed forgotten; Reworked Hákarl, Lutefisk and Skyr (now they're obtained through the fermenter); Legendary recipes now require a special cauldron, Eldhrímnir. Checkout google docs file for more information.
Azumatt for his ItemManagerModTemplate and his tutorial videos on modmaking;
OhhLoz for general help;
Steamvikings for help balancing;
Odin Plus discord server for bug fixing.
carpenteer for bug reporting/bug fixing.
Ravens of Asgard - lots of viking recipes and lifestyle
Tasting History - recipes and history from all periods of time (search for "viking", of course)
Viking Food - a collection of viking age recipes with some history lessons
Viking Recipes - a ton of recipes
Ribe Viking Center - lots of viking recipes and lifestyle
Wardruna - one of the best nordic folk bands, alongside with Danheim
Valheim Playz - my personal valheim gaming playlist
Well, finally, if you like the mod, please endorse it and if you experience any issues, please report so it can be fixed right away. If you don't like the balancing, share your opinion, I'm opened for suggestions and requests.
If there are any grammar errors in this mod page, please forgive me, english is not my native language.
Thanks for the support!