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About this mod

INI Tweak which increases the distance which you can see resource veins while scouting on planets. Now install with Console Command Runner!

Permissions and credits

What It Does

This tweak increases the view distance for resource veins in the scanner to the maximum. This means you can climb up high and survey the land for that blob you're after, instead of hoping to run into it.

Install Instructions

Install with Console Command Runner:
First, install Console Command Runner and SFSE if you haven't already, making sure to follow the instructions on their pages.

Then, all you need to do is either install the mod normally through Vortex,
or download and extract fullscran.zip into your game's base directory.

Legacy installation:

Bat Installation:

First, either install the mod via Vortex, or download the Zip and extract
blobseer.txt into your game's base directory, next to Starfield.exe

Then, add the following lines to your StarfieldCustom.ini in your My Games/Starfield folder:
(If StarfieldCustom.ini does not exist, create it.)
sStartingConsoleCommand=bat blobseer

INI installation:

If you prefer to have the tweak added directly to your StarfieldCustom.ini
instead of using bat files, simply add the following lines to your

Recommended Mods:

Scanner Reworked alters the HUD to remove the scanner circle.
Fullscran allows you to see highlights and resource veins across your entire screen, and not just within the circle.


The values I chose are arbitrary, untested, and probably gratuitous. Could
be that these changes break your game in terrible and unforseen ways. I
wouldn't know it, anyways. Good luck!


Reverse the steps you took to install the tweak; by deleting
the lines you added to StarfieldCustom.ini.
There ought'nt be any adverse effects upon your save.