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  1. reapurmod
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, I'm upgrading from "craftable legendary weapons" and testing the new releases.
    after being confused with the cores and the t modules, now I'm confused with the A_UPGR and W_UPGR modules

    can you please explain to me what these are and how I am to use them properly? 
    for example, right now, I see that only W_UPGR_CREDIT_005 is lit. I make it and it creates _006, but then when I make 006, it creates 007 but 006 goes dim.

    furthermore, when I'm in the weapon upgrade screen, in the upper right, the text is cut off, so I don't know which number of the W_UPGR that I need.

    what's going on?
    1. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      A_UPGR is for armor and W is for weapon, you use them to upgrade the tier of the weapon or armor, with the weapon screen being cut off, not sure thats a user error, never heard of that.
  2. Gr0nch
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Any Idea why weapon ammo counters become weird bar codes/maxed out integers?
    1. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      bug with the game itself as a side effect of mods. Good ol bethesda changing unnecessary s#*! up for no reason like they do. One of the reasons I've stopped modding SF
  3. Jomama3
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I installed the mod and it doesn't show any affects in the game. What could i be doing wrong?
    I have literally no other mods for this game at all.
    1. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      You need the core file as well
    2. Jomama3
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Gotcha, thank you. Is that file on your page?
    3. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      Of course.
    4. Jomama3
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Sorry to bother you man, but what's the name of it? I am learning that I'm not as tech savvy as i thought. I don't see anything described as a core file.
    5. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      vTZv Core and this mod should be all you need. If you are having problems with these two, its something on your end.
  4. pierrecat82
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I uninstalled your mod and my game audio stopped working helpppppp
    1. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      That literally shouldn't have anything to do with my mod. By uninstalled what do you mean exactly? Mid playthrough?
  5. Scrawlyg
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a safe way to uninstall your mods btw? I just started NG+, wearing the whatever its called special armor (with your armor overhaul as well) and every single enemy just oneshots me - full health to dead
    1. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      That's weird. Safely uninstall? It's a mod, you just uncheck it in your load order and hope it doesn't mess up your save too much. Haven't had to one shot problem though unless I'm unarmored and even then it's a few shots.
    2. Scrawlyg
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hmm, thanks. Even unchecking doesnt fix my weapons for some reason.

      Yeah, its very strange. I am lvl 80, just hit NG+ and even a lvl2 enemy with a shotgun simply onetaps me
    3. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      Well if this mod isn't active there is no way it can be this mod, so perhaps look into your others?
  6. vert18
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Wondering if you could make this into a fomod installer eventually?  I like this mod but find that all the attachments part of it overwhelming and imo, would like the option to not use that part.  (ya, im a balance pass sucker, but do want the legendary part and crafting)... even tho im kinda, alright I like to not have the option yet on legendary legendaries(still maybe tooooo OP) vs what we are dealing with in game at moment, as well.  Anyways my two-cents, ask.
    1. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      That is literally just the other modsthat are folded into this one. I've been asked this before but it's a 50/50 chance it'll happen cause it's so much more work for no reason basically when people can just download the legacy mods that this combines, without downloading "that" specific mod, whichever it may be.

      Legendary Legendaries will not be added to this mod, it is an armor AND weapon mod and is meant to be borderline OP so that is why it'll never be combined with a mod like this.
    2. vert18
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Alright, I am having zero problems right now with core 1.9 with balance pass 1.0, craftable legendary weapons1.1, weapon balance pass patch 1.0 and craftable weapon quality with more tiers.  Along with Ultimate armor overhaul 1.0. (just waiting for UAO craftable legendarys part)  Don't get me wrong I like Legdendary Legendaries.... just need to make the game harder.....
  7. HVCFOG3Y34
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Since you're not updating the other mods, anyway to remove parts of this mod? I only want Craftable Weapon Quality WITH more Tiers. Would be cool to have a mod manager instal screen to pick what mods we want. I have a similar query with Craftable Armor Quality WITH More Tiers.
    1. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      If you only want that mod why are you using this one then?
    2. HVCFOG3Y34
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This mod is superior to my previous ones and will be getting the most attention weapon wise. The others are pretty much done. If anything comes up that is to be added, this mod will get the additions, not the previous mods. I recommend switching to this mod when you get the chance.

      You said you won't be updating the other mods and recommend switching to this one. I figured, since I didn't install the other mods yet, i'd start with this one since it will be getting the updates. I don't want a future Starfield update to break the mod and it never gets an update to fix it. 
    3. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      Mmm I understand. The other mods are still completely functional. This mod is a combo of the other ones, removing a part of it is exactly the same as not downloading one of the other mods. They all still work.
  8. Punk101XII
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I was playing a brand new game of starfield today when the game crashed right when I picked up a gun with legendary effects. I dont know why this happened but I figured I would come here to start looking for clues. Is there any compatibility issues with legendary mods that could cause Starfield to crash? Im troubleshooting legendary weapons rn to see when exactly the game crashes and for what reason.
    1. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      Haven't heard of the mod causing any crashes, you update it and the core mod both to the most recent versions? If not that might cause it but this is a first. This mod will conflict with basically any other weapon mod or mod that edits legendary effects, wouldn't think it'd cause a crash though but I HAVE used other mods before I made this that have straight up caused crashes, I doubt it is this one.
    2. Punk101XII
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I just installed the two mods today for the first time. (Sick mods btw. Im getting my s#*! fucked but by god is it fun lol.) I downloaded a crash logger so I can more explicitly see whats going on. I did just barely boot up the game a second time and it crashed out of the blue so it may just be happenstance that the game crashed right when I picked up a legendary weapon XD. Just my luck. Either way Ill see if its something with the weapons specifically or not.

      Edit: Kudos to nexus for censoring the word s#*! but not fucked lol
    3. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      Yeah the censoring is fucked, try booting up your game with just my mods and see if they are actually causing it. I also recommend loading them as low in the load order as possible to overwrite other stuff that tries to conflict.
    4. Punk101XII
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Just verified it is in fact not your mods. I think. According to the crash log and what I have found so far, its possibly because the amount of mods im using is too much for the game to handle at the moment, or the latest update broke something with starfield. The error im getting is "Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF73F2349AF Starfield.exe+22C49AF" and I havent been able to find any information as to what this specifically means. If you have any clue as to what that means, information would be appreciated, but most definitely not your responsibility seeing as the issues im having might not be related to your mods at all lol.

      Edit: Might not actually be because of a mod. Did more digging and found that it might be because of how Starfield utilizes system resources. Never had this problem before but might have been the latest update that began causing issues.
    5. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      I'm no good with addresses, cheat engine, or the like, which that is pointing to addresses I believe, it looks like, I could be totally wrong, that a mod is not letting the game read it correctly for some reason, the exe can't read that address into ram and therefore crashes. Again, I'm no good with addresses and such, but that is what it LOOKS like to me.
    6. Punk101XII
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      oh well. My graphics card is melting itself anyways when trying to play this game. I might just need to wait for an upgrade and for the tools to get better as well. I have been meaning to look into the reasons why starfield modding is more difficult than before and keeping myself up to date with the tools that are available now, the things that are capable now, and what tools are coming for starfield along with what could be possible with better tools along with Bethesda hopefully fixing some of the issues they created by changing the Creation Engine and file structures.
    7. vTemporalZEROv
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      • 34 kudos
      Whole new systems introduced that are new versions of simple things we had before, they totally changed some basic stuff that didn't need to be changed, some stuff just works differently now, some functions and stuff just don't exist anymore and there are whole new ones, its definitely just a new frontier based on the foundation of what we already had, xedit is the only thing letting people mod at this time and it can't even decipher everything yet cause we don't know what some stuff is, does, or how it works yet. Bethesda just really fucked us up as a community is why it has been so rough for new mods to come out. Some s#*! doesn't even work like it used to lol
    8. Punk101XII
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      ngl thats depressing to hear for the time being. I am partially hopeful that when they release the new creation kit mod tools then it will be a lot easier to do cool s#*!, but im also expecting them to break stuff further. Only time is gonna tell ig
  9. EpicGamer87
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I am using this with the weapon balance pass mod you made and all the weapons I've found so far have pretty low damage numbers. Tried using only this mod and only the balance pass mod and haven't seen any difference.
    1. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      Did you read the description? This mod includes that mod and there is more changes in this mod so, you are 100% running into conflicts.
    2. EpicGamer87
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Ok and did you read the part where I said I tried using JUST this mod and JUST the weapon balance pass mod and didn't see a difference?
    3. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      Yes, they both modify the same things, I definitely cannot guarantee they don't conflict, is this mod up to date?
    4. EpicGamer87
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I'm not using the weapon balance pass mod anymore. I am only using this one but I still am not seeing weapons drop with very good damage numbers on them. Are there any known conflicts with this mod? I've manually installed like 99% of my mods. I have the plugins.txt file with this esm in it. Should it be at the top of the list or the bottom of the list? I am also using mods that increase the difficulty of the game beyond very hard mode and a mod that scales enemies up to my level (I am currently level 335). It would be nice to see weapons drop that I can actually use in the current difficulty I am playing on. I noticed that this mod allows me to crafts weapons with some pretty absurd damage numbers which is nice but it would also be nice to find random weapons with the damage already scaled up for the difficulty I am on instead of having to craft all of them.
    5. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      Scaling enemies will 100% reduce damage, scaling your damage also will scale the damage from this, not sure what you asked exactly, this mod will conflict with any more that edits weapons, this mod would need to be as low down as possible, but if that is the case then you have conflicts. I really recommend a mod manager, like a lot.
  10. vert18
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I'm getting super high powered weapons and weird low number ones.

    Also wondering, with Ultimate Weapon Overhaul, do you play with dynamic scaling or such mod? (to make enimes hard/have lots of hps)
    1. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      I have edited my settings to make all enemies do 1x damage as well as myself, regardless of difficulty, so if they are armored and high leveled, they will still die quick, but be far tankier than myself. I get gunned down all the time with my mod.

      With that I would have to assume a
      1. Mod conflict.
      2. You have all the perks buffing the gun with the quality scaling bug.
      3. Something I have yet to hear about.
      There is currently a bug that sometimes buffs weapon damage. Since bethesda is a really good game dev that never makes bad decisions and loves modders and making their lives easier, they made weapon and armor quality additive/combined. So if you have Quality Tier 3, you ALSO have Quality Tier 1 & 2. If you have Tier 4, you have Tier 1, 2, 3, AND 4, added together.... I do believe I have a fix though I just need to be careful how I implement it, trying to keep compatibility.
    2. vert18
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      That screen shot was from 1.0, with basically nothing else loaded and almost from start of a new character. Just to test, currently back to balance pass(love it), craftable legendary, balance pass patch, craftable armor quality with more tiers(wish this was like balance pass.... but), re-balanced weapon legendaries and core - updated master.

      Also tried 1.1 patch alone with the updated core(loaded high right and low left) not that I was testing with much(just SFSE/etc..).  Still had nothing near what balance pass gives... ultimate weapon overhaul still gave crazy numbers on a level 2-5 toon(new) no skills besides creation.  A bit lower than the screenshot one but not much.  Also the same low numbers on certain weapons.
    3. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      Hm so it's a problem only in the bundle mod? Not the singular mods even when patched?
    4. voal
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Having the same issue with 1.1 it looks like looted full auto weapons have 1 damage.
    5. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      Hmmmmmmmm ok, that is super weird.
    6. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      Fixed, apologies, folks. I am an idiot is all, I make mistakes, forgot to rip a few records from vTZv Weapon Balance Pass and include them in this mod, literally like a dozen records, and ta-da, breaks the game. I turned off every mod except this mod so I know it is working fine now. Thank you for the feedback. Enjoy.
    7. voal
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      You're a legend!

      (But now the Cutter has a short range again hahaha).
    8. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      f*#@, are you serious? You have any legendary effects on it or something? Every cutter?
    9. voal
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Nevermind, I'm an idiot, it was being overriden. You're good. This mod is amazing. Thank you! (Sorry for the delay in responding)
    10. vTemporalZEROv
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      Good to know, gg. This mod is being updated btw for compatibility and a new updated master core esm, I recommend downloading it while you are here.