Star Trek: Elite Force II
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  • Star Trek: Elite Force II
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  • U.S.S Leonov - The Animal - Elite Force II DEMO

    U.S.S Leonov - The Animal - Elite Force II DEMO

    Last Update: 20 May 2019
    Author: Apprentice
    Uploader: RealApprentice

    The U.S.S Leonov, nicknamed "The Animal" due to its participation in the fierest battles during the Dominion war in a long forgotten backstory, found its origin within Elite Force and specificly the RPG-X modification and was designed as both an inspirator and tech demo.

    • 21.0MB
    • 4
    • --

    U.S.S Leonov - The Animal - Elite Force II DEMO

    Last Update: 20 May 2019

    The U.S.S Leonov, nicknamed "The Animal" due to its participation in the fierest battles during the Dominion war in a long forgotten backstory, found its origin within Elite Force and specificly the RPG-X modification and was designed as both an inspirator and tech demo.