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Snow Is Queer

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  1. Zaldir
    • Moderator
    • 482 kudos
    A slight correction to SnowisQueer's stickied comment: All hateful, spiteful or otherwise phobic comments will be deleted and users will be banned from Nexus Mods. Bigotry is not tolerated here.

    Furthermore, using the report function to file false reports may result in restrictions placed on your account.
  2. SnowisQueer
    • member
    • 30 kudos
    All hateful, spiteful or otherwise phobic comments will be deleted and users will be banned from all of my content present and future. It takes zero energy to be nice and only one energy to be educated. Please respect others, it's easy, its fun even.

    love yah.
  3. Kanedogg
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Awesome mod. Thanks.
  4. SuperHornetA51
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I cannot believe this isn't a satirical mod. 

    People actually need this kind of representation in a video game? 
    1. xBLUEHAMMER12x
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      With so much of the world doing everthing in their power to deny and erase the existence of LGBTQ+ people, those people are rather desperate for ANY way to affirm their existence. If there weren't so many people denying their basic rights, denying their humanity. If hatred and vitriol wasn't such a common reaction to their very existence, then representation like this wouldn't NEED to exist. As it is, this is just one of a handful of ways that they have to tell the world that they exist and that they are not ashamed of who they are.
    2. SnowisQueer
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      100%  And the only reason people have a problem with it is because they're low key brown coats and get off on the marginalization of groups of of people and claim any sort of argument against fascism and a resurrection of WWI era ideology is an attack on their whiteness. 
    3. AxelNexus
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Do people need big titties on pixel games? Do people need to have Macho Man as a dragon?

      Nobody "needs" anything, people download the mods they like. If you don´t like it, it´s fine, don´t download it like you have not downloaded thousands of other mods across the Nexus. But somehow, of all the mods people don´t use, this is the one they also have to question if it serves any pourpose when no mod does or if´s somehow offensive... what a shock.

      Good on Nexus for taking a stance on hate, good on the author for making this mod and not backing down when idiots comming barking, and good on this community for continue showing support for everyone to coexist and be threated equally, as all humans with natural empathic emotions should do. Fascism has no place in any modern society and anyone desirying to live up to the standards of centuries ago can take their time machine and leave the rest of us alone.
    4. SnowisQueer
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Honestly I am a really weird target and I'm not sure who they think I am but it's funny, if they keep it up they're gonna end up giving me a career. But I'm very grateful that people are enjoying this mod.
  5. AxelNexus
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    That youtuber having a meltdown with the "gender ambiguity" tag ... *CHEFF´s KISS*

    Downloading, endorsing, enjoying alt-right snowflake tears.
  6. SupremeKingGaiseric
    • member
    • 43 kudos
    Nice mod
  7. vidyagamesarecool
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is so cute omg i love it
  8. Amemos
    • premium
    • 27 kudos
    Best Mod ever 10/10 🏳‍🌈
  9. untrustedlife
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I cant wait to check this out!
  10. miraluna11
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Just came back to this mod after seeing a particular new mod that is purposefully transphobic, and I just wanted to thank you for making these pride mods. It's so frustrating to see bigots trying to undo the inclusiveness of the game, and your mods remind me that there are good people making inclusive, positive content too. Seriously, from a nonbinary, aromantic, asexual person, it makes me so happy to see mods like yours. I hope you're doing well <3
    1. SnowisQueer
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Thank you so much! And yea I've seen a few mods like that pop up, thankfully the Nexus mod team is pretty decent and tends to get rid of those mods when they find them, so make sure to report bigoted content.

      Starfield is especially targeted right now because of how trendy it is to be anti-lgbtq+ and because of PRONOUNS man and his fit over GENDER AMBIGUITY XD
  11. Turtlejack99
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    Ooo when are the Wrath and Sloth collections coming out??? I can't wait for Greed, that's my favorite 😉
    1. SnowisQueer
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      I'll get right on it hail satan 666
  12. CosmicCustodian
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I don't need this mod but thank you for making it so people can feel more comfort playing but damn that white cape is the icing on the cake! I've seen that dude's video and holy crap he goes HAM about pronouns so to see it on the clothing is just *chefs kiss*, he's gonna wonder over to Nexus one day, see this mod and absolutely lose his s#*! and I cannot wait! xD <3

    P.S - Please add the Labrys 1991 Lesbian flag too? It's a fucking BATTLEAXE. ON A FLAG! Can't get anymore badass than that and I'll more than likely install it JUST for the battleaxe flag! :D