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About this mod

Animates lots of mining related objects and items, all configureable!

Permissions and credits
Animated Mining Pack

Adds animation for nodes, gems, ores, bars, geodes & other mining related objects.

1.1.0 Added minerals and meteorite.
1.2.0 Added animations to the stuff from the 1.5 update.

Make sure to have the latest versions of the required mods:
Content Patcher
- and SpaceCore
Drop the mod into your Stardew Valley mods folder, load up the game. Enjoy :)

There is a config.json in the mod folder where you can disable/enable each animation. Simply change "true" to "false", if you want to disable or reverse if you want to enable an animation.
You can also change the speed of the animation in the content.json file, change the "AnimationFrameTime": x, to however long you want the animation to be.

Some items have different versions, for example: "PrismaticShard", "PrismaticShard2" and ""PrismaticShard3D". You can only have one of these enabled in the config.json at one time

I highly recommend checking out undare's Animated Gemstones mod, you can use both mods as long as you only have one animation enabled for each item in the config file.