As you see Exo is not a conventional race, therefore it requires some specific instructions to customize an Exo character.

Eyebrow = face
Hair = head accessory
Jewelry = face decals

Eye/teeth color customizable
More inside on face decals

Note about CharGenMenu mod
Since Exo Playable Race V2, CharGenMenu is not required for this mod. However, I kept the CharGenMenu presets in the release so you can still load them if you have it installed.

Create your character: First Step

Starting on an existing human character

  • Strip all apparels off your character (you must be naked to actually see changes in skin tone in chargen, and apparels with masks will cover your face...)
  • When loading the save, you will be given an aid item "Exo Race Setup Package". Use this item to open a menu. You can craft this item at industrial workbenches for 5000 credits.
  • In the new menu, select "Reset Appearance" and confirm to remove human head parts and receive a default Exo appearance.
  • In the new menu, select "Customize Appearance" to bring up chargen menu.
  • If you want to change background and traits, select "Rebuild Completely (!)". Warning: changing background mid game is not officially supported in game, you are advised to only do this immediately before Unity hopping to avoid breaking current saves.

Starting on a new game character
You don't have to do anything special, just play the game until you are greeted with chargen menu.

Create your character: Customization

Body tab
You can change the Thin/Muscular/Heavy slider, although it may not work when transiting from human to Exo on an existing save; it will work the next time you use Enhance clinic.
You can switch between 2 body types since V2 of this mod.
You can switch between 2 walking stances as usual.
You can choose between 8 skin tones, these only affects body and glove texture, anything above neck uses their own options in the next tab.

Face tab
There are 5 customizable parts: face, face decal, head accessory, eye color and teeth (speech light) color.
Face: change using "Eyebrow" and "Eyebrow Color" slider. There are 7 faces for male and 7 for female Exo frames, and 27 colors for each faces.
Face decal: use "Jewelry" and "Jewelry Color" slider (27 colors). Since V2 of this mod, you can customize face decals for both male and female Exos.
There are 8 decals (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) for each male face and 8 (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,i) for each female face:

-option 1 = no decal
for the next 63 options, in every 9 options:
-the first option is a full-face no-texture mask that matches one of the 7 faces perfectly (it's just a helper option, not a playable decal)
-the next 8 options are decals for that face
For example, if you are looking for a decal for face 2, the helper option is 9th, and the next 8 options are for this face.
Yes I know this is complicated, but this is the only way to "draw" a decal over something that is not a "face" (exo faces are technically eyebrows remember)
Head accessory: change using "Hair" and "Hair Color". Choose between 20 accessories in 27 colors.
Eye color: 9 colors. The last 9 options are for Exo; the first several options are for human eyes and I have to keep them there or every NPCs in game will be broken.
Teeth (speech light) color: 9 colors. The last 9 options are for Exo; the first several options are for human, choosing them makes the speech light black which can be useful when roleplaying a mute Exo.

Recreating your guardian from Destiny (2)
*If your guardian is created after Beyond Light/Season of the Hunt (#12), "Muscular" translates to Male (body type 1) and "Feminine" translates to Female (body type 2) in Starfield.

If you still have character creation references for your Exo guardian, you may find these handy:
-Face 1-7 for male and female are in the same order as in D2 character creation
-Face/head accessory color 1-27 are in the same order as in D2, but these colors are solid instead of patterned: #12, #20-#27
-Eye/mouth color 1-9 are in the same order as in D2
-Head accessories are not in the same order as in D2, since I made male/female exclusive accessories available to both, and there are 20 in total.
-Face decal color 1-27 are in thesame order as in D2, but face decals 1-8 are not. Use the reference picture or scroll through all options to find the right one.
-Male face decal 8 (triple stripe) may not be accurate on face 1-6 since I cannot find enough reference pictures. on face 7 it's accurate because that's what my guardian has lol

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