Stardew Valley


  1. Pathoschild
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    When asking for help or reporting a bug:

    • Check if the mod page already answers your question! (See how to use and common questions.)
    • Upload your SMAPI log and add a link to your message, even if you don't see an error. It has useful info like your installed mods and versions, what happened in the game, etc.

    Known issues:

    • The UI overlaps the chest for big chests. Everything should still work otherwise though. It's on my list to look into when the dust settles on the Stardew Valley 1.6 update.

  2. hankyul5197
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    큰 상자로 업그레이드 후 자동 정리 안됨

    문구는 "당신의 상자 중 하나가 가득 차 있습니다"라는

    큰 문구 상자의 문제 또는 모드의 문제를 알고 있다는 문구입니다.
    1. Pathoschild
      • premium
      • 2,920 kudos
      Hi! I assume you mean the message from the Automate mod. Does that still happen if you temporarily remove all mods except Automate?

      If so, you can do this to provide more info?

      • Load your save.
      • Cause the 'chests are full' message again.
      • Upgrade the chest size.
      • Run automate summary in the SMAPI console window.
      • Upload your SMAPI log (see instructions on that page) and post a link here.
  3. j3nesis
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    Brill mod! Is there a way to exclude Aquariums (aquaria?) from the list? Once the Community Centre Fish bundle is complete, the Aquarium fills itself and becomes a "chest" in the list. Annoyingly, even selecting 'hide this chest' does not stick, for some reason.
    1. Pathoschild
      • premium
      • 2,920 kudos
      Fixed in the upcoming Chests Anywhere 1.23.5. Thanks for reporting it!
  4. boathouserow
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    I got this message when trying to run the mod: [SMAPI]    Skipped mods[SMAPI]    --------------------------------------------------[SMAPI]       These mods could not be added to your game.[SMAPI]       - Carry Chest 1.3.6 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a newer version at or

    1. Pathoschild
      • premium
      • 2,920 kudos
      Hi! I suggest asking on the Carry Chest page instead.
  5. forrestermarc
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    I'm not 100% sure but I think it's possible to lose items in multiplayer if someone presses sort just as something is being added to a chest?  If this is a bug in the underlying game code I can see why it wouldn't be found or fixed because in vanilla there's no way for both players to access the same storage.
    1. Pathoschild
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      • 2,920 kudos
      Yep, the game solves that by only letting one player open each chest at a time. It's a bit trickier to do in Chests Anywhere, but I could make the mod apply the same rules if that isn't a very rare issue.
    2. forrestermarc
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      It might be a good idea to have that as an option, its rarity is likely dependent on whether I personally am hosting with my obsessive habit of pressing sort every time I move one dandelion.  While we only noticed it one time the thing it ate was our first full stack of desert festival calico eggs XD

      Really glad SMAPI can spawn items but I don't want to get into that habit!
    3. Pathoschild
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      • 2,920 kudos
      I added that to my to-do list for future versions. Thanks for reporting it!
  6. campb2mr
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    Edited to add: Please note! This is by no means a complaint, I'm just looking for a work-around.

    Love this mod so much - inventory management makes or breaks my enjoyment of a game, so thank you for putting this together. 
    I tend to change organizing schemes randomly and often (silly brain), so I wonder - is there a way to mass-update chest names/locations outside of the game?

    I've tried to do this in the mod, and I am able, but the time sink is real. Here are some slowdowns I'm experiencing:

    • Cannot move cursor position in text box
    • Cannot copy/paste
    • Typing too fast causes cursor to disappear or move to a different text box
    • Renaming "areas" for chests means I have to click back to the original area, if there are multiple chests to reconfigure.

    Thanks again for all your hard work!
    1. Pathoschild
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      • 2,920 kudos
      Hi! Chests Anywhere uses the game's built-in textbox, so unfortunately it inherits the limitations from the game's UI.

      There's no built-in way to bulk-edit chests, but you can open your save file in a text editor to change chests directly. You can search Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere/Name in the file to find the names, and optionally add/edit a Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere/Category field in the same place to change the category.
    2. campb2mr
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      I'll give this a shot. Thanks so much for your help!
  7. ThiagoTH
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    I'm playing in local COOP mode and my partner can't open the chest if I'm in the same place as her. For example: If I'm at the farm, she won't be able to open the farm chest, unless I'm in the city or inside a building, and vice versa. I checked in cmd and got this error:
    [Chests Anywhere] Multiplayer limitations: you can only access chests in synced locations since you're not the main player. This is due to limitations in the game's sync logic.

    What we find strange is that we've been using this mod for a while and it never had this problem, we are on our second save and then this happened.
    1. Pathoschild
      • premium
      • 2,920 kudos

      • What specifically is she unable to do? For example, does it not appear in the chest dropdown? Does nothing happen when she tries to open the chest directly?
      • Does the issue still happen if you both remove all mods except Chests Anywhere?

      Note that farmhands (i.e. anyone except the host) can only access chests that are at the farm, in farm buildings, or in their current location. So if the farmhand is at the farm, they won't be able to access chests in town.
    2. ThiagoTH
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      Good morning! We just discovered that our problem wasn't with your mod and we're sorry for the confusion.To make sure your questions are answered:

      • Not only she, but I also couldn't access chests (directly on the floor) if she was in the same room (it made the animation sound but didn't open), we had to wait for the other person to enter or leave somewhere or cross a passage to be able to access it.

      • We did the opposite and just removed your mod and tested if the problem continued, and it did. We got confused because of the warning that appeared in cmd, we apologize for any inconvenience!
  8. midsneeze
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    I have had a problem recently where I can't see the locations of the chests. If I am on my farm I can only flip between chests in my farm. If i go to the mines and open the chest there, then i can access chests in the mine and the farm but no other location. What do I do to fix this?
    1. Pathoschild
      • premium
      • 2,920 kudos
      It sounds like you might have changed the options. If you have Generic Mod Config Menu installed, make sure the Range option is set to all chests and the Disable in locations options are empty:
    2. midsneeze
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      I checked and all options are as shown below. If i uninstall and install the mod it works fine for one run but then doesnt the next time. This is only happening in COOP mode
    3. Pathoschild
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      • 2,920 kudos
      Are you a farmhand (i.e. not the host player)? That's normal if so; see the mod description:
      Does the mod work in multiplayer?
      Chests Anywhere works fine in multiplayer. The only limitation is that farmhands can only see chests in synced locations (mainly the farm, farm buildings, and their current location), due to limitations in the game's multiplayer.
  9. oridenium
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    I can't get this work. 
     -  Can't see the chest menu pressing B everywhere include my own farm
     - I can see the Chest Name listed (and the box to update the name) if I open the chest directly.
     - Only one Mod using.

    Not sure I do this right. Could you please help?
    1. Pathoschild
      • premium
      • 2,920 kudos
      Hi! Can you install Generic Mod Config Menu, then post a screenshot of the Chests Anywhere settings in its UI?
    2. oridenium
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      • 0 kudos
      Here is the image link.
      Thank you in advance

        "ShowHoverTooltips": true,
        "EnableShippingBin": true,
        "AddOrganizePlayerInventoryButton": true,
        "Range": "Unlimited",
        "Controls": {
          "Toggle": "B",
          "PrevChest": "Left, LeftShoulder",
          "NextChest": "Right, RightShoulder",
          "PrevCategory": "Up, LeftTrigger",
          "NextCategory": "Down, RightTrigger",
          "EditChest": "None",
          "SortItems": "None",
          "HoldToMouseWheelScrollChests": "LeftControl",
          "HoldToMouseWheelScrollCategories": "LeftAlt"
        "DisabledInLocations": []

          "Name": "Chests Anywhere",
          "Author": "Pathoschild",
          "Version": "1.23.3",
          "MinimumApiVersion": "4.0.0",
          "Description": "Access your chests from anywhere and organize them your way.",
          "UniqueID": "Pathoschild.ChestsAnywhere",
          "EntryDll": "ChestsAnywhere.dll",
          "UpdateKeys": [ "Nexus:518" ]
    3. Pathoschild
      • premium
      • 2,920 kudos
      That looks fine. When you press B, do you hear a sound like a menu opening and closing? If you open the game's options menu, do you have B bound to any game controls (especially "Access Menu")?
    4. oridenium
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      I got this now. My problem is confusing "Xbox-controller's B" with "Keyboard's B" -.- 

      ...I have everything set as default. I use the Xbox controller. I know this by trying to edit json file from B to E -.-

      Thank you very much for your help... also sorry for my misunderstanding. Y_Y
    5. Pathoschild
      • premium
      • 2,920 kudos
      Glad you got it working! Feel free to ask if you have any other issues with the mod.
  10. cbailey4111
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    When I am in the Chests Anywhere UI, my cursor snaps back to the first item of the chest every time I switch chests.  I use a controller, and I found that turning off the base game setting of Use Controller-Style Menus makes this behavior stop, but obviously then I am forced to use a mouse to navigate the chest UI, which is painfully slow for me.

    This began with the new update, is this a new feature? I went through every setting and couldn't find a way to change it through the mod.
    1. Pathoschild
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      • 2,920 kudos
      Hi! Chests Anywhere 1.23.4 just changes translation files, so that might be a coincidence. Does it still happen if you temporarily reinstall 1.23.3 (from 'old files' on the files tab)? Did you update any other mods at the same time?
  11. Alicia16
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    The autograbbers seem to be a little broken, when I open one up or scroll through the chest locations to my barn or coop it locks into the autograbber chest and won't let me scroll to any other chests. I hope that makes sense. I linked a screenshot of the autograbber menu below.

    Autograbber Menu
    1. Alicia16
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      I've been running into another issue. I can drop items into the shipping bin like in the vanilla game but when I try to access it via the hotkey or physically opening it the menu will be greyed out and I can't add items in from my inventory.

      Here's my smapi log in case that helps with either of these issues
    2. Pathoschild
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      Do those issues still happen if you temporarily remove Better Chests? If not, I suggest reporting them on that mod's page so the author can look into it.
    3. oridenium
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      I have the same issue with Alisia16's 2nd problem here (Can't access chest via hotkey) I also try it without any other mod but the result still be the same
    4. Pathoschild
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      @oridenium Hi! I replied under your other comment to keep discussion in one place.