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wish obsidian company policy would not be 1 year exclusive "capitalism bad, woman competent" garbage lacking any substance or lasting discussion, i feel like i m the last man standing playing it


  1. GavinGold
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    I feel you. I was expecting New Vegas 2. Instead I got Idiocracy. Nothing but the most shallow excuse of an attempt at political critique set in a world full of idiots and girlbosses. 
  2. JabberMoxie
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Late-stage capitalism sucks.  There's a reason movies and shows have been making corpos the villains for decades.  They're the villains.

    And I dunno where you're getting you're views on women in gaming, but you're clearly hyperfocused on seeing things that aren't an issue.

    Get help.  You'll live happier.
    1. GavinGold
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      "Late Stage Capitalism" isn't a thing. That's just a buzzword commies use to make it seem like the world is falling appart. It isn't. It's never been wealthier, healthier, safer or more peaceful. 

      But hey, if "hE hE, cOrPoS bAd" is the kind of message that you want from your entertainment (coming from one of the largest corpos on earth no less) then by all means, enjoy.