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Xilandro Axeuora

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About this mod

Playing with mouse and keyboard? Dislike bad flight controls? This little SFSE plugin solves that problem by adding automatic controls alignment/centering.

Permissions and credits

Are you flying your ship with mouse and keyboard?
Does it feel horrible, non-responsive & sluggish?
Are you surprised there's no mouse autocentering?
This little SFSE plugin aims to fix exactly that!

Autoalignment. As you fly around without moving your mouse
  your ship's heading reticle will correct itself to center.
On key press support. Holding key delays realignment until
it is released. Tapping it realigns the ship instantly. 
Configurable in SFSE\Plugins\FlightControlsAutoalign.ini  
 ● WaitBeforeRealign: time after you stop moving your mouse
 ● RealignSpeed: rate at which your ship will autocenter   
 ● Offset: how close reticle has to be to the center of the
screen for realign to take effect                    
 ● RealignKey: key for realignment or delay. Default is B  

Alternative, experimental mouse controls (+optional file)

First and most important, please treat this mod as early beta & heavy WIP
         I've only started messing with SFSE and C++, so you could easily guess
that I'm as far from making good mods as humanly possible. Learning curve
is steep and knowledge how to make these things tick is obscure and scary.
So if the mod doesn't work, or produces weird behavior - well, that's just part
of me learning how to make it work properly and dodge all the weird. Just be
understanding and a bit patient if something goes terribly wrong.                    

        And word on ALT controls. In theory - it should feel like Elite Dangerous,
where your mouse directly affects ship's rotation: you move it - ship rotates, 
and when you stop moving it - ship stops rotating as well, except inertia ofc. 
Let's call it "testing the water" for the time being. You  tell me how it feels.     

       Source code. I mean, if I knew how to github - I would. Otherwise, if you
need it (even if just to make fun of me), then poke me in the comments.       

Starfield Script Extender (SFSE): version 0.1.3, without it this mod is useless

Install all required mods first, then this one. Otherwise the mod will not work.  
Install as usual, via mod manager or manually by copying files into data folder
Uninstallation: repeat the same with mod manager or manually, but in reverse.

Ianpatt, Dukethedropkicker, Powerofthree, and all the titans whose shoulders
I have the honor to stand on, even if I don't know their names yet. Glory to you!
Flip777, for wasting so much of his time, teaching me how to make this thing.
Gopher, early testing, suggestions, and feedback on the overall mod direction.
Bethesda, for the pains
Obsidian, for fabulous New Vegas
Armed Forces of Ukraine, for keeping me alive and safe

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