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  1. TrueXyfer
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    So, I've found a couple of enemies that will lock the game if you randomize them before a certain point. I haven't completed the game with the randomizer yet, so I don't know if there are more problematic encounters:
    - Bracca - On the train (the section where you learn to deflect blaster fire). If you replace Stormtroopers with an enemy that doesn't have a blaster they will be trapped on the top of the train and you won't be able to reach them or kill them
    - Zeffo - The AT-ST fight. If you replace either the AT-ST or the AT-ST pilot you won't trigger the Mantis opening and will be stuck.
    - Kashyyyk - The purge trooper fight. If you replace the purge trooper it won't trigger the vent being opened.
    - Zeffo (again) - The ambush from the Bounty hunter. The Gonk Droid you fight (I think is listed as "Gonk Droid (Blue)", but I don't remember for certain). If you don't get ambushed you don't get taken to Ordo Edis and the game can't continue.

    I also locked passive AI (and story important characters), so I can't speak for which of them break the game. Finally, I haven't played past the start of Ordo Eris and can't give any more advice. Hopefully this helps save people some time, at least.
    1. AlexPo21
      • premium
      • 362 kudos
      Thank you for sharing this
  2. TD671
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Note: This mod and AI Spawner do work fine together, however do know that if you replace an enemy with a different AI, it may also replace that enemy with that AI when trying to spawn them with the AI Spawner.
    Ex. I replaced the Nightbrothers with Partisans so I could just have a bunch of guards standing around on Dathomir and they won't attack me, but then I tried to spawn Nightbrothers with the AI Spawner and it spawned more Partisans, so just be aware of that.
  3. Zelda17100
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    Make every enemy Darth Vader
    1. Exiadreth
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Sadly it's pointless to do that, Vader's AI is close to inexistant in this Game. Maybe in the next one!
    2. TD671
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Vader is unkillable and he won't attack you, all he will do is block constantly, so that would just be pointless
  4. TD671
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    So this might be common sense, but you can't replace the Second Sister and still get past Bracca, I tried replacing the Second Sister with Inquisitor Cal and once I got to the Bracca fight against the Second Sister, I locked my game because in order for you to get picked up by the Mantis you have to get in the lightsaber clash with the Second Sister, and I even tried spawning a Second Sister character using the AI Spawner but I just killed her after the Lightsaber clash, I didn't get picked up by the Mantis, so basically just don't replace Second Sister
  5. Exiadreth
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Awesome mod, I'm having a blast replacing everyone with inquisitors and purge troopers! Thanks alot!
    My question is: is there any other friendly AI besides Jaro Tapal (who still fights the player, but will attack others as well) ?
    1. deleted9152072
      • account closed
      • 11 kudos
      There's a resistance/rebel trooper with a heavy two handed blaster that works well. Spawned a few on Kashyyyk and fought with it side by side against storm troopers
    2. TD671
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      the partisans and wookies are friendly and you can spawn them and fight alongside them, and using the ai spawner you can make any ai friendly and fight alongside it against enemies, heck you could make a few stormtroopers friendly and fight alongside them against the other stormtroopers (using the AI spawner)
  6. DawnOfFate
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    if replace bounty hunters with something else can we just skip ordo
    1. Aziki
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I replaced them with a Purge Trooper and locked my game. I didn't realize it at first and thought I was lost but you have to get captured by the first bounty hunter. After that sequence you probably can replace them no problem.
    2. TD671
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      replacing bounty hunters shouldn't lock your game. When not using mods there's a glitch that you can do that will make it so the shield bubble of the droid and the like sniper or whatever bounty hunter won't open and you can just go right past them and just go back to the mantis and go straight to Kashyyyk rather than Ordo Eris, and then you can come back at some point and get caught and go to Ordo Eris then if you want, so if you replace the bounty hunters you should just be able to go back to the mantis and then to Kashyyyk and go to the Shadowlands and once you get there the objective will catch up and realize that you're there
  7. Russel7
    • member
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    Is there a way to replace Albino Wyyyschokk and still get past that part? I also have the arachnophobia mod. I replaced Albino Wyyyschokk  in the enemy randomizer but am wondering if it will cause me issues. 
  8. chimichanga411
    • member
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    Theres 500 enemies in the start that i cant get past, is there anyway to skip through it quick?
  9. immalilsussy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    never mind
  10. SammySaurus
    • supporter
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    Holy s#*!, thank you so much.

    There's obviously already an arachnophobia mod, but my problem are actually slugs. Those fucking things freak the f*#@ out of me to an irrational level. No more shaking like a fucking tree in the wind while playing, thank you. :)
    1. dffhhkkkgf12345
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same this has allowed to complete game because I can get rid of those f****** things. I don't even why they had to be included. Who TF asked for a giant f****** slug to be in the game?
  11. donkanalle
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Really awesome.
    Just two questions:
    Some Models doesn't attack or can be attacked.
    For example:
    Replaced a stormtrooper with an wookiee or an partisan, he just stand there and does nothing.
    Am i doing something wrong
    What does (MT) and (DLC) for some characters mean?
    1. AlexPo21
      • premium
      • 362 kudos
      that is normal yes, as stated in the description "Many AI are only idle and won't attack you"
      MT stands for Meditation Training, I don't know what difference it makes beyond the Ninth Sister(MT) missing saber blades.
    2. DawnOfFate
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      replacing enemies with mt versions makes them killable outside normal story progression
      otherwise they are unkillable