Sunless Skies

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Desblat and Modmaking Writers

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  1. JarinArenos
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    So, somehow, my Windward Company reputation has locked itself to 2,147,483,647. Incidentally, the 8th Mersenne prime number, so I'm assuming it's intentionally used as some kind of "Null" or error value in the code? Nothing I do can seem to budge it. It says I'm "beloved" when I try to turn things in, but in every other respect, I'm hated (face aggro, can't hold parties, etc).

    Looks like it was caused by flipping over from zero, when I tried turning in some nameplates to restore my rep.

    Edit: Oh! Tackty flag, probably. Something like: I went from 0 (but really -10) and adding +4 recalculated it to a -6, and broke.
  2. JarinArenos
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Something glitched in using the horn to hail other ships. Even when I'm stationary or just undocked, I just get the floating message "You can not engage in conversations while in Full Steam mode." I don't even have Full Steam mode! I'm still using the starter engine. Tried docking, toggling cruise on/off, even restarting the program didn't fix it. (And yes, I installed the hotfix)

    Edit: clarification, and update, I installed the hotfix before I started playing. The bug occurred a little ways into the new game. After a fair bit of flying around (an in-game month or two), it seemed to fix itself.
    Edit2: The bug comes and goes. Haven't figured out any cause or fix.
    Also, seconding the request to see the stats, special abilities, etc. of unique engines like the Ceres.
  3. HDouglas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hailing works since the hotfix for me, along with Faustic Corsairs being hostile. Haven't tested with mauraders yet, but I assume if the corsairs are, they should be too. 

    Oh, and this is really minor, but I noticed that in the description for electrical trinkets, the "L" is missing from the first word. 

  4. fcfirework
    • member
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    Just downloaded the mod to play with the new patch; it seems that the reach marauders are not only neutral now, but don't even attack at all when I shoot them?

    Great stuff otherwise.
    1. desblat
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Try using hotfix Beta in the files.
  5. MonkeyPotato
    • supporter
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    is there any way to see the stats of some of the new locomotives before purchasing?
  6. Shapiro911
    • member
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    The game crashes before loading, when I replace resource.assets in sunless skies_data folder. BepIndex's last log is Chainloader startup complete Any fixes?
  7. ryxeria
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    From what I can tell, I followed the installation instructions (and installed the developer pack), and yet I can't get this mod to load with my game. Does anyone have a screenshot of what the file folder should look like so I can tell if I just put some folders in the wrong place or something?
  8. MKnock
    • member
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    The mod is pretty much perfect with most of the content, but we get so many new tools that the game becomes much easier, and there aren't really bigger threats to deal with.

    For example, I have a trade route between Ms Plenty and lustrum going on, and it's absurd how quickly I get cash. Or, I just noticed that my officers boost ship stats, so now my ship is much faster for no additional cost.

    These are all things that I felt were missing in the base game, but it feels overpowering when compared to the threats you face, especially in the reach. Lustrum bronzewood needs a nerf.

    Though I love the costlier fuel prices on some of the further ports, it makes it feel like sunless seas did.
  9. stimtheone
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Problem: Impeller's Lil Brother (sold at London) that was supposed to increase fuel efficiency by 240 (which I assume might be 2.40) instead REDUCES it.... so badly that it goes into negative. Before was about 1.15, afterwards was x-1.55 (yes, that is what it said). Game instantly crashed on trying to set to the skies.

    See here
    1. desblat
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Issue noted. That's actually a bug with getting such a high fuel efficiency that the game crashes. If you use light locomotive and have too many fuel efficiency modules you will get a crash... 
  10. Xristo702
    • member
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    EDIT: I had some issues getting the ceres.  When restored through the shady gadgeteer in winchester it looked like the agravain and vanished for no reason after swapping locos....seems to work fine when restored in London though?

    On a positive note, I love the overgrown engine questline and the loco itself is great both in concept and design.
    Great work!  Not sure how but there has to be a more stable way of implementing these dry dock ships because god it hurts when they just vanish like that (and are gone for the entire lineage).
    1. Dancingrage
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Agreed, that stung losing the Ceres after all the work I put in to get it.
    2. desblat
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      From what we figured it's something with Retirement/Death that breaks unique vessels in the lineage. We are working on a fix.