State of Decay 2

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  1. Deadmano
    • premium
    • 128 kudos
    Lemme know how it works out for you, and what adventures you get up to!
  2. CyrusFyre
    • member
    • 36 kudos
    This is great! Thanks! I like to think of it as less your survivors asking for new knowledge on something and more you are asking someone "Hey, walk me through a few things about fixing cars, would ya?" That's my headcannon anyway. 
    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 128 kudos
      Exactly that! Glad you're enjoying it!
  3. Evankeaton
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Ummm i manually installed the mods and it didn't work nothing appear in work shop, cant craft the facility mod, does it require that I have a teammate that has the skill to be able to craft facility mods?
    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 128 kudos
      Singleplayer? Multiplayer? Do you have a level 3 Workshop? See the full mod page, perhaps something was missed?
  4. Cath3rine
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is such a good idea! Thanks will try
    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 128 kudos
      Thank you!
  5. Powergod125625
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    perfect 👍
    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 128 kudos
  6. Mariulin
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    (Automatically translated)
    I thank the author of this MOD for releasing it.
    It works correctly on my game.
    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 128 kudos
      Glad to hear it works well for you! Thanks for sharing and happy adventures!
  7. Ninja2dan
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    This mod works great. There are times when you need a specific community skill, but the skill lacks good enough passives to warrant filling a community slot. Then you have to figure out what to do when you need a Chemist for 3 minutes so you can build/upgrade something.

    I am also in the position where I have a pimped-out team, but I still need this mod for a few things. Most of my team (7/10) are Red Talon, and some of their specs lack the core skill. For example, Demolitions has Munitions but lacks Chemistry, and has Electronics but lacks Computers. If you need the core skill for something, like building/upgrading, you're SOL. This mod fixes that lapse in core skill, by offering the knowledge for just a few minutes that it's needed.

    I do like the fact that for each skill/spec, you can select which you want instead of being handed a "cheat mode" of all knowledges at once. My only "complaints" are:

    1) The duration of the radio usage to activate the knowledge seems too short. Based on my current community, the call duration is 43s for the basic skill and 1m26s for either of the specializations. You're calling someone and trying to get detailed instructions over a radio, in my opinion it should take quite a bit longer. For comparison, Drone Hacking (use of CLEO drones) takes 8m35s activation time. I would like to see the call duration increased so the mod doesn't feel like a "cheat". Maybe 5m for the basic knowledge, and something like 10-12m for the specialized knowledge. People (players) need to understand just how powerful this capability can be, and having to wait a while to get such benefit isn't that bad.

    2) The actual duration of the active effect (1 Hour) seems very long, that's 1 hour of real time and not game time. The only reason I can see needing to use this mod is because you need to upgrade or build something, craft an item, activate a facility buff, etc and you lack the necessary skill in your community. In such cases, you should only need this temp knowledge for a few minutes. Having the knowledge offered through this mod isn't going to give you the benefits you'd get from having a community member with the skill (you don't get +20 Max Stam for the community if you radio in for Plumbing knowledge), so 1 hour seems like it's a little too much. Even 30 minutes is more than enough time, especially considering the minimal "cost" to activate it.

    But other than those suggestions, I can see this mod being extremely useful in the future. I can start planning out communities without having to fill a slot with a gimp just because I needed their skill for one building upgrade, and I don't have to play the Legacy Pool Shuffle (at a heavy cost to influence).

    Thank you for the great QoL addition.
    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 128 kudos
      Thanks for the wonderful feedback! If I get enough of it, I may look at enhancing/adding updates. The main reason for the 1 hour IRL timer is that it spanned a full day/night cycle in-game more or less. So the idea was you'd gather information, which would take around ~1 hour or so in-game to retain the knowledge for a day (goldfish much?!).

      As for the duration, as far as I could see, there wasn't really a way to work around the hardcoded timers, as that goes into modifiers of the facility action speed. So if I set it to a high static value, it may work for someone who is maxed out, but for the average player it'd be quite harsh.

      This was just meant as simple to not be an outright cheat, still require manpower, and it had the potential risk of attracting a horde depending on how much you had going on and what skills you called in (specialised having a harsher penalty).
  8. DamienXIII
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    This is a great mod.

    But I have only quarry. Is it possible to make this mod work with the Red Talon Workshop Upgrade mod.....?????
    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 128 kudos
      So the author told me it does work, aside from using the one facility mod item...

      I'm still trying to figure out an alternative for future mod conflicts; I might end up replacing a lesser used facility mod, or add crafting to lower tiers of workshops for mods (that won't conflict) as I don't see many mods editing those.

      Let me see what I can do about a patch for that mod though...
    2. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 128 kudos
      UPDATE: @DamienXIII - A patch can be found under the miscellaneous section, please give that a try and let me know how it goes! From my testing it seems to be working as intended with both mods retaining their features.
    3. DamienXIII
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Hello, Deadmano, thanks for the patch.

      Seems like it working fine.

      By the way, I have another idea about this mod. How about you make another version of this mod where if Calls For Community Skills option will only appear if you have a Network Signal Booster mod installed in your Command Center.

      I guess that would make more sense. Because then first we have to find/trade Network Signal Booster mod and only then we can call others for teaching us community skills.
    4. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 128 kudos
      I appreciate the idea, but it falls outside the scope of this mod due to how the buffs are set up.

      As for lore, you've constructed a transceiver that will easily be able to reach nearby enclaves; no need for a signal booster.
    5. DamienXIII
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I get it.....

      But still, I would appreciate it if you make that version of this mod when you get time.....

      Thank you again.....
    6. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 128 kudos
      With the latest Red Talon Workshop Upgrade update my patch is no longer needed as the author has addressed the incompatibility issues.
    7. DamienXIII
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      That's really great.....

      Keep this up, man.....

      Also, make more good mods.....

      Thank You.....
  9. lixniqia
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    Any actions should cost some influence when you just want something from them like you using radio or trade from enclaves.
    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 128 kudos
      Interesting feedback; it shows that you haven't downloaded the file yet; you may want to give it an actual go first!

      I was looking for a means to balance things, hence why I included at the very least a daily maintenance cost. I wasn't sure how restrictive I wanted to be, especially keeping in mind who this was made for (a person who plays a single survivor in their community of one). If you play on Nightmare or Lethal, which this is intended as an add-on for, you'd find it compliment the playstyle of a lone survivor well especially considering the high risk when calling (due to noise from ongoing calls). Anything less, and you probably have no need for this mod.

      If you still think there should be an influence cost, and you've tried it out on the intended difficulty; do let me know!
  10. thril1
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Awesome upload!
    Any chance to drop the noise from 5 to 1 or Zero, that would be awesome.
    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 128 kudos
      There are already some mods that exist that allow you to cheat on community skills/knowledge outright. Basically just set and forget the skills you want and you're good to go. As with all my mods, I try to aim for realism, lore-friendly, and quality of life. If I were to reduce the noise, there'd be barely any threat at all. Keep in mind the noise is only for the duration of the call, which is at most 2:30 minutes or 5 minutes (specialised), with it being able to drop to 1:15 minutes and 2:30 minutes respectively at high morale etc. Once the call is over, you get your buff for an hour, and the noise reverts back to what it was.

      So it creates a strategic element of do you wait patiently to get the skills you need one by one, or hammer them all out at the risk of high noise and chance of infestations/sieges for the duration.

      The noise adjustment is not out of the question, just curious to hear your thoughts after the above explanation. If you have any further balance suggestions to keep it risk vs. reward while erring on the side of outright cheating please do let me know.