Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017)

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  1. GeneralThamelCT1947
    • member
    • 11 kudos

  2. BAL13R
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    for some odd reason this make the new bespin luke mod crash the game when ever i select it in collection 
    1. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      The mod its not compatible with any mod that replaces Luke's Farmer or Yavin skins, conflicts with the Flametrooper.
      Yes, i have no idea why this happens since nothing in the mod is related to Luke, but happens.
    2. ScottMemelord
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      That's very fucking weird. The mod doesn't modify anything related to Luke at all does it?
      I don't imagine why it would.
      So yeah, absolutely no clue why or how that would be happening at all.
  3. VitoBandito711
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it compatible with IAO or IAO XL yet?
    1. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      No, this was just a small update fixing some minor texture issues, for May the 4th day

      EDIT: Apparently it is, ive just saw a video of someone showcasing my mod and they used the IAO too
  4. WrongFire1
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Breaks with SEVENTEAM's New Republic Marines. Pretty disappointing because that its probably the highest quality new republic replacer and I would love to use it with this mod.
    1. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Im aware of that issue, alongside the Luke one, when i find a way to solve it i will update the page.

      You can use this New Republic replacer in the meantime, since it works fine with the Night Troops.
  5. DelPaublo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've been getting the bug other people have reported, after a few deaths in a match I suddenly can't fire any weapons aside from grenades and have to restart. The issue comes up whenever I try to use SEVENTEAM's New Republic Marines mod, which I was really hoping I could use with this :/ Really hoping this mod eventually becomes compatible with other faction replacers
    1. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Ive used this mod with the new republic replacers and it works, even tho i also get that issue after a while playing, there are also times in which the bug doesnt appear at all, i cant find the issue thats causing the bug, but other people said that the issue wasnt fully on the mod itself.
      I keep trying to see if i can fix it but its hard since idk whats causing it, and sometimes the error doesnt appear at all.
      If this is any helpfull, try loading this mod on top of every other unit mod replacer.
    2. DelPaublo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I've already put it at the very top of my load order just to be sure, sadly hasn't helped much. Could just be a specific conflict with the particular mod I'm wanting to use. But I understand that it must be a really annoying fix, thank you for doing more work on this awesome mod!
    3. DelPaublo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      (Sorry for the re-reply, I just noticed one more thing) I've kept note how you mentioned to only apply 'one of two weapon files'. I haven't seen any such weapon files at all, only the "Undead" and "Alive" files, either of which seem to replace the weapons on their own. I'm just wanting to be sure this isn't what could somehow be causing my issue, so is there some way that I'm meant to be able to separate the weapon swaps from the trooper models?
    4. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      The weapon files were separated files from the troopers in the earliest versions, now theyre all together, forgot to change that from the description.
  6. michalu58
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Its a awesome mod! However it crashes my game when I select incinerator trooper!
    1. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      For some reason it causes conflict with any Luke Skywalker mods that replace the Yavin and Farmer skin.
      Tho if the Night Trooper mod is loaded ABOVE them it works, But then Luke's Yavin/Farmer skin will crash instead.
      Trying to see if i could fix it for the next update.
    2. Legoyeets123
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      it's the same with instant action overhaul mod I just tried putting the night troopers mod above it and it fixed my issues
  7. Voids1234
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod, however after a few deaths my character turns invisible and im only able to throw grenades when this happen's, and i have to relaunch my game. and can you make an optional file that removes the red strap on the assualt's helmet?
    1. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      The invisibility may be an incompatibility with another mod, ive been testing with the Night Troopers alone and it works well, anyways ill be looking for a way to fix that, and also to make the default weapon mesh change in 1p.

      And about the assault, no.
  8. VitoBandito711
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it compatible with IAO yet?
    1. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      No idea since i dont use it, you could try since the latest versions uploaded here were exported differently.
    2. VitoBandito711
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I tried, no luck. Really weird
  9. VitoBandito711
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Has anyone been able to use Instant Action Overhaul with this mod yet? It doesn’t work with me
  10. Oakous
    • premium
    • 57 kudos
    Wow the cracked helmet looks amazing on the Death Trooper, this is the definitive Night Trooper mod!
  11. MrSebros
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Just played with it for a bit but suddenly crashed while playing on Jakku (only got this mod enabled) not really sure what could have caused it
    1. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      In what mode? And what version you downloaded?
      I was aware that this happened on Jakku Coop map on the 1.0.4 because of one texture issue with the heavy, but i thought i fixed it for the 1.0.5, at least it didnt happened to me again.
      Also, now the mod comes in a Collection, and it CANNOT be used with all the files in it. Just the models and one of the Weapons files.
    2. MrSebros
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Was on Galactic Assault with the newest version of the mod, but I did just use the collection. So, I must have had both weapon files in my load. If that's what was causing me to crash, you should probably put a disclaimer in the description.
    3. MrSebros
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Also it seems the flame trooper is invisible 
      Image 1
      Image 2
    4. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Added it to the description, and now im looking into the Flame issue
      Sorry for the amount of troubles
    5. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      I THINK it should be fixed now.
      Anyways, theres an issue that randomly makes the meshes invissible during a match (could happen and also could not happen at all) and you have to re-open the game.
      Thats an issue ive been draging since version 1.0.0 that i dont know how to fix, now happens way less times than before but it still could happen.
      I must say that i force that to happen, switching and selecting all the characters quickly in the character selector, maybe its because of that since no-one of the people that downloaded the mod reported about that issue.
    6. MrSebros
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Its still invisible for me no matter what i do
    7. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Dont know why, ill keep looking for it.
      Maybe its something that just happens on Galactic Assault with the Flame.
    8. ScottMemelord
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      It could also be a strange mod conflict. Apparently for whatever reason my flametrooper on my remnant mod had issues if you also had this sabine mode installed. No idea why or how.
    9. MrSebros
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      i was having these issues with no other mods enabled so i cant imagine its a conflict 
    10. SEVENTEAM202
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Try placing reinforcement units in three separate files. And let the standard classes remain in the main file. This will make it easier to determine the source of the problem.

      The problem may be due to duplication of meshes that have a glow effect (I assume so).

      I had a similar situation when the mods began to “fall apart” after 20-30 minutes of play and all the characters became invisible and even the pictures on the star cards* disappeared. But I just rebuilt the project file and the error disappeared. lol.
    11. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Confirmed, the invisible flame trooper its an issue that only happens in Galactic Assault and Blast modes.
      The Straps from the other Reinforcements dont show either in that modes.

      In Coop, Supremacy, Extraction, Strike and Singleplayer modes all works properly.

      I will be looking for a way to fix this.
    12. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Should be fixed in the new version.
      For what ive tested its not invisible anymore.
    13. AdorkableElf
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      Shout-out to mod author for being so helpful and understanding with everyone here :3

      Great mod and super supportive posts!✨
    14. moderndemon84
      • supporter
      • 36 kudos
  12. GingerNinja1228
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How come a lot of the gold sections on the models are a green colour especially on the assault class? this is the only thing keeping me from downloading the mod, otherwise great work! 
    1. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Im daltonic, i see it golden, not sure how i would be able to fix it.
    2. moderndemon84
      • supporter
      • 36 kudos
      Use green instead then.
    3. ScottMemelord
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      I saw that but didn't want to say anything lol. I thought it was intentional.

      So you're color blind. Yeah fuck. In that case the only thing you could do is maybe ask another modder to fix it for you. Y'know, one who can actually see the color difference I suppose?

      I guess just show people the color textures and ask "Does this match?" or "Is this gold or green to you?" I dunno. Only option I can provide there.
    4. MrSebros
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      This could be a great way to fix it, tbh. I'm definitely keeping my eye on this mod in case the gold gets fixed or Thamel needs help with the color.
    5. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      I would need help with that yeah-
    6. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Happy to say that i was able to fix it, also adding reflections to the golden areas.
    7. MrSebros
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      That's awesome! Excited to try this.
    8. moderndemon84
      • supporter
      • 36 kudos
      Snowtroopers and Heavies have the same exact textures?
      Also,I suggest deleting the outdated thumbnail.
    9. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Theyre both the same yes
    10. moderndemon84
      • supporter
      • 36 kudos
    11. GeneralThamelCT1947
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      I wanted it in that way