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Kits Bitz

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    • member
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    help, it doesn't show up in the config manager, im using thunderstore
  2. samsatanson
    • member
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    I noticed that some monsters are not in the config file and therefore not displayed on the map.
    These include fulings, charred enemies, probably others as well.
    Any chance that they will be added?
  3. MrNork
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    After installing this mod, the dungeons (troll caves, tombs, etc) became very bright. Any idea why?
    1. b3nb0d
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      same here...
      + i'm now able to build in restricted areas like spawnpoint.

      tested with:
      Valheim 0.218.15
      ThunderstoreModManager 1.49.0
      BepInExPack_Valheim 5.4.2202
      ConfigurationManager 1.0.7
      HookGenPatcher 0.0.4
      UnderTheRadar 3.1.4
  4. guilhermejacare
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you make a custom config to track custom monsters from monsterlabz by adding manually and selecting any pin so that you can cover any mod if possible?

    CustomPins(In order above):
    1. Kit68
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I'm currently looking at adding a custom mapping file so people can do their own mapping of objects and drops.
    2. ruffmagga
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Lets go !

      Are you on the way ? :)
  5. ruffmagga
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    First, thank you for this massive mod ! In combination with Pin Assistant its perfect to track and save static pin !
    I reduce the radius because 70 is no much and give me lag.

    I wondering if is possible to make a cfg for redundancy pin (like berry) and regroup close pin ?
    Also is it possible to change the refresh scan time ?
  6. sketaful
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    It seemed like a nice idea to keep a watch on what's around you but turned into a pure cheat when I noticed it actually show you all the hidden silver veins.
    1. Kit68
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Dont forget you can remove anything you dont want.  You just can't add more than the default settings.
    2. Reysevie
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      How do I remove them?? could you please tell me??
    3. Kit68
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Config Manager (F1) - remove the item in the category (including the comma) or
      Manual - go to game folder \Bepinex\config and open the Kits_Bitz.UnderTheRadar.cfg file - and do the same, remove the item in the category (including the comma) or
      Thunderstore - you can edit the config file in your profile, open the Kits_Bitz.UnderTheRadar.cfg file - and do the same, remove the item in the category (including the comma)
    4. enderes
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I just updated this mod, and decided I want to remove some items from being tracked. So I went to the folder you just specified... there's no config file for this mod in there! The only files there are "BepInEx" & "SilmVML" configs. I opened the game and clearly saw pins on the minimap which means the mod is working, it's just apparently doing so without a config file. And I know it's possible for me to do this because I've done it before... except since then I've gotten a new computer and installed the game & all mods fresh, and formatted the other computer.
    5. Kit68
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      After you ran it for the first time on the new computer did you go back to the config folder and check again?
       * are you using a config manager
       * are you using a mod loader (nexus vortex / thunderstore / etc)
       * are you loading mods manually
    6. enderes
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      There's my problem. I'm using r2modman as my mod loader. It has a built in config editor that I needed to use.
  7. MageRule1
    • member
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    I was using a similar mod, but it seemed to not keep the pins on the larger map save for things like troll caves and the burial chambers that marked as surtling cores. Will this one have the pins only stay up when you are in the vicinity and vanish on the main map if you move away from them? 
    1. guilhermejacare
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      For this you use another mod to mark pins on your map, like Auto Map Pins.
  8. wrobell
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, quick question: what is SHIPSETTING01 that shows up near spawn with a round shield icon? Can't find anything there.
    1. guilhermejacare
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      they're treasure chest buried around suspiciously placed stones, e.g. stones placed around resembling a ship
  9. zahrad
    • member
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    After the latest update, Dvergr are not showing up on my maps, regardless of whether I spell it Dvergr or Dverger in the config file.  I am using the most recent update.
    1. Kit68
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      My bad - I was fixing up the locations annd accidentally changed the crtitters.  Patch on its way.
  10. StickBarrel02
    • member
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    Does this model show the monsters too? like javali, deer, lizards?
    1. Kit68
      • supporter
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      Yes Boar, Deer and Neck