Slot Extender Zero (BepInEx - Nautilus)
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About this mod
Slot Extender Zero allows you to use 12 upgrade modules simultaneously in the Prawn Suit and the Seatruck.
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QModManager - SMLHelper versions no more supported!
- SlotExtenderZero adds (max. eight) extra upgrade module slots to the Prawn Suit and the Seatruck.
- SlotExtenderZero also add two arm slot to the Seatruck.
- SlotExtenderZero also add two extra chip slots to the Player.
- SlotExtenderZero also add three upgrade module slots to the Hoverbike.
- This mod is automatically compatible with all vanilla upgrade modules and should even be compatible with all modded upgrade modules for the Prawn Suit and the Seatruck.
- Prawn Suit storage modules limited to four!
- SlotExtenderZero also adds extra QuickSlots for the extra slots.
- SlotExtenderZero also has an API for SeaTruck modders: SeaTruckServices; SeaTuckHelper and SeaTruckTelemetry classes.
- Default keys:
- 'R' for Prawn storage access.
- 'T' for Vehicle upgrade access.
- 'Upgrade Slot 1-12 hotkeys' for Seatruck storage access (if there is a storage module).
- '6,7,8,9,0,/,=' for extra module hotkeys.
- The contents of all the upgrade slots, including the extra ones, is handled by the normal game save files.
- Can change the slot layout to Circle and Grid (in mod configfile).
- You must have Tobey's BepInEx Pack for Subnautica Below Zero and Nautilus BZ installed.
- Simply extract the SlotExtenderZero archive into your BepInEx\plugins\ folder.
MaxSlots change process:
- remove all upgrade modules from all vehicles and save your game.
- in Main Menu Mods page change max slots to desired value (5 to 12).
- Quit to desktop.
- reload the game.