About this mod
Makes Earth habitable again by giving it back its atmosphere, added lots of flora and resources eg. Gold, Platinum, Plutonium, Neon, Xenon and more. Added fauna for land, sky and water, with creatures like Terromorphs, Seabats, Leafbug Grazers, Cassowary Scavengers, Herding Fluke Filterers, Hunting Angler Stalkers and much more.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
Makes Earth habitable again by giving it back its atmosphere. I've added lots of flora and resources like eg. Gold, Platinum, Plutonium, Neon, Xenon and more. Added fauna for land, sky and water, with creatures like Terromorphs, Seabats, Leafbug Grazers, Cassowary Scavengers, Herding Fluke Filterers, Hunting Angler Stalkers and much more.
Planet Biomes have been changed so Earth is now a Jungle, Green Forest or Pine Forest instead of a barren wasteland and added Oceans to the planet with sea life.
There will now be life on Earth, meaning you will see new outposts and life signs, so you will come across enemy outposts and mining facilities, also you will be able to fight and steal enemy ships that land on Earth.
Added a new climate to Earth with version 1.2, which includes, Sandstorms, Rain, Snow, Thunderstorms, Unique Weather Variants and much more. Read the changelog for more update news.
Big thanks to Aurreth for providing me with the planetdata and making this possible.
Any endorsements and feedback is appreciated.
IMPORTANT READ: Its usually best to travel to Earth from a different planet first, if you're already on Earth and load this mod it may bug out as the landscape and environment has changed. If you have any other ESM files that modify Earth, you might have to edit the load order so my mod is the priority, or delete the conflicting mods.
As a precaution, make backups of your saves incase of mod conflictions down the line, I wont be responsible for you breaking your saves.
Main Files
Now you can choose between a Tropical Forest, Green Forest and Pine Forest with Version 1.4, comparison images below
Side by Side Comparison
Optional Files
Added an optional download file that removes the terrormorph creatures, if they feel too overwhelming in-game.
I've added Portuguese, Spanish, French and Japanese Language optional files containing the Strings for Portuguese, Spanish, French and Japanese text, replace original English Strings if you use this. Thanks to AtomPixel for the Spanish Strings.
You do not need Plugins.txt anymore if you have updated to the newest Starfield update, so skip this step
Method 1: - Install Plugins.txt enabler and create a txt file in your C:\Users\*Your Name*\AppData\Local\Starfield folder. Add the text
# This file is used by Starfield to keep track of your downloaded content.
*Earth Restored.esm
and save the file as Plugins.txt.
- Copy Earth Restored.esm and Strings Folder to your SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Starfield\Data folder.
You do not need Plugins.txt anymore if you have updated to the newest Starfield update, so skip this step and just install with mod manager automatically.
Method 2: Download and use the latest Beta from the MO2 or Vortex. Make sure enable_plugin_management is set to true in the Starfield Support Plugin settings in MO2's settings.
Install the plugins.txt enabler mod and place Earth Restored.esm and Strings Folder in your SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Starfield\Data folder. Make sure the esm file is ticked in Mo2 before launching, you may have to restart Mo2 after you change the settings.
If you are still struggling to understand how to install the esm, read the Plugins.txt enabler mod description for more details on how to load plugin files.