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About this mod

This mod buffs food and chems in the way they deserve.

Permissions and credits
Starfield has terrible food. You never want to use it, you never get enough from it, it's just not great. What if we made it a little better? I've gone through and adjusted the values for, I hope, all of the food and chem items in the game in a CCR Plugin. It comes in 4 variants which you can select during installation. These are .5x, 2x, 3x, and 5x variants for the duration of the effects. You'll also be able to adjust the multiple for how much food heals you. There are 4 options, .5x, 3x, 5x, and 10x.

Inspired by Better Food and Chems, CCR - Auto Easy Digipick, and Console Command Runner

It has a FOMOD installer compatible with Vortex and MO2 and can be installed manually.

The mod is based on a plugin for SFSE called Console Command Runner and thus requires both. I'd also heavily suggest Baka Achievement Enabler for SFSE as I won't guarantee using anything in the console won't break achievements.

Mod Manager Installation:  

Manual Installation:
  • Install Starfield Script Extender
  • Install Console Command Runner
  • Open CCR - Actually Functional Food and Chems (AFFC).zip' and open the folder corresponding to the option you'd like.
  • You'll find multiples with Each type of item in them. Select the type you'd like.
  • Extract the 'SFSE' folder from the option selected to the main game Data directory. DO NOT use the Documents folder!

Check out my other mod CCR - Waiting Reinvented