A simple Reshade preset that adds image sharpness and makes color palette a bit subtler so it can be easy on the eye without changing overall style much.
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A simple Reshade preset that adds image sharpness and makes color palette a bit subtler so it can be easy on the eye without changing overall style much.
Installation: 1. Download the latest version of Reshade(Which is 4.3.0 at the moment the preset was made) from official website (reshade.me) 2. Launch setup and press "Select a game" 3. Go to [The Outer Worlds installation folder]\Indiana\Binaries\Win64\ and select IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe 4. Choose Direct3D 10+ 5. Choose yes to download necessary shaders and select Tonemap, Vibrance, LUT, Lumasharpen(Or just select all) 6. If everything's in order, you'll see reshade loading on the start. When loading finishes, you should see hotkeys that are used to open Reshade menu(By default it should be Shift + F2, I'm not sure if menu hotkeys are affected by the preset now, but if they are, try pressing Home) 7. Select SubtlerWorlds preset and that's it, enjoy.
The preset is intended to be used just as is but if you'd like to make your color palette less warm, I recommend you try installing Neutral LUT. Actually LUT is enabled in the preset just in case you want to install it, so you can turn the effect off if you're not going to use it