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About this mod

Adds recreated Khajits, Argonians and Orcs to the crowd system. Gives all crowds Robes optionally

Permissions and credits
The people of Oblivion are here! After the discovery of the Elder Star System people and cultures from all over started visting! 


1.0 Initial Release

Issues: khajit sees no evil and hears no evil, I will fix the eyes and ears in an upcoming update 

Bethesda started it with the adoring fan after all, we are just here to finish it. Tamriel's vibrant and variant landscapes have been our home for years, a realm where our passion could roam as free as the howling winds that approach the gates of oblivion and beyond. ⁤⁤But as we looked up at the stars above, we saw the potential for magic far greater than what Skyrim's engine could offer. ⁤⁤Starfield's cutting-edge and vast cosmic canvas present us with the chance to reimagine Cyrodil like never before. I'm grateful for your support and look forward to continuing on this journey with you, to the center of the universe and where all creation leads. The Starblivion Team