

  1. ViLeDeth
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Compatible with Neutral LUTS?
    The answer is YES!
    They do not conflict.
    The original configuration was based on the vanilla LUT settings. Even so, you should see an awesome result using both together.

    I also recommend the Color Banding Fix mod. To help remove as many color banding issues in the game (it is not 100% but it's a great change.)

    If you like this reshade, leave a comment and check out my other mods through my profile page.
    (The more interest you have in whatever I do, the more I find it appealing to work on putting out unreleased things for this game or other games. Old or new.)

    File updated:
     Changed sharpness config to one effect.
    Should be less intense but maintain a level of crisp to edges. If you want to simply have no sharpness at all, you can turn off the sharpness via reshade->home tab->turn off LumaSharpen.

    ViLe, what are your system specs?

    My System Specs:
    GTX 1080 ti
    2700x AMD Ryzen CPU
    32 gig DDR4 3200 ram
    NVME SDD 2 gig

    My Average FPS with it on: 50 - 60 (If in combat)
    My FPS is capped using nvidia Display Settings.
  2. ViLeDeth
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    I will no longer be supporting this game. It's not for me. I'll probably just go back to Skyrim or New Vegas. But Starfield is not an actual game to me. For the price you pay, everything is abysmal. The core issue lies with Bethesda and their lack of investment with new engine technology as well as the audacity to call their recent title a functioning game while they require you to upgrade to the latest hardware because they are not interested in optimization or innovative methods of creating a streamlined space faring game.

    I was deeply let down by the political current day non-sense in the game. Their lack of ambition to be more creative and less driven to make everything ugly and muddy in both visuals and in game play. 

    I compare this to something like Star Citizen which does not have the money BGS does, especially now with them being acquired by Microsoft.

    Anyways, I am happy alternatives to purchasing the game outright exist. Otherwise, one would have wasted money on this terrible product.

    If you enjoy the game and were happy to enjoy this needed modification to the look and feel of the game, thanks for your interest in it. I wish you the best of luck.

  3. ViLeDeth
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    You're literally playing trash.

  4. will4709
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any hard hits on fps? anything notable anyway?
    1. ViLeDeth
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      The degree to which you lose FPS is dependent on certain factors. I can say that if you cap your FPS at 60 via nvidia or amd display settings you should see at most 0 or 2 fps loss. Now if it is uncapped, this will vary but if you're running the game with over 60 fps anyways, you shouldn't see anything major. I myself end up with an average fps of 50 - 55.

  5. Wildust
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I think your gammas are too strong. Whites becomes rainbows, mostly noticeable on writings
    1. ViLeDeth
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Sounds like an end user HDR or display issue. This is a first that I've heard of for my Ultimate Vision packages for different games.

      Post screen shots with your display settings, driver settings and in-game related visual whites.

      Could be helpful.
  6. RealEmcee
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    How do I install this? I didn't see any instructions on your Description page except for the Reshade requirement. 
  7. rogueang3l
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Is this workable with Reshade 5.9.2? I notice you mention an older version in the description and Im worried I might have issues if I try and run this reshader.
    1. ViLeDeth
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Unless Reshade has had some tremendous differences between 5.7 to 5.9, I doubt it would be incompatible. Your best bet is to simply install it. The necessary shader fx files for this config are bundled with the config file.

      Worse case, I simply update my reshade version to the latest and make it work.
  8. kuhazahn
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    How well will this work with Neutral LUTs?
    1. ViLeDeth
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Neutral LUTs will not have compatibility issues and vice versa. The package was configured to work on the vanilla look.

      Worse case, I make a Neutral LUT version upon request. :)
    2. ViLeDeth
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      I just tested it with Neutral LUTs - works fantastically out of the box. You're good to go with it.
  9. buttflapper
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    The colors look amazing, but the sharpness is way too high, or maybe it's grainyness idk. Looks like a rock. Any way to reduce the sharpness? 
    1. ViLeDeth
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Yes there is. You'll want to toggle the reshade window and simply turn off any reshade effect config with the word "sharp/resharpen", etc.
    2. ViLeDeth
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      I'm going to upload an updated version of the package. There are two sharpening techniques being used. However, one of them will be removed entirely in the upload, "mode3 (finesharp.fx)"

      I suggest to turn that off to help reduce the rock look.