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  1. Nofabe
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    could you make a version that shows mass/value instead of value/mass? or maybe have both options in one? usually I wanna see what items are worth the least per weight so i can throw them out to get more value per weight, but I have to scroll all the way down because the items that are worth more per weight are at the top
    1. tomlikesguitar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I'll do my best to get around to this soon!
    2. tomlikesguitar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I'm using StarUI Inventory for this, and that mod is pretty much superior to mine, but let me know if you still want this in my mod for some reason (otherwise I'll probably work on other mods... or just play the game lol).
  2. Codingale
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Would it be possible for you to add the ratio into item inspects so you can see the ratio of items on the ground?

    In particular the InfoCard, I downloaded JPEXS since I saw it mentioned that's how you did it, and that's the class I think it is, but I have zero clue how to use this software, or even how actionscript is layed out etc
    1. tomlikesguitar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I'll def give it a shot soon. I do want to spend a night or two actually playing the game lol but it doesn't sound that hard.
    2. hidekixx
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      this would be awesome
    3. DVendy
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yes we definitel need that
    4. tomlikesguitar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      If you (or anyone else) still wants this from my mod for some reason let me know, but ngl I'm using StarUI HUD for that lol.
  3. darksynth0
    • premium
    • 39 kudos
    would be great to have a patch for

    Undelayed Menus
    Compact Inventory UI Slim - Undelayed Menus Patch - 120 FPS
    1. tomlikesguitar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Stentorious implemented a version of this mod already in Compact Inventory UI, so presumably the patch for Undelayed Menus will let you have all three together
    2. darksynth0
      • premium
      • 39 kudos
    3. BigD99
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      @darksynth0 if you don't mind and if it's working, could you confirm the order you're letting undelayed menu, compact ui and the patch in? Thanks!
  4. gazoutg
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod make plant (Flora) unscanable
    1. intelanalyst78
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Nope...that's just for you. :) 
  5. NimboTV
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    Unfortunately this mod conflicts with Compact Inv UI
    1. tomlikesguitar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Stentorious reached out to me and implemented a version of this mod already in Compact Inventory UI, so you should be able to have both together with his mod.
    2. NimboTV
      • BANNED
      • 0 kudos
      Where? All I see is support for Undelayed Menus in his optional downloads..
    3. tomlikesguitar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Ohh it's not a patch, it's just straight up merged into his mod IIRC.

      I think its mentioned in the description.
  6. NimboTV
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    Can we have a mod that shows us how much ammo we have for the guns we carry??
    1. tomlikesguitar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      So, that's actually in there lol, but for some reason I struggled to find it too.

      If you look at the screenshot for this mod, it's the "Rounds" stat on the side panel.
    2. NimboTV
      • BANNED
      • 0 kudos
      Wow damn you bethesda lol thanks.
  7. Nimitz7K
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is this compatible with StarUI?
    1. soulshot96
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You can already sort by val/wt with starui. No need to use this with it. 
    2. SkylorBeck
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      You definitely cannot already do that. You can view the v/m but you can't sort by v/m
    3. warriotox
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I just came here to ask the same question. Installed the game and the StarUi mod today and can confirm clicking on V/M for example inside the Weapons inventory does actually trigger sorting!
    4. tomlikesguitar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I assume StarUI has it yeah, but either way there's definitely no way to use both mods.

      I totally plan on using Star UI pretty soon fwiw (I'll still try to support this mod for people who want a more vanilla experience tho).
  8. kbailie
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does this brilliant mod work for Starfield purhcased through XBOX Game Pass? I have followed all instructions but the filter option for VAL to WGT doesnt show up - thanks!
    1. kbailie
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I guess the answer is no - time to uninstall Vortex and give up on modding Starfield for GamePass. Best to just buy on Steam then  I guess. Congrats Microsoft.
    2. tomlikesguitar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Sorry for the late reply, still workin.

      I'm using it on the gamepass version FWIW.

      What directory are you putting the mod in? I have it placed in the game's root folder (NOT the "My Games" folder) and have no mods installed in teh MyGames folder.

      I'd also double check that you invalidated archives correctly.

      I know other users had luck specifying the data directory explicitly as well (instead of just leaving that blank) if you read some of my other comments.

      Good luck!
    3. SkylorBeck
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I'm on Gamepass. It works. 
  9. BonaldGump
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Total stack weight would be crazy if doable.
    1. tomlikesguitar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I will try to do this soon!
  10. Dragten
    • premium
    • 313 kudos
    Would you mind me asking, out of curiosity:
    The menus in Beth games since skyrim have been in SWF format, and I personally know it all the way back from Flash days.
    Is it the same SWF, or is it just the same file extension?
    What do you use to work with these files nowdays?
    1. tomlikesguitar
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      It is the same SWF, and I think most people suggest using actual Flash, but I used something called JPEXS.
    2. Dragten
      • premium
      • 313 kudos
      Thanks a lot for the info!