Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017)

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  1. RC3197
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    2022 FAQ:

    Q: Can I use this mod with only one controller?

    A: Yes you can. But just like split screen arcade and split screen for battlefront 2015 you need two recognized controllers because the game will only control player 2 with a recognized controller in slot 2. So if you have only one controller you'll have to download a virtual controller software to occupy the first controller slot and then plug your controller in after the virtual controller is activated. I personally find plugging in two controllers easier, so that's what I do. Once you have control of player 2, player 1 can be controlled by keyboard or the controller in slot 1. If you need more detail on this please look at the main mod page or the comments below for a solution. If you can get splitscreen arcade, or splitscreen for battlefront 2015 to work you can get this one to work too.

    Q: Is there an option for vertical splitscreen?

    A: Yes there is, just launch Split Screen Instant Action and CO-OP with the Vertical Split Screen mod enabled. Vertical Split Screen, and the other new split screen view mods, are also compatible with other split screen mods (like split screen arcade), but since it removes ScreenWipes from the game it will be very likely to get you banned if you try to go online with it enabled.

    Also Unstoppable444 had a great solution for players who want to play on multiple screens: 
    You can. I do it with the nvidia control panel thing. You can make your monitors connect and let them act as one big monitor. Put one above the other, and then launch the game. Fix the resolution, launch splitscreen and bam, both players play on their own monitor.

    Q: Can I change the sensitivity for player 2? (Or any of the other options for player 2?)

    A: Player 2 uses the global default settings, and cannot be changed by the in game options (DICE didn't implement that). However, you can modify the global default settings in frosty editor and export it as a mod to run along side any split screen mod.
    The global settings files are located in this folder in frosty editor:
    So make the desired changes you want to the files in it:
    Gameplay/Profiles/OptionsSensitivitySoldierGamepad = Soldier Sensitivity
    Gameplay/Profiles/OptionsSensitivityStarfighterGamepad = Starfighter Sensitivity
    Gameplay/Profiles/OptionsSensitivityVehicleGamepad = Vehicle Sensitivity
    Gameplay/Profiles/OptionsAimAssist = Option for Aim Assist
    And many more settings to choose from. Bottom line is you have to change them here to get player 2 to use them.
    Here's a photo of a search in frosty editor and the file that controls the sensitivity:

    Q: I can't install the mod using frosty or it gives me an error

    A: It's either the current version of frosty is too new to load the existing FBMod file or you don't have an updated version of frosty. I can only assume that eventually this mod will break in frosty completely. That's why I included the FBProject, so it can be rebuilt using the latest version of frosty editor by anyone who wants to, even if I'm not maintaining it. Now because the mod file was built using an old version of frosty it will always have a warning that it is outdated, even if it works, so if that's the case, just ignore the warning and try to launch it anyways.

    Q: Is this mod compatible with Battlefront 2022?
    Yes, thanks to the IAO compatibility fixer (I don't know if it runs by itself though). I've run into issues with some of the new heroes losing the ability to shoot, which might just be a bug with BF 2022 itself. Regardless, it's definitely playable in splitscreen and quite fun.
    To run this mod with BF 2022 use this load order:

    Note: The armor bug fix and gadget icon fix are optional?, put the versus mods and before the Splitscreen IAO + CO-OP compatibiltiy fixer. Vanilla battlepoints is put towards the end because it edits the GameplaySettings file, which I think is the same file the boosters edit, so the boosters might have to go after vanilla battlepoints.

    Q: Is this mod compatible with Instant Action Overhaul?

    A: Yes, but it's support is limited to supremacy and CO-OP (the other game modes can't work without overwriting the game mode files, which would override IAO's changes unless we had access to their source code). Please download the beta booster for it on the mod page, it will fix the bug where you get stuck on Geonosis. But, this will also make it so you can't change IAO settings, but since it remembers your settings from IAO, change them while IAO is running by itself, exit the game. Then re-launch it with split screen and it will keep the settings.
    Also use this load order (starting from IAO, since I can't remember where the IAO reinforcements go normally):
    ~~ IAO Addons??? (Like Reinforcements) ~~
    1. IAO Core
    2. Split Screen Instant Action and Co-op
    ~~Normal order for Split Screen Instant Action Extras (like the gadget icon remover, geonosis armor bugfix, split screen views, etc.)~~
    3. Split Screen Instant Action Booster for IAO
    4. The MP Blocker because for some reason the blocker in split screen IA+Co-op is broken by doing the booster, the core, and IAO together
    So something like this:

    A: Unfortunately no. It uses a modified system to select a map, my mod also uses that same file to enable split screen, so when you launch the game with my mod, it uses the default map select screen, which doesn't allow for IAO to use the modifications it needs to load the map. The end result being that your game will load the last map saved to memory. Without the file from IAO using the modifications mine does it cannot launch the game in split screen. Therefore the mod is incompatible. Don't let that stop you from enjoying both mods separately though.

    I'm currently testing an experimental version of split screen on IAO without Heroes vs Villains, Extraction, or Blast (as they require the game mode file to be edited to support split screen to work, and I can't do that without overwriting the IAO file, which will revert its changes). So far things seem to be working, but no guarantees. I will be vigorously testing it in the near future and if it works it will be released a mod that you can activate alongside the existing Split Screen Instant Action mods.

    Split screen can run on all Instant Action Ovehaul game modes, but it would require changing key files that IAO uses to make it function. So until a fbproject of IAO is released, the closest we will get to IAO Split Screen is just Supremacy and Coop in IAO.

    You can test this yourself by opening frosty, changing the following files (the easiest way to do it is by adding a BoolEntity in the objects section, since it literally will do nothing):
    Export the mod, and run it with priority over Instant Action Overhaul. It will then force the game to use the default versions of the files and restore the ability to select your map. This will also make it so you can't change IAO settings, but since it remembers your settings from IAO, change them while IAO is running by itself, exit the game. Then re-launch it with split screen and it will keep the settings.

    Q: Is this mod compatible with Instant Action Improvements?

    A: I tested it and I think it will work as long as Instant Action Improvements has priority over my mod (make it lower on the list and check the conflicts tab to make sure IAI has the green checkmark and not my mod). The only conflicting thing is ui/frontend/screens/play/playscreen/ which is just the main menu buttons for multiplayer. My multiplayer disabler is what made this conflict so running IAI with priority will allow you to play.

    IAI version 1.22 makes CO-OP crash on many maps due to the number of bots. This can be fixed by running the game with one of my versus CO-OP boosters as priority to lower the bot count, but this will also undo all of the changes to the GameSettingsContainer made by IAI (such as botcount in CO-OP, battlepoint multipliers, and AI accuracy [if they even changed that]) But the game will not crash if you do this.
    There are also three other solutions for this specific problem:
    - Make a toned down (less bots) version of the GameSettingsContainer in IAI 1.22 (using their publicly available source file), export the bin, import it into a brand new mod project, export the mod by itself (and please make it a private mod, publishing that without permission would be mod theft), and run it with priority over IAI
    - Export the GameSettingsContainer from IAI 1.20 (this version apparently works with no issues) as a bin using their publicly available source file, import it into a brand new mod project, export the mod by itself (and please make it a private mod, publishing that without permission would be mod theft), and run it with priority over IAI
    - Ask the IAI team to make a light version of the GameSettingsContainer for split screen that has less bots in CO-OP

    Q: I am having trouble with installing mods on the epic games version of Battlefront 2

    A: It seems to be a problem with frosty and the epic games version of the game. I think this is a fix for it:

    Also it's not just my mod having issues.

    Q: Will you be making any more mods?

    A: No. I don't have the capability to constantly maintain a mod (I will disappear for very long periods of time), so I wouldn't be a good person to count on for constantly adding stuff to the game. And as it currently stands, Frosty Editor doesn't have the tools to easily make complicated changes to the game, I'm not saying that frosty is bad, it just has limits. The key to complicated modding is event connections, property connections, link connections, and the interface. These control the game, but are unfortunately the most difficult thing to mod using the current tools. The reasons why are quite simple: 1. Variables have names but are encoded using hashes, which are basically one way encryption of text so that thing that says "0xaee16f8d" actually is a word that means something important. You need strings.txt to decode the ones that the community already knows, but you'll have to guess the rest using benji's fnv hasher. Or in my case I just enter 0x23ab7c1b without knowing what it means. 2. There is no way to mass copy / paste event/property/link connections. A lot of redundant work must be done by hand such as scrolling down the list to select the correct GUID as your target as opposed to just being able to copy paste it (if you do copy paste a source or target it just changes it to null, which is completely useless). A good example of this is split screen containers, with those I have to enter 2 identical property connections for every field by hand (totaling at 38 property connections) and enter every input, output, target (scrolling), and source (scrolling) by hand. It's the little things that really start to add up and take tons of time. Not to mention you're more likely to mess something up when you do everything by hand. 3. Complicated mechanisms are difficult to comprehend due to their linked nature and the inability quickly go to and from their sources using the tool. 4. The majority of game altering functions are undocumented and unexplored. This is because the Battlefront 2 modding community is focused on cosmetic, MP-friendly mods, not mods that alter critical functions of the game. This makes sense, they're generally more popular to users, usable in multiplayer, have more tutorials, etc. This however makes it so if you want to edit the critical functions of the game (like game mode files) you're probably going to have to figure it out yourself, because other people likely don't have the answer you need. But go ahead, ask people anyways, you might be surprised at what people know but never had a need to write down in a formal guide.

    All in all a lot of this could be solved by improvements to the tool in the future (such as the blueprint editor which has been in the works for years now with no release in the near future or the ability to copy paste things you currently can't such as GUIDs), and I'd rather wait for the tool to improve. But don't let that stop you! You want a mod? Make it yourself, don't wait for someone else to do it! If I waited for someone else to make splitscreen instant action this mod wouldn't exist! So if you have an idea, try it, even if you think it's not going to work, who knows? You might be surprised to find out it does work!

    Also if you have an idea for a small QOL feature like vertical split screen please suggest it, those are the kind of mods I can do if I happen to have the spare time for it.

    2022 Edit: I've had to move Battlefront 2 off my SSD, because of this it makes testing mods even harder, and take even longer than before. Sometimes it will take 30-45 minutes to test a minor change when it only took minutes before.

    2023 Edit:
    9 months ago, I explained my current situation and the state of the mod in a youtube comment, instead of just repeating myself, here's a screenshot of what I said:

    Also, the "IAO compatibility fixer" mod has always been is in the "optional downloads" section of the downloads page in the file called "Split Screen IAO Booster CO-OP and Supremacy Only (Beta)".

    Q: Will you update this mod? It's crashing on some COOP maps.

    A: As it currently stands, I will not be fully remaking the mod any time soon. I am currently pre-occupied by another non-battlefront related project at the moment. As for the crashes in COOP, I remember when these reports first started coming in the update after I finished Splitscreen Instant Action and COOP. I heard that the crashes were happening on COOP, but I tried it myself and it never crashed for me. This tells me that even if I rebuilt the entire mod from the ground up it could still crash on people's computers! But please if you are experiencing these crashes please talk about them here: I am interested in getting to the bottom of this when I can or maybe solutions other users have can help you. One thing I will warn you about is running out of memory. From the Solo update onward I had to increase my page file size so it wouldn't randomly crash while playing. Otherwise it would crash and a low memory warning would appear in event viewer. 

    Useful information you can give me here:
    - Are you getting low memory warnings in windows event viewer?
    - What is your resolution? If it is too wide the game will crash.
    - What maps is this happening on?
    - What kind of graphics card do you have?
    - What CPU do you have?
    - How much ram do you have?
    - Are you using outdated graphics card drivers (like me)?
    - Are you using any other mods at the same time as mine?
    - Are you running the game on DX 11 or 12

    Anything that will help me find patterns will help me find out how to fix the issue.

    Also if you are running Instant Action Improvements 1.22 please look at the "Is this mod compatible with Instant Action Improvements?" question, as there's been a consistent crash discovered with running IAI 1.22 with Split Screen Instant Action in CO-OP due to the bot count, but there's also a solution as well.

    Q: Does this mod currently work?

    A: Yes

    There are only a few things that can break this mod:
    1. Changes to mode1, mode9, mode1_logic, mode9_logic files
    2. Changes to PF_UI_CapturePoint_Mode1 and PF_UI_CapturePoint_Mode9
    3. Changes to other files I have modified
    This is very unlikely to happen as battlefront 2 is no longer receiving updates. What is more likely to happen however is that frosty mod manager recieves an update that doesn't accept the FBMod because it's too old. But that's what the FBProject is for, you should be able to rebuild the mod and it will be good to go!

    Q: I installed the mod and it doesn't say splitscreen on instant action or offline coop!

    A: It never changed the text on the instant action menu. When it's working it will look exactly the same as normal but it will be splitscreen when it launches. The easiest way to tell if it's running is if the multiplayer button is gone.

    Thanks for supporting this mod! It was a monumental challenge to create, but your support makes it worth it!
  2. DunlopKlopp
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    hi, the split screen part of the mod works for me. But both of my controllers control only the first player. Secondly, I can't interact with the player 2 screen at all. The game does not seem to recognize that the screen for player 2 even exists because I can't select any of the options in it such as "select", "appearance", etc. or even change characters.

    I finally figured it out guys. So the first setting you  have to change is in Steam Big Picture mode. Go to Battlefront 2, controller settings, and then turn off "force Steam input". The next setting is in Frosty Mod manager, Tools. Go to Launcher in tools and choose EA Desktop. Voila. This allowed me to use controller 2 for player 2. I hope this helps everyone struggling to control player 2.
  3. rebelancap
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    A follow up here...  This DOES work with the Xbox PC Game Pass/EA Play version, you just need frostyfix (! Enable the mods you want in Frosty Manager, (launching won't work, but make sure you've hit Launch in Frosty Manager at least once so it applies the mods - but the mod doesn't load properly without FrostyFix). Frosty Manager doesn't even need to be open. Open frostyfix, like in their readme, choose EA Play, Battlefront, default is whatever you last enabled (I did split instant/co-op and mp disabler), then hit Launch. It will open EA Play, but not Battlefront yet, clock launch within EA Play. I could tell it worked because MP was disabled, and it said split screen in single player! I like to do custom arcade versus and play with my kids. Works great!
  4. pedrinhozinhoextre
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    • 1 kudos
    How do I solve the problem with the map not being supremacy, which just keeps going to the Naboo map, even if I shrink another one, it only goes to the Naboo map?
    1. mrmansikka
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same problem here:(
  5. QualityCaravan
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Kamino textures are all black with this mod and can’t figure out why… I’ve disabled all other mods and only this one does it. Has anyone else experienced this or have any ideas on how to fix this?? 
  6. rawAstromech
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Thank you for all the work you put in your documantation! It helped!
  7. englishgunner
    • supporter
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    G'day Fellas, was hoping for a deeper explanation on how to set up multiple screens. That its, at what resolution precisely does one set it to allow it to function. I have 1x Samsung UHD and 1x Acer monitor (standard cheap HD). Their current resolution is 4K x 2K, 3840 X 2160. It would be ideal to see the two screens displaying each player perspective as the two monitors sit side by side. 
    Thanks, and a fabulous job RC3197.
  8. CruelColonelBurton
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for this, is there an option to split the splitscreen to two individual different monitors so that we have one monitor each instead of splitting one monitor between two?
  9. NorthfallViking
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    If it's compatible with IAO & BF2022, is it compatible with the battlefront plus mod? Both me and my brother would love to see it, so we can destroy hard bot lobbies as jango & grevious
    1. CapAmmogeddon
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Im not the creator, but I have tried to get it to run, but the game just loads as a black (sometimes black-and-white) screen when being launched with BF+
    2. NorthfallViking
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Aw man, well thanks for looking into it & telling me
  10. RikimaruLDR
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    Currently got this working with Battlefront 2022 + Instant Action Overhaul (not XL). 
    Thanks a bunch, having a blast 

    Q: Is this mod compatible with Instant Action Overhaul?

    A: Yes, but it's support is limited to supremacy and CO-OP
    We've been playing Supremacy fine and the Defend mode and Attack mode.
    1. RikimaruLDR
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      If it helps, I came back with my current load order and mods I use split screen with:

      Zatmos Lighting
      Filmic Firefights
      Soundtrack Replacement Suite
      IA Battlefront Gameplay Rework
      BF2022 - Senate Guard, Fleet Engineer, Fourth Sister, Cosmetic
      Orthos 4K Clones - Rogue One Stormtroopers - AOTC Obi Wan (basically unit cosmetic mods)
      Instant Action Overhaul
      BF2022 Gameplay
      BF2022 Overwrite
      Temeura Clones
      Splitscreen and Split Screen Instant Action and Versus (two seperate mods, the first one does Arcade)

      I disabled the addon folder for BF2022 because it causes crashes when playing OT maps. And the IG droid because their AI and abilities are
      s#*! lol
  11. starwarsisfun
    • member
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    how can i activate player 2?
  12. bulbsuar
    • member
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    hi me and my brother really like your mod.

    can you make it work with the - Instant Action Overhaul XL Alpha by mophead.

    it work be the best mod ever
  13. Zacharybinx34
    • member
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    When loading the game, one of the player's screen is completely blacked out. 
    Happens with instant action versus. 

    Any ideas?