About this mod
Prevents weird, broken companion conversations from triggering after completing the quest Foreknowledge
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A few people, myself included, have noticed that if you go through New Game Plus and finish the quest Foreknowledge to prevent any Constellation characters from dying then you'll get some... strange conversations afterwards when talking to the companions. They'll talk as if you saved one of them and another died, sometimes even the same person, as seen here on Reddit. I took a look through the game scripts to try to get to the bottom of it and found an interesting chain of events:
Foreknowledge (MQ404) will set the quest Unity (MQ206B) to the stage 100
Unity will then set High Price to Pay (MQ204) to stage 1000
High Price to Pay then does a check to see if Foreknowledge has reached the stage 100 or the quest Short SIghted (MQ201B) has reached stage 2000. If either are false, it assumes that a character has died and starts Missed Beyond Measure.
The problem starts after this, as it will then check which character you saved and tells the companions to strike up a conversation about it. I took a look through the game files using SF1View and I couldn't see any indication that the game was meant to have a special conversation to take Foreknowledge into account, so to me that says there shouldn't be a conversation at all.
The fix I have implemented is simple; the game is already checking to see if you've gone the Foreknowledge route, so all I've done is move the companion conversation and assignments for who you saved into that check. If you choose to not save anyone in NG+, the conversations about your actions in High Price to Pay will happen exactly as they should do in a normal game. If you take the artifacts, skipping Short Sighted and High Price to Pay, no weird conversations will trigger.
Made using Caprica using decompiled scripts from Champollion
Requires Archive Invalidation to use
To install place the unzipped Scripts folder into your Starfield\Data folder or use your favourite mod manager