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Author notes
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File credits
This Lattice Fence mod is originally made by Ali (strawberrymilk95). I am grateful for the permission grant. Future updates will be improvements of the original mod.
Donation Points system
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Version 2.0.0
The update key for the manifest has been updated. This mod replaces your wood and hardwood fences.
Version 1.0.0
Adds replacement for both regular wood and hardwood fences.
This mod is inspired by Ali a.k.a strawberrymilk95. I got her permission to convert this mod into Content Patcher and use the assets to further improve this mod.
For those who would want to volunteer with the designs, please dm me so we can discuss it via discord! :)
This mod allows you to replace your regular wood fence, hardwood fence, and the default gate. Please see the config for more information
1. Once you have downloaded the mod, unzip the file 2. Put the folder (the unzipped folder) in the StardewValley/Mods (inside your Mods folder) 3. Run SMAPI to generate config file. If you dont want to change anything in the config file, you dont have to exit SMAPI and re-open it again. 4. Enjoy!
{ "Replace_Default_Gate": "true" --> This replaces the original look of the gate. "Replace_Hardwood_Fence": "true" --> Option whether you also want to apply or replace the hardwood fence. If yes, only the regular wood fence will take in effect. }
Ali's mods inspired me to make this. Her works are very stunning and inspiring. I plan to improve it more when I have enough time for leisure. Credits and my personal gratitude to: Alia.k.astrawberrymilk95