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Chris Rubino

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  1. crubino
    • premium
    • 221 kudos
    This is an early state of mod. Still so many things to do (e.g change meow sounds to barking sounds, various skin color of puppies, etc.).

    Update information:
    - For those friends in here who asking me how to make this and also asking me to make tutorials. Then I heard your. I've made it for series, for Basic beginner level to advanced technique. Stay tuned on my YouTube channel. Here this playlist of that Basic Tutorials :
    Unreal Engine 4 Basic Character Mod Tutorial Series <--- click on this link to start learning it, easy! ;)


    ** update 09042022 (v1.02) : removed cheat test mode (Zurks ignored you).

    ps. Oh come on, guys! Video games actually just for fun. Makes friends, no new enemy or hate each other. I know some of you love cats and hate dogs, vice versa. But many of us also love and have them both, right?  My cats and dog living in peace and love each other, why you cannot do that? :)
    So don't take this seriously. Just enjoy the game and its mods.
  2. JaydenVestal
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Cat in the intro: Whos gonna tell them they're not a cat
    Other intro cat: Its best they dont know
    1. BobSonOfGahzeera
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      the dog appeared one day and the cats felt too bad to kick em out
  3. garfeildthedog
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    how do i get mods on the steam version
  4. Darkmax59
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Oh my god, you make my day! it is really a great job!
    i am lucky , my chihuahua have same color and same tasks, it is really amazing.
    i am looking yours  videos on youtube for have more noose and more long tail but it is look a big job and i know nothing about this application. So i really appreciate this little bulldog for now.
    please continue to do some mods like this, you have really good skills!
  5. Antiraw
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So cute! Good job! He's a cutie, cats and dogs are so precious
    1. crubino
      • premium
      • 221 kudos
      Thank you, mate! :)
  6. s1lv3rw0lf
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Planning on getting this game later, and while I love dogs, I also love cats (I'm allergic to cats though :( ). They're both great and wonderful companions, and sometimes, we don't deserve them. haha. I have two dogs, a boxer/pittie (he's brindle) and a pittie/staffy (she's white). So, looking forward to more options. I'll track this mod for now. :D Nice job!
    1. crubino
      • premium
      • 221 kudos
      Thank you, mate! :)
  7. TBGRicky
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    I don't own Stray yet, but I came here to say I am amazed at the modding community for this game already. Wow, this is incredible.  If we can have small dog mods, imagine if modders can create other animals to play as, such as raccoons, ferrets, otters, etc...   :D
    1. crubino
      • premium
      • 221 kudos
      Thank you, mate! :)
  8. bwblade05
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Cheers Chris ,fun mod !

    Dog vs Cat comments ,hilarious :)
    1. crubino
      • premium
      • 221 kudos
      Cheers mate!
      I'm glad that you like it!
  9. deleted34154405
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Where's the model from? I could swear this is a nintendogs + cats frenchie but I wouldn't know if the models were really high def enough. 
    1. deleted34154405
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      Ok I am definitely wrong. That model would be a good import though if adding fur can be figured out. 
  10. insomniagimania
    • BANNED
    • 6 kudos
    even he changed the meow into bark lol
    1. crubino
      • premium
      • 221 kudos
      it's so fun and hilarious, mate! =))
      I love this game so much!
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Good job bro ^^
    1. crubino
      • premium
      • 221 kudos
      thank you, mate! :)