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  1. wSkeever
    • premium
    • 4,260 kudos
    Q: Is this mod the cause of my problems with boarding, ships, or starfield in general?

    A: No. Please don't post about general unrelated starfield bugs here. Report them to Bethesda or the starfield community patch instead.
  2. wSkeever
    • premium
    • 4,260 kudos
    This comment section is no longer open:
    • Very few people download mods for Starfield as seen from Nexus download statics.
    • Among the few that remain, there is a disproportionate population of inexperienced yet belligerent users who refuse to read instructions. Especially when comparing to other communities on Nexusmods, such as Skyrim.
    • Furthermore, my save is broken due to a game-breaking engine bug.
    As such, I no longer have any motivation to mod or provide support for this game.

    As of 2024, this mod works fine and should work the exact same way into the future.
  3. Shadowstar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason when using this mod the undock button is always greyed out on the captured ship and my main ship, but then sometimes becomes available later after I've gone back and forth between my ship and the captured ship a few times, and when it doesn't I just have to fast-travel to continue.  Any ideas what might be causing it?
    1. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 4,260 kudos
      Definitely not this mod
  4. MetalMilitia17
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Doesn't seem to work for me. Only tried in space. Have all dependencies.
    1. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 4,260 kudos
      The only thing I can deduce from your post is non-specific user error
    2. MetalMilitia17
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i have latest Starfield, latest Vortex and latest dependencies, plus this mod not working. Where is the user error?
    3. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 4,260 kudos
      Works fine.

      Here is some basic logic: If the mod is broken, then it won't just be broken for you, but for everyone else as well. As you can read, things are working fine for most people, so unless most people are hallucinating and a only select few experience reality, the problem lies on your end.

      Now, since your writing is very sparse on details on exactly what you did, what works and what doesn't, I don't think anyone can truly help you with the specifics. Frankly, I am not inclined to provide tech support to every person wishing to mod Starfield. So I'd recommend you look up some basic modding guides on how to get started.

      You are getting confrontational and this thread no longer serves any purpose. Please do not start another one on the same subject.
  5. LogicSequence
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Forgive me for hijacking the comments for this, in advance.  I don't know any other way of contacting you.

    I know you've made a lot of mods fixing bugs in the game and i found one and was curious if you might feel like taking it on.  It's rather niche, but definitely a Bethesda oversight.  The short version is that most M-Class habs are broken in a way. The pass-through points that all you to connect normal habs through the large m-class habs aren't functioning properly on some of the "flipped" variants. 

    It's all outlined in more detail with images here:

    There is some advice on how to go about fixing the issue in the link above, i'm just not familiar enough with Bethesda modding to take it on.
  6. rgdelta
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Not sure if this is possible with the current modding tools I love this mod I cannot play my evil characters without it.  I would like to see a version that allows you to add Class B and C to your fleet after capturing even if you don't have the correct level of piloting perks.  I am not saying fly them but just allow you to plant your flag so to speak.

    As I said this might not be possible with the current tools or something that does not interest you.  That is fine just a slight suggestion.

    Endorsed anyway :-)
    1. ImRuined
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Yeah, I just came here looking for other people mentioning this issue after installing this mod... Definitely seems to be allowing the capture of Class B and C ships without the prerequisite skills as I just started a new character (wanted  to join the Crimson Fleet on fresh character just to see how it plays out) and was able to capture a Class B ship... This mod is the only reason I can see as to how this would be possible...
    2. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 4,260 kudos
      The game does not allow you to sit in class b ships without the skill
    3. ImRuined
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      The game doesn't, but something about this mod allows it when first "claiming" the ship as part of your fleet... However, once leaving the chair, it seems you cannot sit back down again...

      I guess it could be some weird once off occurrence, but yeah... I claimed a Crimson Fleet Specter, flew it back to a planet (as it had more cargo space than my own ship at the time), and now get an error "You Piloting skill is too low for this ship" when trying to set it as my home ship again...
    4. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 4,260 kudos
      This mod does not allow you to sit in chairs the game doesn't let you sit in.
    5. ImRuined
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Alright, I'll treat it as a once off for now, but this is the only mod I have which impacts the claiming of ships in any form, so unless it's some new bug introduced by Bethesda, the only other possible source is this mod...
    6. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 4,260 kudos
      It is much more likely for you to hit a bethesda bug than to a hit a bug caused by any mod.

      Take a look at how this mod even works. It only listens to and act upon an OnSit event. It does not do anything before sitting. Mechanically, what you're describing cannot be a bug caused by this mod.

      The number of data points you've collected is also insufficient to form any correlation.
  7. midnightzeratul3
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The frogs outside are trying to get me to buy WinRAR after I installed this mod. I've consulted the microchips in my water supply, but the government redacted any useful information. Help.
  8. dabigpit
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    First of all, I know, you hate unrelated bug discussions, and you're damn right about it. So please take this post as something you can investigate out of curosity, or maybe fix with another mod, since I still don't know if it is something introduced with the last offical patch or due to my plugin.txt content.

    I've made a post on reddit describing the issue in depth, but I didn't get much feedback, so I'm here to ask to a very good modder any ideas on the matter.

    While this mod is involved, I still don't think it is the culprit, but, In the worst case scenario, you may need to add an exception for that specific ship, because this mod treat that ship as any other, and the vanilla game don't, to the point it also delete it at the end of the quest, even if you specifically added it.
    Basically that's why I'm writing this post here.

    Either way I hope you can shed some light on the matter.

    Keep up the good work.
    1. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 4,260 kudos
      This mod is not related to your issue.

      Your assumption about this mod changing vanilla script is incorrect.

      No matter what you choose in the dialog, traveling with a ship makes it your home ship. So what this mod does is immaterial to what happened.

      Home ship disappearing is a widely reported vanilla bug. You can load earlier save or do a few ship switches to resolve this iirc.

      If you truly believe mods are the cause, feel free to do reproduce this at least 10 times with and without the mod to get a representative sample.
    2. dabigpit
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      I think you didn't read the reddit message. The ship I'm talking about is the comspike prototype ship in the crimson fleet quest line, that ship IS MEANT to be deleted at the end of the quest, so it can't be owned and this mod treat it as any other ship asking to add it to the fleet.

      While i've clearly stated I'm pretty sure your mod IS NOT responsible for the bug, I've told you all this mainly to let you know there's an exception in a single quest you may manage in your mod to avoid possible issues, AND, but it seems not likely, asking your help to solve a problem that may be introduced by the latest patch (I've had no problems in my previous run) maybe writing another mod able to solve that specific issue (unable to dock at "the key").

      Never mind anyway, I appreciate your work here and I'll avoid bothering you in the future.
    3. spanian77
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      That mod ( might be the one which"overwrote" default progress of the quest? Ofc maybe I am totally wrong though. I haven't read it's scripts.

      Did you get any message the moment you sat in it's cockpit? (from any mod)
    4. dabigpit
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      No weird messages. The odd thing anyway is when I've saved before sitting, deactivated all my ship mods, and then sit, fly, gravdrive and it didn't work anyway. That's why I was thinking about scripts keep running even with mods deactivated.
      Meanwhile I've gone another time NG+, and made that quest as early as possible. This time I've deactivated all the mods before reaching the facility and all gone well.
  9. hannahsolo27
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Thank you so much for this mod -- it completely gets rid of one of the most annoying parts of the game, very much appreciated!
  10. RickyTheOx
    • supporter
    • 146 kudos
    Love Ur mods and they just works   =)

    I been Dl,ing almost all Ur mods for ships and those functions should been in the game from start.

    Great work and Tnx for sharing    =D

  11. Havelock57
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    It's not bug as such (or at least I don't think it is) but I've noticed that, even though the original ship is reinstated as the home ship, the scanner and map point to the ship you've just taken over.

    In the example below my original ship is on the left of the image at 794m whilst the ship I've just captured is to the right of the screen at 781m. As you can see the current mission objective is pointing to the recently captured ship rather than the original.

    The same is true in the map view. Here the original ship is marked by the ship icon whilst the captured ship is at the objective marker.

    I'm not sure if you can 'fix' the issue - it's not that important if you can't as I can still Fast Travel to the original ship or landing zone.
    1. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 4,260 kudos
      I think that's out of scope
  12. chocolateking
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can we use this mod with game version
    1. dtrail
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
    2. Chronepsys
      • member
      • 53 kudos
      Hi there.

      It doesn't work anymore for me.
      I use Mo2 and i do not change my load order :'(

      Any advice ?
    3. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 4,260 kudos
      Mod works fine. If it doesn't work it's user error. Follow instructions and make sure all dlls and skse requirements are for the correct version of the game.

      Also ask about skse, address library, plugins.txt enabler questions ELSEWHERE. Those are different mods, so don't clog up THIS comment section with those questions.

      This mod is ESM with some scripts. These types of mods work for ALL VERSIONS of the game if there is no user installation error.