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About this mod

Base-game techmining is lackluster. This mod makes several changes. For game version: 0.95.1a-RC6 (should work okay with 0.96.x)

Permissions and credits
~~~UPDATE 2.0~~~

There are several changes with this version, I suggest that you complete your game before upgrading.

If you *really want to upgrade* then I suggest the following process:

i/ Save a new copy of your game
ii/ Deconstruct all TechMining on all of your planets
iii/ Upgrade (keep a copy of the old version of WTA)
iv/ Play the new copy and reconstruct TechMining on your planets
v/ If there are issues, revert to an earlier save and the older version of WTA

~~~CHANGES IN 2.0~~~

i/ The value of the drops has been reduced in the "settings.json" file below:

  # the base credit value of ordinary drops (multiplied by ruins size and colony size)
  "wta_ruinsvalue_basic" : 4000, <<< was 5000
  "wta_ruinsvalue_goods" : 3000, <<< was 4000
  "wta_ruinsvalue_other" : 2000, <<< was 3000

ii/ Blueprints and modspecs can be found *even if the character already knows them*. I realized that just because a character knows a blueprint or modspec, doesn't mean that it cannot be found again when doing a deep-dive into the ruins - the concept of there being only one ever in the entire sector makes no sense. Now you can find duplicates - happy selling!

iii/ Sometimes you just don't have an Alpha AI core to throw onto your techmining structure. Never fear, Beta and Gamma AI cores will work also - though not as well as an Alpha AI core, of course:

* Alpha AI Core - 25% bonus
* Beta AI Core - 15% bonus
* Gamma AI Core - 5% bonus

iv/ The bonuses given by an Alpha/Beta/Gamma AI core can be configured in the "settings.json" file below:

  # the Tech-mining finds bonuses for Alpha, Beta and Gamma cores
  "wta_alphacore_finds_bonus": 0.25f,
  "wta_betacore_finds_bonus": 0.15f,
  "wta_gammacore_finds_bonus": 0.05f,

v/ The finds increase bonuses given by Beta/Gamma AI cores will be displayed correctly in the TechMining structure's tooltip.


The base tech-mining in Starsector 0.95.1a-RC6 is sad - totally not worth the effort for something that:

1/ takes a full colony industry slot
2/ costs upkeep credits
3/ provides *no* benefit to the colony
4/ has no "dramatically" higher chance of finding things on the first mining
5/ has miniscule returns (you can literally get more from the combats in the tutorial area)
6/ doesn't scale to the size of the colony or ruins
7/ goes down at the same rate *despite* the size of the ruins and the colony mining them

This mod makes several changes (the returns are high, I'm thinking of toning it back):

a/ Techmining now counts as a structure, freeing an industry slot for something that is actually directly valuable to the colonies
b/ The first mining actually provides a very large amount of stuff (10x) plus has a good chance of returning a special item
c/ A progression-system allows "leads" to be followed to find special items in the ruins (runs out eventually)
d/ All returns are dependent upon both the Colony size and the Ruins size (size 6 Colony + Vast Ruins = wahoo!)
e/ Use of an Alpha AI Core and/or investing Story Points provide:
e1/ +25% returns *each*
e2/ +25% progress towards finding a special item in the ruins *each*
f/ Each ruin-size decays at a different rate (adds 0.1% of the colony size towards stripping the ruins down faster)
g/ Each ruin-size has a cutoff-point beyond which there is no more progression towards finding special items (can still happen at random)
h/ Displays in the techmining tooltip the current ruins "decay" and the current progression towards finding the next special item


You may find that you want to change how this mod works:

* you don't want metals
* you want to change the amounts (because the default is way too much)
* you want to stop the ruins from decaying when you spend story-points on it (or at all)

There is a configuration file so that you can tweak several settings as you choose:

<starsector install folder>/mods/WhisperTechminingAlteration/data/config/settings.json

It looks like this (TWEAK AT YOUR OWN RISK):

  # Settings for Whisper's Techmining Alteration
  # Tweak at your own risk
  # the monthly rate at which ruins decay by size of ruins
  "wta_ruins_decayrate_scattered": 0.97,
  "wta_ruins_decayrate_widespread": 0.98,
  "wta_ruins_decayrate_extensive": 0.99,
  "wta_ruins_decayrate_vast": 0.995,
  # the cutoff point (%) below which no more special items are found
  "wta_ruins_speciallimit_scattered": 0.9,
  "wta_ruins_speciallimit_widespread": 0.85,
  "wta_ruins_speciallimit_extensive": 0.8,
  "wta_ruins_speciallimit_vast": 0.75,
  # whether to drop metals at all (default true)
  "wta_drop_metals": true,
  # the base credit value of ordinary drops (multiplied by ruins size and colony size)
  "wta_ruinsvalue_basic" : 4000,
  "wta_ruinsvalue_goods" : 3000,
  "wta_ruinsvalue_other" : 2000,
  # the first-find multiplier
  "wta_firstfind_bonus" : 10,
  # whether spending special points has the ruins *not* decay (default false, if set to true will always stay at 99.99% decay rate)
  "wta_specialpoints_nodecay": false,
  # whether the player wants to ruins to *not* decay (default false, if set to true will always stay at 99.99% decay rate)
  "wta_ruins_nodecay": false,
  # whether to write to logfile (default false)
  "wta_logging": false,

  # the Tech-mining finds bonuses for Alpha, Beta and Gamma cores
  "wta_alphacore_finds_bonus": 0.25f,
  "wta_betacore_finds_bonus": 0.15f,
  "wta_gammacore_finds_bonus": 0.05f,

Tweak at your own risk. "You broke it - you bought it."


Q: Your mod broke my game.
A: Uninstall this mod and revert to a save prior to installing this mod. (Or start another game.)

Q: I tweaked X settings and...

Q: What about other overhaul mods?
A: For most other overhaul mods, you don't need this mod. It should work with Nexerelin, however I don't play Nexerelin and so have not tested.

Q: What about the newer version/s of Starsector?
A: I've looked at the releasenotes that Alex published for 0.96a-RC10 - there is no mention of any alterations involving Techmining. It's mostly bugs, ships, and weapons changes. Therefore it *should* work - not yet tested.

Q: Are you going to do much more to this?
A: I'm still testing/playing - occasionally. We will see what happens.