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  1. Shoruke
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Used to be, this mod would make the ores show up at your feet.
    Now the damage numbers are appearing at the position of the chunk being damaged, and the ores drop... somewhere. Sometimes under the bottom of the massive copper vein, sometimes off to the side.
    (Still a massive QoL mod that the game sucks without lmao)
  2. VulcanTourist
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    After the recent updates to the game - 0.217.28 and .29, maybe back to .24 - it seems that this mod's ability to detect the dimensions and shape of large mineable objects has deteriorated.  Where I was able to stand in one spot and mine an entire object before, now it seems to get confused and fragment the object in the process of mining it.  It hasn't required me to dig yet to compensate, but that is the whole point of this mod, right?

    It doesn't seem like the original author has even visited NexusMods since he last updated this, but perhaps the permissions are such that someone else with the skill could investigate that?
  3. VulcanTourist
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    This has unexpectedly become one of my most valued mods for this game.  I didn't choose to play this game to be greeted by excessive "grind" or repetition, and some mining is the worst of it.  I don't want to role-play the life of a prospector, digging pits and tunnels-not-tunnels in the earth for days hoping to find the next continuation of an ore vein.  All the while disposing of vast amounts of rock/soil.

    Copper veins/deposits are the worst: they extend into the terrain to an unknown indeterminate extent.  A player who is a "completionist" and derives pleasure or comfort from knowing he has truly finished a task will not feel rewarded by mining for copper because he can never be certain he has recovered all of it.

    This mod solves that problem and allows a completionist player to KNOW that he has done what he set out to do.  It creates deterministic certainty where there was none.  Certainly the game itself could have solved this to a degree by giving the player a percentage to completion (recovery) or at least a notification of 100%, but the developers chose to do neither even though those are obvious abstractions of the process.

    This mod does for players what the developers consciously chose not to do.  The completionist in me is grateful.
  4. Leshiko
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Vortex: doesn't install correctly automatically, the mod doesn't work.
    Correct installation: manually copy the file TopMining.dll to the folder with the installed game: ***\steamapps\common\Valheim\BepInEx\plugins\
    Valheim v.0.212.7 (steam version), MISTLANDS.
    1. Edorenel
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Awesome. Thanks. Glad to know it works for Mistlands.
    2. VulcanTourist
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      You really need to learn fully how to use Vortex before you start advising other people how to use it.  The method you recommend completely thwarts the purpose of giving Vortex full control of the modding process: the Purge button will now be ineffective because you've done an end run around Vortex. You can no longer have a pristine game structure with a single click, and will have to again manually reverse your end run... and hope you don't introduce human error into it.

      The proper way to do this is to use the mod details sidebar - accessed by double-left-clicking in the Mod Name column - to adjust where and how the mod gets deployed.  In doing so you're making up for the mod author's ignorance of Vortex and how to package for it, but this is far better than what you've proposed.  The primary field that will be your focus is Mod Type.  For most BepInEx DLL plugin mods, this field would be empty: that causes the mod's files to be deployed into the \plugins directory.  If the mod package has an unexpected directory structure embedded into it or needs to be deployed anywhere other than the default location \plugins, then using the dropdown to choose one of the other alternatives will most likely solve the issue.

      Regardless, I just temporarily installed this mod (October 2023), and this mod's package has a single DLL file with no embedded directories, and by default Vortex does in fact install it where it needs to be in \plugins.  Does it still work with v0.217.24?  I'll find out the hard way.

      Addendum:  It does indeed still work as advertised with v0.217.24, and it does install correctly with Vortex with no manual heresy or tweaking.
  5. h0rsel0ver
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Must be my favorite mod now.  I think this is the best balance of QoL without tweaking ore amounts in the world.  My finger and arm can only take so much!  TYTY
  6. ChickenNuggets8
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Valheim 0.215.2 I installed it with Vortex and its working well for me. Great mod!
    1. MartinLeong25
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      how did you do it? I tried and it wont work, the copper just mined as normal
  7. Saqiw
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I cant seem to get it to work, I copy the TopMining.dll til Valheim\BepInEx\plugins\
    not sure what im doing wrong
  8. deleted6503495
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    One of my absolute favorite mods in terms of QoL provided. Still working on Mistlands beta, using BepInEx 5.4.1901.
    1. Mizana
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you! This is exactly what I came to the posts to find out, since the mod hasn't been updated in a while.
      I think this mod will continue to work for a long time, unless they actually change the mechanics of mining in the foundation of the game.
    2. binarydavinci
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thanks this is what i needed
  9. DamageOb
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Man, this mod is amazing. Easily my new favourite thing. So much easier, and doesn't feel like cheating either since you still have to make every swing and repair your axe repeatedly, but it's a thousand percent more efficient, and much neater too, no massive crater left behind, easier to defend whilst mining, and you don't waste an ounce of ore either. Outstanding work, I'd love to know how on earth you figured out the code for this. Kudos.

    For those interested, this works just fine for me on the current build (Mar 2022) installed using Vortex. Compatible with the config manager too.
    1. BevansDesign
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Honestly, I like the crater being left behind. To me it makes the world feel more lived-in. I think it'd be cool if this mod automatically created the crater too.
  10. McLear
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    As of 04/18/22 This still works with the Epic Valheim compilation of mods.  It even works with the Thunderstore Mod Manager, but you have to go to settings, and input the mod as a zip file.

    So thankful this still works, as solo or duo no-one wants to spend hours digging out a node.