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  1. senna7608
    • supporter
    • 155 kudos
    Please everyone who uses my other SeaTruck mods to do a clean installation with all the mods because they depend on SeZero.
  2. UjnEngineer26
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Steam, pirated, any version... it doesn't work there(
  3. UjnEngineer26
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What do I need to do to make this mod work on the latest version of the game (subnautica below zero 44378 or 49184)?
  4. UjnEngineer26
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Tell me, what version are all these mods for? I tried many mods, none of them worked, except for mods like auto selection, even the usual recipe changes don't work!!!
    I need this mod, but...
    NOT WORK   :(
  5. MdosTV
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Do not use this mod to extend your hotbar unless you are ok with being forced to set up the hotbar in a specific order.

    This mod is not programmed to accommodate using deployables in the extra slots. If you do use a deployable in the added slots it will bug your player model to think that it is still holding the item and you can not switch to a different quick slot. You are forced to restart your game to fix this.

    You are best to download this mod only for the dependency from the authors other mods. Go into the Slot Extender settings in the mod menu and put the amount of slots down to the default 5.

    Also it has been a year since this mod has been updated. Do not expect a fix for that anytime soon.  

    Edit: The slider for adjusting the amount of default slots does not work. I cannot endorse anyone use this mod. There are some serious QoL updates needed. Use at your own discretion.  
    1. senna7608
      • supporter
      • 155 kudos
      I think you don't know what you're talking about, and I'm not happy that you're writing such things!
      This mod is not a hotbar extension, it only expands the expansion slots of vehicles (you should read the description!)
      For hotbar expansion you need to use the Quick Slots Plus BZ mod, it works great together with SLotExdenderZero.
      Please, if you don't understand something, don't mislead others!
  6. MWVeteran
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    doesnt work
  7. kedryn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So I am on game version 49371 and SeZero version 2.0 on Windows 10. I confirmed that the main mod is showing up in the mod page under options. It is under the BepnEx\Plugins directory in the game directory root.  I started a new game and the chip slots are now showing up fine under inventory so the mod is certainly installed. I had the default gear 12 slots set and that is still not showing up. I change it to 10 both via the mod page and reset then changed in the config file and I am still only seeing the default 5 slots on the UI. I quit to desktop after each change and still only seeing the default 5 gear slots on the UI.

    ----------------------------------- Log Info snip
    [Info   :SlotExtenderZero] Awake
    [Info   :   Console] [SlotExtenderZero/LOG] API/ModCamp: ModCamp created.
    [Info   :   Console] [SlotExtenderZero/LOG] API/ModCamp: Registering Mod: [com.senna.slotextenderzero], VERSION: [2.0]
    [Info   :   Console] [SlotExtenderZero/LOG] Configuration loaded.
    ------------------------------------ Log Info end

    ------------------Plugins Dir
    Directory of E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\SubnauticaZero\BepInEx\plugins
    05/06/2024  02:52 AM    <DIR>          .
    05/06/2024  02:52 AM    <DIR>          ..
    05/06/2024  02:30 AM    <DIR>          Nautilus
    05/06/2024  02:30 AM    <DIR>          SlotExtenderZero
    05/06/2024  02:30 AM    <DIR>          Tobey
    05/06/2024  02:30 AM               861 vortex.deployment.bepinex-plugin.json
                   1 File(s)            861 bytes
    ----------------Plugins Dir end

    ---------------------------Config snip
    Version: 2.0
    MaxSlots: 10
    TextColor: Green
    SlotLayout: Circle
    ----------------------------Config end

    The only thing I see that errored was the arms helper not loaded because it was not listed as a requirement and seemed to only be for adding in other modded arms. But the extra slots were not working before I enabled the rest of your mods in this pack and only had your mod SeZero mod installed along with the Vortex entension and the BepInEx Pack and Nautilus_BZ mods. Was trying to get one mod installed before adding in others.

    I have tried disabling all your extra mods from your pack after I had enabled them wondering if it would help. Right now only BepInEx, Nautilus_BZ and SeZero were enabled once again and only these 3 were showing under plugins.

    I also did a restart on the PC so everything would have a clean start.

    Any help would be appreciated.
    1. nl255
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Since you mentioned only having five I assume you mean the quickslots at the bottom of the interface when you are walking or swimming around and can assign items to so you can switch them with the number keys?  If so then this mod does not affect those, it only gives you extra chip slots and extra upgrade slots for vehicles.  For that you need Quick Slots Plus https://www.nexusmods.com/subnauticabelowzero/mods/306
  8. RedKiter
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Slots work on the prawn and seatruck, but not on the player for me. 
  9. TheLaughingManXC
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The links to your Q-Mod versions are gone. I need them because I use other old mods that are not available for BepInEx
  10. belyadimon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I reinstalled it on a clean one, they appeared as soon as I made the compass chip.
  11. belyadimon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I installed it on a clean game, and the character also has no slots for chips.

    Sea truck slots work !