Received error in Vortex that No Galaxy Map Vignette (v1.5) conflicts with Undelayed Menu (v1.0.5). Your other mods; No Data Menu Flicker (v1.4) and Compact Inventory UI (v1.3) have the same conflicts also.
@Stentorious Since a few weeks I always get the message in Vortex that this mod seems to be redundant as it either contains no files or the files it contains were overwritten by another mod. However, even if the mod is set to load after Undelayed Menus and everything seems to work anyways, this message is almost annoying me now and that's why I would appreciate your help to get rid of it.
"Since a few weeks I always get the message in Vortex that this mod seems to be redundant as it either contains no files or the files it contains were overwritten by another mod. However, even if the mod is set to load after Undelayed Menus and everything seems to work anyways, this message is almost annoying me now and that's why I would appreciate your help to get rid of it."
This is actually a Vortex error and nothing the mod author can do about it sorry. It has been happening to me on almost all the games I have modded with vortex and yes it is very annoying however we can only hope nexus fixes the issue with vortex. So unfortunately until then just ignore the error and move on.
Nice, would like to see you or someone give a much better background for the galaxy map. Even in your ship above a planet as well. I know space is suppose to be bleak and black. But this is a game why not enjoy something more visually pleasing. Just my 2 coppers.
I might have an unrelated question but because you seem to know how to dig (and change) into the files of Starfield. Would you be capable (and willing) to make a mod that shows all the names of the systems on the star map?
Right now only some systems have their name displayed while most others needs to be hovered over.. Would be nice if you or someone else could make a mod that shows the names of all the systems without the need to hover over them..
I'd recommend 30 or 60, consequences of using 120 could be missed menu inputs, instability, and other weird issues. Unlikely that you'll have a problem though.
- Accurate Aiming *NEW*
- Clean Reflex Sight Lenses
- No Stagger Animation
- Longer Slide Distance
- Ship Power Control Tweaks *NEW*
- Inventory
- Crew Menu
- Crafting Menu
- Mission Menu
- Ship Builder Menu
- Outpost Builder Menu
- Show Ship Parts Count *NEW*
- Show XP on Loading Screens *NEW*
- Faster Favorites Menu
- Clean Vanilla Hit Marker
- No Data Menu Flicker
- No Galaxy Map Vignette
- No Pause Menu Vignette
- No Digipick Menu Background
Since a few weeks I always get the message in Vortex that this mod seems to be redundant as it either contains no files or the files it contains were overwritten by another mod. However, even if the mod is set to load after Undelayed Menus and everything seems to work anyways, this message is almost annoying me now and that's why I would appreciate your help to get rid of it.
This is actually a Vortex error and nothing the mod author can do about it sorry. It has been happening to me on almost all the games I have modded with vortex and yes it is very annoying however we can only hope nexus fixes the issue with vortex. So unfortunately until then just ignore the error and move on.
Right now only some systems have their name displayed while most others needs to be hovered over.. Would be nice if you or someone else could make a mod that shows the names of all the systems without the need to hover over them..
Is there a main menu vignette remover in the mix?